View Full Version : I'm Back :)

12-30-2004, 07:02 PM
Howdy Ebry-Body!!! I've been gone way too long!! :D Oh, how I've missed reading all of the posts and seeing pics of the gang. I suddenly disappeared on the 22nd when, that evening, my family decided to have Christmas that night, leaving for PA to see family on the 23rd, arrive on the 24th for dinner and finally arrive back home today! :D It has been a very busy week with a lot of fun...and great news!!!!! My grandmother let us bring Sahara and Chloe!!!! (Venus doesn't do well in the car, so she stayed home to guard the house) It was such a wonderful and fun experience to have my girls with me in PA! And...there was SNOW!! It was their first snow experience! :D I have tons of photos waiting to be developed (that will happen tomorrow), so I will post more then! Just wanted to say howdy and a belated Merry Christmas to all my PTers! I read as many posts as I could to catch up and it sounds like everyone had a great Christmas.

** Post some photos soon! ** :D

12-30-2004, 07:23 PM
Glad you had a good Christmas. I've got photos to post also and have been very lazy. We'll look forward to seeing some.

12-31-2004, 05:08 PM
Welcome home..I just got back myself~

12-31-2004, 05:36 PM
Welcome home, everbuddy:D Glad you all had such a fun Christmas...with snow!!! I'll bet Sahara and Chloe had a blast...and I'm sure Venus is thrilled to have you all home! Can't wait to see the pics!

And welcome home Gracie and Gracie's Mom:D We missed you guys!!!

12-31-2004, 06:42 PM
WELCOME BACK! we missed you!!!:D that's great to hear that you had a great christmas and can't wait to see those pics!:D

01-01-2005, 12:57 AM
Glad you had a good Christmas and Happy new year by the way... Can't wait to see the pictures when they are developed.
Give the puppers a hug from me...:)

01-01-2005, 02:05 PM
Thanks everyone! :D And a happy new year to all also!! I have to photos now and uploading them...thread of photos to come really soon! :D