View Full Version : Opps, another political thread :o

01-07-2005, 05:55 PM
I was just watching this on the news and looked it up. Basically, they were saying how this commentater, Armstrong Williams, was paid off by the Bush administration to talk highly of his No Child Left Behind and a few other issues. The Bush administration denied it and said it was solely an act of the education department. I just wonder how often things like this happen that we never hear about :rolleyes:

(Williams did say he agreed with Bush, but ruined his credibility by accepting the payment. However, he says he will not return the money)


01-07-2005, 06:39 PM
Shame too.. because the school districts could use the money in order to comply with the no child left behind act. Hubby's school district is the first in the US to sue the government over this program. They'd happily comply with all the mandates if they had the money to do so. Its not fair to put al these demands on a district if the distirct does not have hte money to hire the teachers, buy the books, maintain the schools, etc. Well thats my short blurb on that subject! :D

As for the press being paid off? I'm sure it happens more than we'd like to think it does. If its not paid off by the president or his people, they are being paid off by people who have a special interest in whatever the subject may be.

The press claims to be unbiased and to just deliver the news. But we all know it may not be neccesarily what you say but how you say it.

01-07-2005, 09:05 PM
I heard this today. I didn't get all the details, though. That's a shame.

01-08-2005, 11:18 AM
It's so disappointing, all stories like this do is ruin the credibility of the press at large. Sigh. Y'just can't trust those human beings!

01-09-2005, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Karen
Y'just can't trust those human beings!
Isn't that the truth!