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View Full Version : A Few New Pictures--Including SHOCKING ones ;) *11*

01-04-2005, 03:08 PM
First of all, these are mostly of Tigger, as I always miss him since he doesn't come "visit" me, but he still comes in to get a drink and look out the window!

A couple of these pictures are SHOCKING, and almost make me cry!

Here is one of the shocking ones :eek: :
Yes that is BOTH cats on my window ledge, however, Emma was hissing too much and Tigger was getting upset so I took her down.

Emma on the turbo scratcher, licking her lips!

Pretty girl:

Tigger & Piddle playing "bus" :p

Head scritches!!

More Comming!

01-04-2005, 03:10 PM
Head shake!

Smacking me :eek:

Smacking Jasper too LOL

Look! His elbow is hanging between the chairs!!! Isn't he too cute for words???


The last shocking picture :eek:

Emma came to him on her own and did this, and there was also No Hissing!!!!!!!!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-04-2005, 03:36 PM
Yeah!!! Looks like progress was slow, but is on the move! :D

The one of Tigger's elbow hanging down and then the next pic where it looks like he's falling off the chair are just hilarious! :D :D

01-04-2005, 03:55 PM
Very cute pics! I always love seeing your big fluffy kitties! Hey, any progress, is indeed progress!!!;)

01-04-2005, 04:37 PM
Someday they'll come to like (or at least tolerate) each other. Its still fairly new for them (even though its been a fewmonths, in cat terms, its new)

I love the one of Tigger smacking you! :D

01-04-2005, 07:25 PM
Thanks :D

Tigger seems to love to smack me :rolleyes: :D

01-04-2005, 07:31 PM
Oh my gosh - those are GREAT pictures. I'm still smiling as I write this. THey were all soooo cute!!!!!:D TIgger is so funny - smacking his meowmie & Jasper, playing bus (loved seeing Piddles, too), and lounging across several pieces of furniture. Do you think he needs a chaise lounge to call his own???? Congrats on Emma and Tigger approaching each other without hot tuna breath emanating from either one. That's super!!!


01-04-2005, 07:57 PM
I always love your picture threads. Emma is as beautiful, and Tigger is as handsome as always.

Laura's Babies
01-04-2005, 07:58 PM
I finally had time to check this out... TOOOooo cute! WAY to cute! He just don't care how he lays does he???

01-04-2005, 11:35 PM
Great pictures.:) Tigger is such a handsome orangie and Emma is very beautiful. Hopefully they'll learn to get along better.:) My Storm and Cirrus still don't like each other.

01-04-2005, 11:47 PM

Mega awwww *melt*

LOL @ the "smacking me" picture :D

01-05-2005, 08:41 AM
I think,that any Multi Cat Owner,would tell you,how delighted they were to see thier Cats,getting,to be Good Friends,and that is a Great day,in your household!

Killearn Kitties
01-05-2005, 12:07 PM
:D :D What gorgeous kitties you have. Hysterical pictures. Poor Tigger looks stuck between those chairs. :eek: :D

01-05-2005, 04:24 PM
I love your cats! :D

Great pictures, Robyn! I'm so glad to see they're making progress. ;)

01-06-2005, 08:34 AM
Thanks all :D :D

Some days they get along pretty good, other days not so good ;)

01-08-2005, 11:07 PM
Just now seeing this one Robyn!! Adorable pictures! I know it seems to be taking a long time but Emma and Tigger ARE making progress. In fact, I think they rather fancy each other quite a bit;)

The smacking pictures are a hoot!! That Tigger and his smacking !! There is no meanness in his expression though - he just must like to smack. Maybe you can consider it a love smack?

Emma is beautiful and charming as always but I cannot lie - that big ole ORANGE fella brings a big grin to my face, and then I go searching for Dylan:D He is currently on my pillow and saw me turn to look at him. I think he knows I am soon on my way to start smooching on him. He is resigned the the inevitable:D Of course I will start with some nice chin scritches before I move in with the kissy stuff:p He puts up with his Meowmie!!

Great post Robyn! I always love your pictures and comments. But...don't cry!!

01-11-2005, 06:07 PM

I didn't know that you had seen this :D

I forgot to check back, so I just thought about it and came searching for the thread.

I think Tigger and Emma secretly like each other alot too ;)

Also "love smack" definatly makes Tigger's smacking sound alot nicer LOL :D

Your very lucky that Dylan puts up with you ;), If I go kissing Tigger and giving him chin scritches when he's NOT in the mood, I could get seriously hurt LOL

Debbie, I'm glad you seen this(and my PM), and I hope that you are feeling better soon!! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

01-11-2005, 06:17 PM
Awwwwwwww!!! :D I just love Tigger and Emma pictures! I'm glad there's some slow but sure progress going on between them. It took over 6 months for Scooter to tolerate my Marius, so there is hope! :eek: LOL ;)

Give those darlings some lovins for me!:D