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View Full Version : Poetry Websites?

12-28-2004, 09:17 PM
Does anyone know of any really good websites that you can post your poetry on? I've tryed www.poetry.com and I didn't care for it... I have over 30 poems and I don't know where to post them... plz help :( :D


12-28-2004, 09:37 PM
What are you looking for? A place where you can just post them, a place where you will get critiqued by people, a place where you might get "peer reviews," what? If it's the first, why not just create your own site or livejournal to post them? Be sure to put your name and copyright statement on each page, though.

12-29-2004, 09:30 AM
ill try that... puttin them on livejournal... thanx karen....


12-29-2004, 10:35 AM
I've got a couple on poetry.com. They're under Tonya Bowling if you want to check them out. I don't care for poetry.com either. They seem like they're out for money in alot of ways. It's been a few years since I put the poems there, but I remember getting BS letters saying that if I pay this and that much money, I can go to some awards ceremony and possibly win rewards. It sounded like everyone there "wins" so that they'll get all excited and give poetry.com money.