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View Full Version : Thank you Aunt Sandra, Cody and Star! *pics*

12-26-2004, 06:11 PM
This year our dear friends Aunt Sandra, Cody and Star sent us a fun package with toys and goodies for Christmas! Mom took some pictures and a couple little videos to share.

Please excuse some of the messiness in the pictures. We've been repainting and redoing the floor in some areas as well as cleaning out some boxes and closets so things are somewhat cluttered. Hope you enjoy the pics.

Here are all the gifts for Tommy, Tasha and Dawn, so pretty and brightly wrapped.

"Can we open them now Mom?"

Tasha gets right to it!

Tasha kept trying to hog the presents so Tommy snatched one and ran to off to his bed with it! This is the same expression I get when he runs off with a sock or dish towel and takes it to bed.

"What's in here?"

"This one's making funny noises!"

"What's this?"

"Mom, I don't want to sit for the picture I want to go play!"

"I'll just hold onto this one for awhile."

"Ohhh I want the carrot one Mom!"

"I like this toy!"

"It makes a funny noise when I move it!"

More coming

12-26-2004, 06:18 PM
"What is that thing!?"

"Did someone say treat?"

"Give it to me please Mom?"

"Thanks Mom!"


"We got greenies too!"



"I can't decide what to play with!"

"All those treats and toys tired us out!"

"Thanks so much for everything Aunt Sandra, Cody and Star!"

Videos attached to this post and next. I always miss them when they are truly playing crazily, but these are kinda cute. Thank you again so much to Sandra and the girls!

PS I'll post a few of Dawn's in Pet General

12-26-2004, 06:19 PM
2nd video

12-26-2004, 06:58 PM
We're so happy you liked your pressies, Tommy and Tasha:D Your Mom got some great shots and it sure looks like you're having fun:) The videos are great! I loved the second one. Looks like Tommy won:D

And Star and Cody and the kitties want to thank their pals Tommy and Tasha and Aunt Jess for their load of goodies! The nylabones went down in a flash! Star got a great ball...it's indestructible and bounces like crazy...and it floats! Guess who wants to go to the beach to give it a water test?:rolleyes: :D Cody got a neat rope toy and she and Star are having a tug fest! She slept with it last night:) And what a fun assortment of kitty toys! Oliver's trying to hide them all for himself, lol! And Jess gave me the most beautiful Lab datebook! And best of all, the sweetest picture of Tommy and Tasha:)

I took pics and video and as soon as I get them loaded, I'll post them!

Thanks again to our pals, Aunt Jess, Tommy and Tasha:) You made our Christmas extra special!
Love, Cody and Star!

12-26-2004, 07:12 PM
I love the last picture! They are posing so perfect for that one! It looks like they got great gifts too!

12-26-2004, 10:16 PM
what great presents! :)
I just love you're 2 Jess. They are so adorable!

12-26-2004, 11:50 PM
the last picture is my favourite,Tasha is so pretty and Tommy is so handsom!:D

12-27-2004, 07:27 AM
Great pictures!! They sure got lots of fun stuff!!!

12-27-2004, 08:46 AM
How nice and what fun!!!! :) They look so happy and healthy, Jess!!! It's always nice to see Tommy and Tasha. And I'm going to hold Sandra to her word about posting pictures too!!! :) Hope she does it before next Christmas! ;) :p

12-27-2004, 09:33 AM
Great pics and videos! And there's Tommy, always something in his mouth! :D

12-27-2004, 03:58 PM
Thanks all for the compliments! They sure do enjoy their presents, Tommy doesn't let the booda toy out of his sight and takes it to bed with him too :D. I wish I could have got a video of them when they were tugging like crazy together on the spider ball but of course I didn't have the camera when that happened!

So glad your girls and the kitties enjoyed their gifts Sandra. I know they weren't really as unique as I'd have liked but if they enjoy them then that's what matters! :)

12-27-2004, 04:08 PM
Your dogs always bring a smile to my face, Jess. I love them! It looks like they had a great time, and the gifts look they are being enjoyed. :) I had to laugh though at the one about Tommy taking the gift to his bed. Heidi does that when she knows shes not supposed to have something or when she doesn't want to be bothered when shes chewing on a bone. :rolleyes: The other day, I came upstairs and I look in her kennel and there is my mom's bear named Bennington sitting in the corner of her kennel...lol....all slimed up. Poor Bennington. :) Cute pictures!

12-28-2004, 10:46 AM
What great pictures! It's about time we get some of the "T's" :D

I love the last one. Tasha's ears are cute. :D

12-28-2004, 12:04 PM
Great Pics and videos...they're so cute :D

12-28-2004, 08:48 PM
Awwwww! There are my favorite pups! :D

Tommy and Tasha look like they really enjoy all of the goodies. I love Tasha's ears, and Tommy always has that adorable expression in all of his pictures. :)

Great pics, Jess!

12-30-2004, 08:01 PM
Jess, I finally got around to replying, sorry about that. :o Thanks for pointing out this thread to me, I would have hated to miss it. I love Tommy and Tasha! Looks like they're enjoying Sandra's wonderful gifts! :)

They're both beautiful.

12-30-2004, 08:31 PM
It's about time we get to see them again! I love the look on Tommy's face when he's in the kennel with that present. And Tasha's when she's licking her nose. They are so cute. I love your dogs!

12-30-2004, 11:45 PM
:D So many great pics of you're babies. Looks like they love the gifts!!!!:D

Thankyou for sharing.
Deb, Monty & Kiki