View Full Version : wounded paw - suggestions?

12-31-2004, 09:52 PM
Just went out and saw bloody pawprints on the kennel deck - discovered what looks like a puncture wound in Star's paw pad. I cleaned it with water and peroxide and put her in for the night. Not sure what caused it. It's very muddy because the 16" of snow has now melted. Not sure how I can keep her foot clean & dry. she rips everything off her foot, including plastic bags to keep it dry. Do they make rain boots for dogs?

12-31-2004, 10:00 PM
Plastic baggie around her foot when she goes out, and a "lampshade" to keep her from getting at it? That's all I can think of - she'd probably rip rain booties off, too, without something to prevent her from doing so ...

12-31-2004, 11:53 PM
Nebo ripped his pad open at the dog park once. I wasn't sure what to do either. It wasn't bad enough to be stitched or anything. I cleaned it out really well then used fingernail glue to glue the flap that was hanging back on...sounds crazy but it did work...never got infected or anything, I checked on it all the time. Eventually the flap fell off, but the glue held it there long enough for it to start healing and not be so tender underneath. I'm not saying I'd recommend this, just what I did lol. I don't think that would work with a puncture wound anyway. They do make booties for dogs. Nebo has them, but he hates them, I think he would rip them off if I tried leaving them on him...could work just for going outside though. Probably close supervision (and booties for outside trips) and maybe an elizabethan collar would work best. Hope Star is feeling better soon! :)

Cinder & Smoke
01-01-2005, 01:40 AM
Ouwchie!! :(

Is the "flat" onna Front or Rear "Tyre"??

Fronts are harder to "patch" than rears!

My RB :( Shepherd/Husky "Shadow" broke a rear toe and had to wear
a "wrap" for weeks...
She managed to UN-wrap it several times :mad:

Start with sterile gause around and over the end of the paw -
several layers and not "too tight".
Then cover that completely with an "Ace" bandage or "Vet Wrap -
cover the paw Completely and continue up to just below the "Elbow".
NO fur showing - cover it all with at least two layers.
Top Layer is wide "stickly" tape - again cover everything including
a half inch or so of fur - to hold it "up".

And after the third UN-wrap - I bagan adding a Fourth Layer -
Duct Tape! :eek:
Not mentioned in most First Aid manuals - but the Ducky Tape held
up better than regular surgical sticky tape. :p

In "wet weather" - I added a ZipLok baggie secured with a rubber band.
The rubber band ONLY stayed on a few minutes for an outie -
not long enough to effect the circulation.


01-01-2005, 08:44 AM
Duct tape, huh? It's her right front paw, outside pad. This is the second time this year she'll have a "mummy foot", I still have vet tape. I'll add duct tape. I was hoping there might be something easy to slip on & off her, but I guess not. Got a baggie on her for all of 45 seconds to go out to the bathroom. She wanted back in the kennel, so she's out in the straw now. At least it's stopped bleeding.

01-01-2005, 04:02 PM
:( thats too bad. I hope Star feels better, and it heals up quickly. My friends ACD tore her pad badly on a rock when they were hiking this summer, and she had to have it stitched. Its a very tender spot. But it's really good that it stopped bleeding, and it doesnt sound like she hurt it too bad. ^_~ good luck with her, get well soon Star!

01-01-2005, 06:48 PM
As long as stars paw in not infected,
(been their done that for 4 months with the Rock)

This is what I did for Rocky when he ripped the skin
off his paw the size of a dime.
Blood all over. I cleaned it like you did for Star,
and this time I wrapped it up right away
with steril breathable bandage and a little bit of neosporin.
(I put him under house arrest for 7 days.)
I cleaned his wound/changed his bandages
3 times a day for the first 2 days.
I used a boot every time he went outside.
By the 3rd day I noticed he was not trying to lick
at his paw which was starting to heal,
so I stopped bandaging it so it could heal faster,
but still used the boot on his paw for another 4-5 days
everytime he went outside.

Sending Star lots of good healing wishes.

01-01-2005, 08:30 PM
PM update - I was able to handle her paw, trimmed away fur, and cleaned it - looks raw & granulated, but not a puncture. we bandaged her paw, but when she walked on it she bled like crazy - really scared us.:eek: So i took it all off and have been keeping her inside and quiet. (not easy as my new "husky granpup" visited today- what a cutie!)
She's stilll bleeding when she puts pressure on it, but I'm afraid to bandage it again. We'll definitly be at the vet's Monday morning! Will order boots on Monday, too. Please keep paws crossed she's ok.

01-01-2005, 08:39 PM
my RB girl used to lick her paws,so we put a sock on her,then wrapped it with duck-tape so she couldnt rip the sock off:rolleyes: :p
i hope Star feels better soon!:)

Cinder & Smoke
01-01-2005, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by cyber-sibes

... looks raw & granulated, but not a puncture.

We bandaged her paw, but when she walked on it
she bled like crazy - really scared us. :eek:

It possibly "bled again" because she managed to
"flex" the wounded area.

You could try the bandage again;
but add some extra "stuff & puff" to make the finished
package BIG and Clutsy - so it feels really *phunnie*
if she tries to put weight on it.
Object being to get her to "carry" that leg & paw rather
than "use" it.

Good LUCK!!

/s/ Phred

01-01-2005, 10:01 PM
Oh Star you poor baby girl. I hope your foot will be ok.

01-01-2005, 11:13 PM
Ouch it sounds like it must be a pretty bad sore! Nebo's never bled at all. Hope you are able to get her paw feeling better soon!

01-02-2005, 08:19 AM
I hope you heal up soon, sweetie! Sounds painful.


01-02-2005, 08:32 AM
Poor baby,

sounds very uncomfortable, please let us know
what the vet says. :(