View Full Version : we figerd out how to cut Blairs nails!

01-05-2005, 12:16 AM
:D my mom thought she would try something differnt since Blair seems to have this irrational fear of having his nails cut, yet sits perfectly still like a good boy to have his hair cut. and it seems to be the sight of the clippers that scares him, so my mom bought the style that most people use lol we use guillitine style(a hole with a blade the come through it) well my mom managed to clip several of Blairs nails including his dew claws last night, without help! how? she had normal sissors near by and the sissor style clippers near by, she started by cutting the hair around his paws and would randomly switch to the clippers, cut some nails, then back the the hair cutting.. she said Blair just kind of looked like "did something just happen? oh, guess not" lol thank gawd he is not very smart lol I personally still prefere the guillitine style just because I find it easier to use, but my girls also sit in front of me and place their paw in my hand for nail clipping, and hair trimming lol we also think Blair may not be able to see very well and because a CERF clinic is comming to town in feb, we will probaly get his eyes CERF'd at the same time we do Mistys eye's. we are just curious because of his lack of intelligence, particularly when he went running directly into cars when he got out yesterday(thank god they stopped!) I mean even the dumbest dogs I know will avoid cars not run right into them :confused:

01-05-2005, 06:09 AM
that is very clever of your mom :)

01-05-2005, 07:18 AM
Yes... very clever of your mom!!!
That's a great idea!!

01-05-2005, 07:59 AM
That is a great idea :D. Glad to hear the little man made it home unscathed though, Nawtee Boy ;).

01-05-2005, 05:02 PM
Very smart idea! Glad it worked!