View Full Version : Sami and I both need FACIALS!!!

12-30-2004, 05:32 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Sami has kitty acne and I'm breaking out so much with this stupid medication I'm on. :( :( :(

I'm too vain for zits... ;)

I've been giving Sami facials (he has kitty acne under his chin) with my Aveda products twice daily and he LOVES it. Its cleared it up a bit, but my vet said it might be too harsh for his sensitive kitty skin. I may try the new Dermologica I have... ;)

I asked her how he got it. We only use ceramic bowls (unless its ant season and we're using our anti-ant bowls) that I wash daily. She said it could be from a virus or bacteria. Hmm...this poor guy!

It isn't easy being a kitty....or a hooman sometimes!!

12-30-2004, 05:40 PM
My 3 white cats had feline acne last year but they don't have it any more.I use ceramic now too for bowls,but I also watched them and there were a couple plastic things they were rubbing there chins on so I got rid of those or hid them.
Plus washed their chins with warm water and nonabrasive soap with a face cloth softly rubbing then pat dried and put an antibiotic from the vet called "Oxydex Gel" for about a week.

12-30-2004, 06:00 PM
Poor Sami - poor you! Adult acne is the worst! They kept telling me once I grew up and became a full-fledged adult that I wouldn't have to worry about acne. LIARS! :D

I have no experience with feline acne, but human acne is my fortw. I wash with a light soap, use astringent. And if a zit appears, Clean and Clear's On the Spot gel is awesome! I actually does reduce the size of the zit almost immediately! Now all I have to do is keep my compulsive fingers OFF the zit and away from my face :rolleyes:

12-30-2004, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I have no experience with feline acne, but human acne is my fortw. I wash with a light soap, use astringent. And if a zit appears, Clean and Clear's On the Spot gel is awesome! I actually does reduce the size of the zit almost immediately! Now all I have to do is keep my compulsive fingers OFF the zit and away from my face :rolleyes:
Sounds WONDERFUL!! I went to the store and bought Nutragena's version of that stuff. If it doesn't work, I'll try the Clean and Clear.

I don't typically have an acne problem, but this is horrible. I have three on my face/chin.....like I said, I'm much too vain for this. :rolleyes: Being sick is bad enough, I don't want to LOOK like I feel!!! :p :p :p :p

12-30-2004, 06:19 PM
Poor things! Acne is so horrible. I've always had it pretty bad. When I was in high school, I had to take medication for it...just to keep it at bay. After high school it wasn't so bad, but now I'm starting to break out again too! I'm 28 years old! Dag nabbit! LOL I thought I would have outgrown it by now :rolleyes:

I'm always up for tips on good facial washes and all. I was using some expensive stuff that worked, but I just can't budget for the expensive stuff right now and have been using the white Noxema stuff in a blue container. It worked for me in college, so I thought I would try it again. Not too much luck apparently! *sigh* I might have to try that clean and clear gel! What's a good (affordable) astringent?

Poor Sami! I wonder why he's breaking out. Maybe it's simpathy acne for momma ;)

12-30-2004, 08:01 PM
Zits are the worst, aren't they?

Princess Pepper had bad acne on her chin last year as you can see below. The vet said not to use any soap or products, just get a folded up washcloth very warm and hold it under her chin for a few minutes. Once the pores are opened, you can gently rub the washcloth around to get out the gunk.


As for me, after many years of acne, I broke down and ordered Proactiv (from the infomercial). It worked immediately so I was zit free the week before crows feet appeared. :rolleyes:

I hope both you and Sami are better soon.

12-30-2004, 09:27 PM
Proactiv worked for me, too, but it is expensive, and I always seemed to run out of the cleanser before the next shipment arrived and I had excess of the other stuff! :p I swear, at 42 years old, I am going through puberty again. Who ever heard of a gray haired teenager? LOL!!! I'm using a gel cleanser from Nivea for oily skin now and I like it. And my skin is looking better than it was, although I'm not completely healed up yet.

Sorry to have gotten off topic on a kitty acne thread. We have never had that problem before....*knocks on wood*

Good luck, Sami, and everyone! :)

12-30-2004, 09:35 PM
Luck has it with all the cats around this place, kitty zits haven't been much of a problem lately. Me on the other hand....I get those "time of the month" breakouts. Couldn't have anything to do with the cravings for chips and chocolate could it? Vets have told me in the past to use cottonballs dipped in hydrogen peroxide and scrub the kitty zits. They hated it, but it did work. It seems to affect white cats more than others, or maybe it's we just don't notice as much? :confused:

12-31-2004, 12:28 AM
Both Sunny and I have acne problems. I've tried pretty much everything under the sun and nothing works for me. I've just learned to live with it.
Ever since Sunny had his problem, I've been using stainless steel bowls for both food and water. I try to wash Sunny's chin every day and I've been using a little bit of hibiclens on it. It has chlorhexidine in it which is supposed to help. Good luck.:)

12-31-2004, 05:06 AM
Adult acne is the worst! They kept telling me once I grew up and became a full-fledged adult that I wouldn't have to worry about acne.
AH-HA~ this is the reason......I never became a full fledged adult! :p

My Rutherford had a bad case of kitty acne. I just washed the area with alcohol and used neosporin (at the recommendation of a vet tech friend). It took a while, but it went away completely.

12-31-2004, 06:55 AM
I was just getting ready to post about Magoo and kitty acne on his chin. I guess his plasic bowls are going and a good chin scrubbing are next!

As for adult people acne...the only thing that cleared mine up was a hystorectomy (sp?). I bit extreme I agree, but it worked!;) :D

12-31-2004, 08:36 AM
I m aglad,that that is one thing,that the Found Cats,have not caught,and we hope that Sami gets well soon,we are Praying for her.

12-31-2004, 10:38 AM
I think I've figured out what's causing his acne!! He ALWAYS rests his head on the tree when he's sleeping in it...many times daily! Look:

The kitty acne is exactly where his chin rests on the tree.

Hmmm...we clean the cat trees with a good fur scraping, water and then a good vacume monthly. I'm wondering if we need to throw that one away and get a new one?? It IS two years old.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

12-31-2004, 11:17 AM
I am finding this thread reassuring, I thought I was the only 43 year old teen. Mine is tyed to my cycle 2nd day I break out. Now with menopause it lasts longer each time. Nothing helps.