View Full Version : Baxter

12-28-2004, 05:42 AM
such a wonderful smile you have.. Congrats on being our DOTD

12-28-2004, 06:06 AM
Baxter, you sound like a wonderful boy! And you're so handsome! Congrats on DOTD! :)

12-28-2004, 06:36 AM
Good morning beautiful Baxter. How could anyone just dump off such a pretty boy as you. I'll bet they never knew you would turn out so wonderful, and a dancer too! I would love to see that. Enjoy the life you have now with your loving forever family, and congratulations on being our DOTD.

12-28-2004, 07:13 AM
Baxter...You are a very handsome fellow. You look like you are very loving. Your family is very lucky to have you for their friend and hero. Glad you made DOTD. I got to see you. have a wonderful day.:) :) :)

12-28-2004, 07:13 AM
I can't imagaine why anyone would not want a wonderful and gorgeous dog such as yourself Baxter....they just don't know what they missed out on do they:D

I hope you and your family enjoy a fun day together!!!

12-28-2004, 08:13 AM
What a gorgeous boy your are, Baxter!!! You have such a great smile and look like such a happy boy.

Congrats on being our Dog Of The Day!!! Enjoy your special day!

Robin :)

12-28-2004, 08:52 AM
What a winning smile on such a handsome boy! Baxter, aren't you happy that even though some creepy people abandoned you, your new owners cherish you just as you should be?
That's what we humans call a blessing in disguise.

Love, hugs and kisses to you sweetie! Enjoy your day!

12-28-2004, 08:54 AM
Such a handsome boy you are, Baxter! Glad you found your happy home!

12-28-2004, 10:53 AM
Look at that smile on happy, handsome Baxter!! What a special boy you are, and so smart too. ;) It was so nice to meet you and hear about your fun life! Congrats to Baxter! :) :D :)

12-28-2004, 12:56 PM
Your big, beautiful smile sure has brightened my day:) And more smiles came as I read your human's loving tribute to her/his best friend, devoted companion and loyal protector!!! You are truly a hero, if ever there was one!!! I can't imagine how anyone could abandon you like that. Who knows why some humans are simply incapable of realizing the priceless rewards we reap from our canine companions! And we all know, there's a little something extra special about you rescue pups! I guess humans are just not as smart as our 4 legged friends!:) Thank you dear Baxter for being the extra special doggie that you are, for bringing so much joy to so many and making this world a brighter, more beautiful place! Congratulations to you precious boy! Yea, Baxter, our hero DOG OF THE DAY! Lots of hugs and happy tails wags to you sweetheart! Have a fabulous day reveling in your well earned day of honor with your proud peeps...I think I see a happy doggie dance about to break out:D

12-28-2004, 06:24 PM
it is hard to believe anyone could turn you away.......you are a real beauty......congratulations on being dotd!!!

01-24-2007, 08:46 AM
Sorry to bring up such an old post, but I was just looking though google pictures of collie/german sheperd mixes to see if my dog resembled any that I found since he was a stray and the pound guessed his breeds. All the photos I found didn't look anything like him, until I found the one of Baxter on the DOTD page from december 28....and they look so much alike it's uncanny!! Here's a picture of my dog:

