View Full Version : Excellent cleaner!

01-06-2005, 06:52 PM
I found a miracle cleaner:eek: I swear, I've always laughed at the Oxi-Clean commercials where they just pour this stuff on a stain and it instantly dissapears. I thought that it was ridiculous and impossible. However, Boomer has been tossing his cookies more than usual lately in Tyler's room so I was at wit's end and bought some Woolite Oxy-Deep. I sprayed it on the cat puke stain, walked away for about 5 minutes, and when I came back I couldn't see where I had sprayed the stuff:eek: :eek: The ugly orange stain was completely gone.. I had to feel around for the wet spot so that I could dab it up like the directions said. I thought that maybe that stain was a fluke so I thne sprayed it on an unidentified stain that had been there since we moved in and resisted many applications of resolve and other cleaners. I can still see a faint shadow of that stain, but it is getting lighter with each application of the Woolite stuff. The third layer is soaking in now and I swear that stain is almost completely gone.
Just thought that I'd share my good fortune! It's incredible:D I sound like a commercial:rolleyes: There is still another cat puke stain that I haven't tackled yet, maybe I'll do before and after shots:D :D

01-06-2005, 11:16 PM
WOW! :eek: I'll have to get some of that stuff! Mishi has been "missing" the litter box lately :rolleyes: Boyz!

01-07-2005, 06:46 AM
I'll have to keep that in mind!

Josie still scoots her butt across the carpet & it leaves a nasty stain.

I had found that Bissel Tough Spot did a pretty good job, but it almost bleaches out the carpet to a lighter color!

I'll have to try the oxi!

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-07-2005, 06:59 AM
OOOooo... I love oxy-clean .... If you put a small scoop in your load of white laundry... it really keeps them looking bright and white... and is good at tackling stains.

I love Shout too... I haven't met a stain yet that it didn't get out.. (on clothes)

and....... I love Mr. Clean magick erasers... they are magick... they work wonders in the shower and dirty shoes...;) :D ;) :D

01-07-2005, 08:27 AM
ASt The Found Cat Hotel,we use Lysol disposable cloths,for the time,that the Meezers,gulp down thier dinner,and then lose it,and it works,like a charm.

01-07-2005, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the great tip ... now when did we name TYLER???? I missed the ultrasound results thread!!! Waaaaaaaaaaah!!!


01-07-2005, 10:55 AM
Well that's good to know. I guess I'll break down and buy some. I've resisted because of their annoying commercials (silly me). They seem to think if they shout at you real loud, you'll by their product. :rolleyes: Thanks Boomer, for testing it out for us.

01-07-2005, 11:05 AM
Thank you - I'll have to try it if mine doesn't work... I find not all solutions are good for all needs so I love to know anything that works!! I'll add mine to this list because it is cheap and easy... CLUB SODA.... I buy the off brand and it works great on red wine as well as so far all my other needs... It bubbles up and just wipe with a cloth and keep applying a couple of times till it is gone.. I got the idea from a friend who always split red wine and that is a very hard stain to get up... Debbie

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-07-2005, 11:28 AM
It is "SHOUT" here too: takes care of every stain!!

01-07-2005, 03:04 PM
Thanks Missy
With three long haired furbabies I have lots of stains that I've work on with no luck. Will have to try this. How's Tyler doing. :D :D :D :D :D
Love ya