View Full Version : Misleading job advertisement...

12-28-2004, 01:56 PM
Before I got hired by this new job, their ad in the paper said 20 hours per week with chance of full-time.

It's been almost 2 months now. I have had hardly ANY hours because no one has died. They never told me that it would be "on call" hours, which means if they don't call, I don't get paid. I'm struggling here financially. The woman who trained me said that they aren't being fair to me by keeping me in the dark about when it WILL go full-time. The business manager says the first of the year, the Vice-President says March. I have to wait till the owner comes back from out of town to talk to him. I cannot stay on this job much longer without getting paid. I think their ad was very misleading, and now understand why I beat out a whole bunch of applicants. No one in their right mind would take a job that doesn't pay unless you actually work. DUH!! I turned that other job down for this one!

I'm such an idiot!! :rolleyes: Any suggestions as to what I should do other than what I plan on doing??

Laura's Babies
12-28-2004, 02:10 PM
You have enough time invested in that nowhere job, I'd be out looking for one that pays real $$$$$$$! Let them find another sucker.. Chances are they are leading you on anyway.

12-28-2004, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by moosmom

I'm such an idiot!! :rolleyes: Any suggestions as to what I should do other than what I plan on doing??

You aren't an idiot....

How were you to know that this would happen?

If you KNEW to predict the future, you'd be able to win the lotto!

Start looking for something else in the meantime. Plan on not having things work out here.

Or, you can go on a killing spree........:eek:

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a turd.....I know what you are feeling-went thru it myself. You have to look up, instead of looking down....

Good Luck and prayers to you..things have a way of working out!

12-28-2004, 02:16 PM
I'd find a new job. You can't be plugging away at a job that is leading no where.

12-28-2004, 02:47 PM
I read this and immediately wanted to say "Chin up, Donna, things will get better". But then I thought :o people have to die for things to get better on that job and it just didn't sound right :o !

I would definitely want to talk with the owner, calmly, first and make sure that there isn't a misunderstanding, then explain to him how you were mislead and what it has cost you. Maybe he will reconsider and assure you of at least 20 hours/week. It couldn't hurt to ask. I think I'd have to be looking for something else too. Is that other job still available or do you feel comfortable even asking?

I hope things will look brighter for you soon, Donna, wherever you are.

12-28-2004, 03:13 PM
Oh Donna. :( *hugs*

12-28-2004, 04:05 PM
I'm already looking! I'd feel a little dumb going to the "adult" store begging for work when they already offered me a job. Besides, it was just seasonal.

Things couldn't possibly get any worse. Besides, I've always believed in expecting the worse so I'm not disappointed. Let's just say I'm a little nervous. I'll get over it.

Thanks guys for all the support. You're always there for me, no matter what. You da best!!

