View Full Version : Compulsive grooming?

12-30-2004, 06:31 PM
I know my Zelda girl wants to look her prettiest for all the boys around here, but this is getting a little ridiculous...

She's groomed herself so much on her back legs that the fur is really thinned out a lot. And she's got a nearly bald spot on one of her front legs. And I can't for the life of me figure out why. The skin doesn't look irritated - it's not red or flaky or bumpy or scratched up or chewed on. I don't think it's fleas. I haven't caught sight of any, at any rate. (Though finding a flea on a dark cat is not an easy task) She seems to feel fine - always running around playing with Mowg or being her cute, prissy self when she wants attention. Nothing new's been introduced to stress her out.

It'll be time to schedule an appointment for her yearly shots in another week or two, and I plan on asking the vet about it then. But I wonder if any of you experts might have some clue what's going on in that fuzzy head of hers.

(There would be pics, but alas I left my camera at my parents' house last weekend. )

Oh, and Mowg's spending less time on nonogetoffthecounter now that all the good stuff's been moved to where he can't get to it. :D The tape comes off tonight!

Laura's Babies
12-30-2004, 10:20 PM
If you have the extra funds, see if they will X-ray the leg she is constantly grooming... Something inside could be hurting.. Have them X-ray the WHOLE leg, not just where she is licking all the time but the whole thing..

12-30-2004, 10:27 PM
I've never had that problem with a cat but I do with Disney. She licks herself raw in places sometimes and she constantly chews on her feet. The vet said allergies is what made her start but now it's just a bad habit for her.

Hopefully your vet can give you some better insight on Zelda's problem. Hope they can get it stopped before it does become a bad habit.

12-30-2004, 10:45 PM
Cats can have allergies to particular ingredients in foods. Many can be allergic to anything with fish, and will lick themselves raw (ask Leslie about her Tuva's allergies) and other's can have allergies to other substances. If fleas have been ruled out, maybe allergy testing is next? :confused: :confused: Keep us posted!

12-30-2004, 11:00 PM
Cats can have allergies to particular ingredients in foods. Many can be allergic to anything with fish, and will lick themselves raw (ask Leslie about her Tuva's allergies) and other's can have allergies to other substances. If fleas have been ruled out, maybe allergy testing is next? :confused: :confused: Keep us posted!

12-31-2004, 05:49 AM
Laura - I'm afraid I don't really have the funds to get an x-ray done. And it's not just one leg she's licking up - it's three of them.

Jazzcat - we used to have a dog with that problem too. Poor Tiffy would scratch this one spot on the side of her head raw every once in a while, and whenever she did, we'd cut up a sock and make her a little hat. She hated it, but it worked. And if she'd known about e-collars, I'm sure she would've loved the sock hat to death.

QSA - I haven't completely ruled out fleas. I just haven't found any on her yet. But I will definitely ask about allergies when it comes time for her yearlies.

12-31-2004, 07:06 AM
Lacey I can't believe posted this thread! I was just getting ready to post the same questions this morning. Magoo is doing the same thing only its his middle lower back that seems to be bugging him. He is actually pulling out clumps of hair with his teeth! I think he gets agitated with all the itching and just pulls out his hair. I think part of it is that during the winter we use so much heat and it dries them out too. I'm running my humidifier to see if that helps and I bought some of this paste called NutriMalt that is for skin and coat. I think it helps replace oils so they aren't so dry. I've only been using it for a day so I can't tell you if it's going to help or not. It wasn't very expensive, it was $4.99 for a tube about the same size as the paste for hairballs. You give it to them the same way too. About a 1 inch long ribbon once a day. I'm hoping that helps him too. It's awful to see them do this to themselves.
Good Luck and keep me posted on anything you find out and I will do the same for you.
Kissies to both the sweeties!!:)

12-31-2004, 08:35 AM
Mr Scrappy,did that once,as he was very flea allergic,and even one flea,would cause him,to groom himself,to the point,of baldness! And sometimes thier glands act up,and they go hyper! The Found Cats have hairballs,a lot,as they groom each other,constantly.

12-31-2004, 02:43 PM
Bumping this back up for more advice. Zelda and Magoo need suggestions.:)