View Full Version : Snow dogs.

01-06-2005, 04:27 PM
Today we got a bunch of snow. So we went out and started shoveling off the deck. when ever we do this Gracie stands on the ground right at the edge of the deck, she wants us to throw snow on her. She loves it, she jumps up to catch the snow and runs off then runs right back to do it again. We were just outside for about an hour doing this for her, then when we ran out of snow to shovel we would throw snowballs at her. Lol. If we weren't fast enough she would run over and bite our hands or wrists. How do we stop her from doing this? We have tried everything. Next time we go out side I will make sure to bring my camera with me to get a few pictures. It's so cute to watch her doing it. She jumps up to the point that she is going to do a back flip but then she still lands correctly.


01-06-2005, 11:17 PM
what fun! I don't know how to stop her, though. One of Star's favorite things used to be to chase down my sons and their friends and pull their mittens & hats off!

01-07-2005, 06:02 AM
Thats so funny! I hope you can catch a few pics of this...lol My RB Chloe use to do that too. She would have a blast.

Thanks for sharing such a great story with us.

Robin :)