View Full Version : EEK! Man the pumps!

01-04-2005, 04:40 PM
We are water logged!
We are also under a flash flood warning!
It's been raining all day and we got an additional 2 inches in the last two hours. That means the basement has water in it - again.
(it does that even when it barely rains)

To make life more interesting, we are also under a winter weather alert. Seems all this is to freeze tonight.
Any one care for some ice skating?

Kansas City is expected to get over an inch of ice. Not good news at all. Marjor ice storm.

Well, all we can do is get through it. I have plenty of batteries and food for both me and the cats. Luckily, my heat and cook stove are both gas.

Please keep all paws and fingers crossed for all of us in east and Southeastern Kansas tonight.

01-04-2005, 04:42 PM
:eek: STAY DRY!!!!

01-04-2005, 04:42 PM
Oh good grief! :eek: We have had our basement flood since this past summer whenever it rains... we are badly waterlogged here too. I can't imagine flooding and then freezing.

Hopefully we won't be needing to worry about a drought situation any time soon! :D

01-04-2005, 04:44 PM
Oh dear, stay warm and DRY~!!!!!;)

01-04-2005, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Oh dear, stay warm and DRY~!!!!!;)

Thanks! I'll do my best.
I think just saw a man named Noah, float by in an ark though!:D

01-04-2005, 06:25 PM
:eek: Thinkin' of ya - let us know if you need ANYTHING!

01-04-2005, 06:28 PM
Oh wow!! You'll be in my thoughts. :)

Stay warm and dry.

01-04-2005, 06:35 PM
:eek: please stay safe and dry!

01-04-2005, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Thanks! I'll do my best.
I think just saw a man named Noah, float by in an ark though!:D
YIKES!! Did it happen to have two cats of every color on board? :eek: No joking matter, flooding is the pits. :( Hope your basement has appliances raised higher than any possible water level that may come your way. Stay dry, and be careful! ;)

01-05-2005, 11:46 AM
Uppie date:
We made it through the night ok but it is freezing rain now. The cars are all icing up. Oh, what fun! I sprayed deicer on the inside and outside of the car doors. I hope that will help the next time I need to open them.

I'll be staying inside with tons of hot chocolate and maybe a chocolate chip cookie or two.

Still cross those paws and fingers, please. Our worse weather is coming.

01-05-2005, 12:04 PM
If the de-icer doesn't work on the car doors, rubbing alcohol will also do the trick in a pinch...

I have been watching the weather come across and the country and I don't envy you one bit. Please stay warm and dry.

01-05-2005, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Thanks! I'll do my best.
I think just saw a man named Noah, float by in an ark though!:D Connie, I think Noah built it in Pittsburgh and it floated by you in Kansas!! LOL It's STILL pouring down rain here! The problem here is that we have three major rivers that can flood really easy. I don't think that we will have your ice problem, but hang in there Connie! Keep warm. {{{{HUGS}}}}

01-06-2005, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by david p
Connie, I think Noah built it in Pittsburgh and it floated by you in Kansas!! LOL It's STILL pouring down rain here! The problem here is that we have three major rivers that can flood really easy. I don't think that we will have your ice problem, but hang in there Connie! Keep warm. {{{{HUGS}}}} Thanks for the hugs, David. I really needed them.

We were blessed and kept our power on but thousands of people in Kansas have lost theirs. It may be WEEKS before they get it back on. Our county has been officially declared a disaster area!

We had it all: rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow and back to freezing rain. Today we have sun! That is very good. It's warmed clear up to 15 now.

I'm going to try the car doors soon.

Thanks everyone!

Heads up David! I think this is heading your way!

01-06-2005, 04:29 PM
Connie, mother nature finally shut off the water in Pittsburgh! We still
have some flooding, but not that much. The big problem we have around here are rock & mud slides. A lot of roads are closed because of that and flooding. It isn't nearly as bad as it was in September. I hate to rub it in, but it's a balmy 45 degrees right now, however we are expecting snow showers overnight. Connie, you are lucky to still have power, and my prayers go out to everyone who don't have power. Connie, hang in there and don't hav Mario have too much soup! {{{{HUGS}}}}

01-06-2005, 06:15 PM
Glad you're ok, Connie!!! Whew!!!! :D

01-07-2005, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by david p I hate to rub it in, but it's a balmy 45 degrees right now,
It's warmed clear up to freezing here today. Can you believe, they say it will be in the 60s Sunday! Bring it on!!!!

Thanks for the prayers everyone! I know they helped!

01-07-2005, 01:23 PM
So, Connie, are you going to dig out the air conditioner??

01-07-2005, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by david p
So, Connie, are you going to dig out the air conditioner?? HARDLY!
Our weather man is in SO much TROUBLE!
Not only did we not reach the promised 45 degrees today;
he says we have to wait until MONDAY for the 60s
there is a major snow heading our way toward the middle / or end of next week. I'm hoping he is wrong about THAT for sure!

Can weather men be sued for wrong forecasts? :rolleyes: :D