View Full Version : Back from Christmas & the babies did GREAT!

12-26-2004, 09:19 AM
As you may recall, I was freaking out about leaving my babies alone while we went to our hometown for Christmas . . . overnight!

Afraid to leave Brodie as sick as he was . . . and afraid Josie would have another asthma attack.

Well, all went well! We got home and both babies were fine. Brodie is still sick, but not worse. Josie was breathing easy! They didn't destroy anything. They didn't overflow their littermaid. And they had plenty of food & water left!

I was very happy & proud that my babies did so well while we were gone!


12-26-2004, 09:25 AM
You must be so relieved.And your a great meowmeee!!:D :D

12-26-2004, 10:50 AM
That's great Christa. I bet you worried yourself silly though, I would have. I hope Brodie will be improving daily now with his meds.

I'm so glad they are both fine.

Laura's Babies
12-26-2004, 01:00 PM
We just worry about them when we leave them on their own..That is our JOB!! The first year I had Chester, I couldn't leave him home alone for Christmas and took him with me to my daughters house for Christmas day.. and I felt so guilty for leaving them all home yesterday while I went over there for Christmas dinner.. I KNOW that is just being TO silly but I can't help it.... But we sure had a good time before I left them so I am sure they slept the whole time I was gone and never missed me.

12-26-2004, 01:00 PM
I am SOOO glad to hear that all is well at home Christa! I also hope that lil Brody continues to improve on his medication. Can you tell that it is helping some yet??

12-26-2004, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Can you tell that it is helping some yet??

Yes, I really think it is helping.

He's taking the antibiotics, both are taking Vita drops and plus, we started BOTH cats on L-Lysine . . . we lace their turkey with it ;) and I have seen a real difference since we started that also.

I can tell that he's not quite as congested, but I can still hear him breathing through his nose & he sneezes still.

I *think* his nose is healing up. He had a scab or something hanging from his nose earlier . . . I'm hoping it was from the sore on his nose.

I think he's on the road to recovery (yay!) We've both survived a first URI in the family! :)

12-26-2004, 02:04 PM
Glad to hear that all went well and that precious little Brodie is feeling better.

Lets hope it is your first and last URI Christa.

12-27-2004, 09:46 AM
I am glad,but not supried,as when I came back,from almst three weeks,at the Hospital,it was like,I had just been down,to the corner store,to get some milk.