View Full Version : Not AGAIN!

12-31-2004, 02:59 PM
Hubby has the worst luck with driving and being assulted - once he actually had a gun pointed at him! :eek: :eek:

Today, he had my daughter, her boyfriend, and her best friend in the car leaving the mall parking lot. There was another car leaving the mall and it cut hubby off. He beeped a short little beep as if to say "hey! you almost hit me!" Then at the next light, the same car purposefully cut them off again. This time, hubby rolled down the windows and said "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" The guy shot back some choice phrases, along the lines of him being fat and his wife (that would be me!) sleeping with his mama. :rolleyes:

Hubby just went along with the phrases the guy screamed at him, hubby just sat there and said "yes, uh-huh, right" etc. which must have annoyed the guy more than if he shot some choice words back. He's learned a lot in the past few years that you don't shoot back with equally stupid words, you just wave politely at them and roll your eyes. Anyway, at the next light, the guy pulls alongside of them and gets pout of his car, as does his buddy. Since the weather here today is almost 60, he had the windows cracked a bit... enough so that the guy came uop and slapped my daughter's boyfriend in the back of the head and a missed punch at hubby. :eek: :eek:

They got the license plate number and called 911; the police want him to come in and file a report. Considering that tonight is New Year's Eve and we have a lot ot do today, he couldn't today, but will be doing so tomorrow. Especially since the guy hit my daughter's boyfriend. They are filing charges of verbal and physical assult. (wasn't it less than a month ago hubby filed police charges of physical assult after a strudent punched him?!) He says those two guys were laughing thinking they were such tough guys, so he knows they'll just LOVE the New Years' gift that he's giving them: a nice new police record.

12-31-2004, 03:15 PM
Uh, it sounds like they'll already have one (police record)!!!!

That's horrible, Kim!!!! I'm in shock that people behave like that!!! :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek:

01-01-2005, 09:42 AM
That's awful! Many kudos to your hubby for not losing his temper, it was bad enough as it was but it could have all turned extremely nasty if he had.
Hope they enjoy their new years gift from hubby!!


01-01-2005, 10:17 AM

That sucks! I'm glad you're hubby is going to file charges against these punks. Road rage is outta control these days! Hubby did the right thing though, in not stooping to their level.

01-01-2005, 10:29 AM
Glad things didn't turn out worse! Good for you and hubby filing a police report, and getting these punks some records. I wonder if they were drunk or on drugs to pull such B.S?:confused:

01-01-2005, 12:40 PM
Jeez! People are such idiots. It's scary these days, you never know who is crazy.

01-03-2005, 02:43 PM
About a month ago me, my 2 daughters and one of their friends were walking into target and this lady comes flying by I pushed my daughter out of her way...her window was down so I just said "hey slow down" which I realize nowadays was stupid and dangerous on my part but it was impulse...anyway

the lady yells "shut up" so I said "hey I just asked you to slow down" by this time my thirteen year old is saying "don't be telling my mom to shut up" anyhow I shoved all of them into target but the lady is yelling "you don't want some of this" it scared the crud out of me! why are people so rude?

01-03-2005, 03:41 PM
I rode a bike back and forth to work for a few years.

One day I came to a stop sign and a huge dump truck pulled up next to me. I heard a voice say, "Nice bike...." I looked up to respond and saw an arm that looked like my leg, hanging on to the mirror.


He then said, "You know, I could take that bike if I wanted to....."

I looked at the guy, my bike and said to him, "You probably could....."

He laughed, the light turned green and I watch that truck until it disappeared.....

While I don't encourage daring people to mug you, sometimes it's best not to give people a reason to
invade your airspace!

01-03-2005, 03:55 PM
Richard, the guy who pulled the gun on hubby while at a light a few years ago.... well, hubby had a van full of his college students (at the time he was working as assistant soccer coach at a local college) he looked at the guy and said really calm "You'd better have perfect aim and you'd better hope it was worth it. If you miss and I live, you will spend the rest of your days regretting it. See the van in front of me? That is full of my college students. See the people in the back of this van? These are also my college students. Every single one of them already have your license plate number." The guy just sped off. They reported it to the police and the guy is doing time because there were several warrants out for his arrest on other charges.

01-03-2005, 03:59 PM
Oh my gosh how scary! He sure stayed calm that was quick thinking.

01-03-2005, 09:28 PM
YIKES, Kim .... I'm glad no one was hurt (well, except poor boyfriend's head!) :rolleyes: I hope this jerk gets what he has coming to him!!!:mad:

01-04-2005, 01:32 AM
My cousin was pulling into a parking space on the street and was cut off by another car who wanted the same spot. My cousin got out to tell the guy he had had his blinker on and saw it first and the other guy got out of his car, opened his jacket to show a gun and asked "is it worth it"? Well, not to my cousin it wasn't.
It's a scary world out there.