View Full Version : Nebo and his digestive problems

12-26-2004, 01:29 AM
For about the past while Nebo has been getting sick. It has happened 3 times now...every 1-2 weeks he'll get bad diarrhea and some of the time throwing up as well. The last upset was a few days ago, he had diarrhea quite bad and also threw up 3 times in a row.

What drives me crazy though is he'll have it one day and be completely fine the next. He acts normal now and hasn't had any other problems like that. I keep thinking I should take him to the vet but the next day he's always fine. I haven't changed his food and I can't think of anything he could be getting into. I'm thinking about taking him to the vet anyway and maybe they could run some tests of some sort.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

Cinder & Smoke
12-26-2004, 01:48 AM

Poor Nebo... Poor Amy... :(

First guess would be the Boy is <munchin> on something
he probably shouldn't be! :p

I'd call the White Coat and explain everything you've observed -
and ask for suggestions.

The Vet may want "samples" (uggggh!) - be sure to ask how they
want them "stored" (fridge or freezer??) and how long after you
"get" the sample you can store it before delivering it for testing.
(I can't remember - but "pooh" has a life expectancy :rolleyes: -
wait too long and they can't rely on the test results.)

Nebo ~
Sorrie you feelin poorly :( ...
Please Feel Better Soon!!

/s/ Phred and the FurKids

12-26-2004, 01:30 PM
I don't really, other than something Nebo's eating. It could
even be just one ingrediant in the food that causes his stomach
to react this way. Has Nebo been tested for allergies ?

Hope he gets over this problem.:)

12-26-2004, 06:46 PM
Nebo may have a parasite problem. Worms and coccidiosis are common ones. He may have the beginings of mild chronic pancreatitis. Or there could be the catch all IBD syndrome.

A trip to the Vet should nail down a diagnosis.

12-27-2004, 08:07 AM
The same thing was happening to Buddy when he had worms.
I'd call the vet!

12-29-2004, 08:04 PM
I have one with irritable bowel syndrome. Until I changed his food to ProPlan for sensitive stomachs (salmon/rice), mixed in with boiled hamburger/rice, he was sick about every 3-4 weeks. He runs a fever and gets bloody diarrhea & bloody vomitous. I just took him to the vet last week because he got into the other three dogs' new food (Wellness lamb & rice). He used to sneak kibble from their old food (Nutro lamb/rice) with no problems, but I guess the Wellness is just too rich for his sensitive system.

I'd take him to the vet, but be prepared because everytime we've done blood work, stool samples, etc., everything has come back normal. The only treats he can tolerate are BahBay Qs and raw carrots....so that's what he gets. He can absolutely nothing with chicken in it.

I'd take him to the vet just to be safe and maybe try changing his diet to boiled hamburger/rice for a few days until his tummy calms down.

My vet keeps me stocked with Carafate for him, and this last visit he gave me extra Baytril & Flagyl to keep on hand for any future episodes.

12-29-2004, 11:29 PM
Nebo you silly boy you should not be making mom so nervous.
My first thought was worms also. Merlin and the cats do the same when they are wormy.(And I forget to stick to our worming scheduale.) Hope the poor boy gets a cure soon. Hes to cute to be a sick boy.

12-30-2004, 06:47 AM
Nothin' too helpful to add, but just wanted to send some {hugs} and get well wishes to Nebo; and {hugs} to you 'cause I know how upsetting it is when he gets sick, and how yucky it is to clean that stuff up! :p

Hope you can figure out what's going on!?!

12-30-2004, 08:28 AM
Amy, I fight the diaherrea problem with Lilly off and on, all the time. We don't have the throw ups, thank goodness. Last time, it was whip worms, which are hard to detect. In fact, my vet thoguht that might be the problem and ended up treating her for that, first, and she got better right away. Looks like I'm going to take her in next week if she isn't better.

Good luck with Nebo. I hope he will be better soon.


12-31-2004, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the advice everyone. I haven't called the vet yet. I was thinking about it and every time it happened it's been at a time where my parents had been watching him (while I was at work)...and they don't always watch him that well...they forget to close the basement door and he goes down and eats Reggie/Sydney's food. I don't know if that is it or not. He's very sensitive, when he was a pup I fed him pedigree and he had diarhea constantly...if he gets any lower quality food that seems to bother him.

I didn't think about worms. He's on heartguard which it says on the box treats and controls ascarid and hookworm infections as well as preventing heartworm. I guess he could have a different kind of worm though?

He acts completely fine at the moment. The last time I took him to the vet for this (diarrhea and vomiting) was quite a long time ago...they did a stool sample, x-rays and a bunch of other tests. They found absolutely nothing wrong and it cost me a ton of money ugh...I just don't want to have that happen again.

12-31-2004, 04:35 PM
The first thing I had thought of were worms, too.

Hopefully you find whatever's going on inside that boy!!

Ki sends him kisses. :)
She says to tell him that she hasn't been feeling well today so she knows exactly how he feels. :(

(Of course, her reasoning is because she gets into EVERYTHING!):rolleyes:

01-01-2005, 04:56 PM
It could be an enzyme deficiency. Prozyme works really well for that.

01-01-2005, 05:21 PM
I agree. When Bandit was going through his sickest times with IBS, I used Prozyme. Now we know what causes his problems, so we do our best to avoid them. He (and all the others) still gets low-fat yogurt daily.

01-01-2005, 11:14 PM
My guess would be that he ate somthing that he should not of until you get him to the vet i would suggest feed him twice boiled chicken (boil the chicken, drain the juice and re-add water and boil agian) and boiled rice. it worked for my dog

01-04-2005, 08:00 AM
I just went through that with my Trixie... It was food allergies with her...

She's now on Rollover Lamb & Rice (superior digestibility and that specific flavour is for dogs with allergies.. ) and Nature's Recipe "Easy to Digest" Lamb Meal, Barley and Rice kibble... we've been vomit-and diarrhea-free since Boxing Day!

Try it and see..

Dixieland Dancer
01-04-2005, 11:10 AM
Nebo's problems sound a lot like what I had been experiencing with Dusty over the past couple years. I tried worming him but the problem persisted. Then I had him tested for allergies and sure enough, that's what it was. Since he went for periods of no throwing up or diarrhea free, I put it off until it got to be happening more. According to the vet, the older they get the more the allergies become if they are untreated. I have him on a fish and potatoe diet now and he is doing better. You may want to consider having him tested for allergies if it persists or gets worse. I know it is kind of expensive.