View Full Version : Boo Boo's acting wierd...

01-03-2005, 04:23 PM
Yesterday somehow turned into Confuse the Cat day (yes its a Monty Python reference). We took down all of the Christmas decorations and threw out a couch, got a new entertainment center and completely overhauled the living room. BooBoo spent this time in our bedroom napping and avoiding the chaos. It wasn't until he came out about 10p.m. when we settled down that I noticed the wierdness.

First you have to understand he's a fatty (20 lbs) and he was running around like a kitten, bouncing off the couches like he was chasing something (no bugs in sight). He'd sit in the middle of the room and look up at nothing, not even facing me or Stephen, and miaow LOUDLY, bat at nothing a few times, jump up at it and then scramble down the hall as fast as his stumpy little legs would go. This went on for over an hour. He looked just like does when he plays with us, but he was alone -- and again, no bugs! Is he crazy??

He did the miaowing thing in the hall again this morning, not to me, just up to the air. Normally fatty only talks when he wants food. I'm confused.

01-03-2005, 04:52 PM
He's probably just really concerned about the changes in the livingroom. Cats are notorious for not liking change. My fatty Allen would do the very same thing. Only my cats are VERY used to change since I am always moving something around. This past week I moved everything around in my bedroom... and Mr. Allen decided to take a nap when I had my mattress and box spring standing on their side (he was napping on the mattress side, only since the mattress was standing on end, it was flat... and whoohoo, a new place to nap on the old bed! :D ) Anyway, Mr. Fatty Allen was not happy when I woke him come time to put the mattress back on the bed! :D I heard lots of vocal opinions on that and he ran around afterwards checking everything out. I think it met with his approval, though with cats you can never really tell! :D

01-03-2005, 06:12 PM
My Mooky does this every now and then also. Looks up at the ceiling, meows, crouches down and then takes off at full speed up the hall and practically slides into the kitchen. Then you hear him meow again, and he'll shoot back up the hall. He'll do this about 4-5 times in a row.

I just shake my head and think, "What a wild and crazy guy."

Mooky is 2 1/2 years old now and he started doing this about 4-5 months ago.

I agree with Kim, that cats do not like change and your Boo-Boo could be showing you his displeasure of it or he could be just a "wild and crazy guy" like my Mooky.:D

01-04-2005, 09:02 AM
Sam,the Siamese,will occasinally race,around the Hotel,growlong at me,and the Other Found Cats,and a minute later,he is fine!I love the image,of your Big Guy,racing around like a Kitten.

01-04-2005, 10:22 AM
My Grace will do this .... it's what my hubby and I call, "getting a wild hair"!!!:eek: :D :D