View Full Version : Another update on Gracie.

12-30-2004, 08:44 AM
My brother got Gracie a few Christmas presents. One of them was a huge tennis ball made for large breed dogs, and it wasn't suppse to be destructable. Well 2 days ago she chewed it in half. She still would carry it around so we could throw it for her. Well today she has been ripping little pieces off and trying to eat them. I threw all the little pieces away and both halfs of the ball. She isn't to happy with me right now. She keeps trying to find her ball again. Lol.

Last night she slept outside of her cage by her self. I was going to sleep in the living room with her, but I couldn't get to sleep. She was passed out on the couch, and I couldn't wake her up to go to her cage. She looked so cute, so I left her there and woke up my husband and told him I left her out for the night. He didn't seem to happy but when he got up he was more than happy. She was still on the couch in the position she was when I left her. I put her bone up there next to her in case she woke up. That way she would have something to chew on.

After hubby left to go to work I woke up 2 1/2 hours later and she was asleep on the air bed that I blew up last night. It was so cute. I hated to wake her up to take her outside. I felt bad doing so, but I knew she would need to go out and I also knew she needed breakfast. She gets a little cranky if she doesn't get her food before she springs alive and she gets a little nippy with me. :mad:

Also right now she is trying to get me to play tug a war with her, but I can't she hurt my arm last time I played with her. She has pulled me off the couch a few times as well. The grip on this girl I tell ya. It's amazing how strong she is already. And yet she still has alot of muscle mass to gain yet. If shes pulling me off the couch now, I don't think I'll be able to play tug a war with her when she is full grown. Maybe I just need to go to the gym and start lifting a lot of weights or something. Lol. ;) :p :rolleyes:

12-30-2004, 09:00 AM
Gracie sounds like a really fun dog! I bet you all are having a blast with her. She sure is a beauty.

12-30-2004, 11:28 AM
Sounds like you are going to have strengthen up to play with her, lol.

12-30-2004, 01:39 PM
:D :D :D sounds like she is a strong girl... but I have heard and read that playing t ug of war with your dog isnt the best,, it kinda promotes the dominance in them.... We choose not to play that game as there are so many others that are better! Just my input,, what you do is totally up to you of course!! :)

12-30-2004, 03:17 PM
Her foster mom taught her the game and she hasn't stopped playing it since. I am going to stop playing though, I just don't have enough strenth to play. Corey plays all the time with her though. She loves it. She also cheats though. She will put her paw up next to your hand so you drop it. If you don't drop it she will slap your hand with her paw. Then she will grabbed the end of the toy you have and pull it out of your hand. Then she runs around showing off what she won. It's so funny to watch her. Lol.