View Full Version : where were you???

01-04-2005, 07:20 PM
I love bad weather....

I love thunder and lightning. On the way home I saw lightning, heard thunder, rain and ICE IN THE SAN FERNANDO VALLEY..

I drove slow.

(Does hail count as snow????)

I stopped at the bank at was trying to figure out what was on the ground....HAIL!!!!!!

I played in the 'snow'.

And splashed the sidewalks in my truck.

I was totally jazzed-until I walked into the house......

I was greeted by Edward D Katz, not looking very happy.....No headbumps, no leg rubs, not even a sideways glance.

Went to change and looked over my shoulder......

Ed's sitting, staring.

Went to the front door....

Ed's sitting, staring.

Go over to pop on the TV..

Ed's sitting, staring.

Go to sit down...

Ed's sitting, (he jumps into in my chair just as I move towards it).......staring....

I go to sit on the metal folding chair and....

Ed's sitting, staring.


I finally figured it out.....

The thunder storm crossed right over my house..the "dirty dog"
looks I was getting became crystal clear.

I finally figured out his problem.....It's because dad wasn't home to save the Edster from the noisy sky....

After 50 minutes of watching him do the DROOPY SLEEPY KITTY HEAD and flinching over every noise in the house, I packed him up to the comfort, warmth and safety of my mom's fireplace.....

As I walked out of her house I glanced over my shoulder and spied a contented cat snuggling up next to the fire...

I thought I had earned a pass for a few days.....

Until I stepped onto the wet tile next to his bowl this morning....in my nice warm socks.


Moral of the story???

Don't waste time on the freeway ohhing and ahhing at the thunder, stopping to play in the 'snow' and splashing the sidewalks. GO STRAIGHT HOME, pick up and love on your cat after a huge thunderstorm, Your feet will thank you for it.


01-04-2005, 07:23 PM
You have learned a very important lesson today ***shakes finger*** now don't you forget it!!!

Laura's Babies
01-04-2005, 07:26 PM
Being the only male in my house, Chester is terified of thunder storms. He is as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs when it storms.. So far, he hasn't discovers the water trick... Let's hope he never does!

01-04-2005, 08:25 PM
Poor dear Eddie. Boy you're daddy has a lot of nerve ejoying the thunder storm, playing in the snow and splashing on the sidewalk all the while you are at home scared out of your wits.

I would totally ignore him for a few days and stay at grandma's, safe by the fire.