View Full Version : Merry Christmas! (From an Amtrak Train)

12-25-2004, 03:55 PM
I hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas weekend! :)

I'm currently making my way north, in the business class of the PacificLiner of an Amtrak train. I've spent a nice time with my in-laws in San Diego since Thursday evening and now I'm making a very nice trip to see my family in Moorpark, CA.

The sun is shining, the view is spectactular and I'm eagerly awaiting seeing my family.

I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday weekend. I hope santee claws (paws) was good to your furcritters. :)

Love, Kelly :)

P.S. Please put me at ease. My furangels CAN survive two days without me. There IS enough food and water. The apartment IS NOT going to burn down or have a kitty hommicide while I'm gone. ;)

Merry Christmas!!! Kiss your kitties for me!

Cinder & Smoke
12-25-2004, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

I'm currently making my way north,
in the business class of the PacificLiner
of an Amtrak train.

P.S. Please put me at ease.
My furangels CAN survive two days without me.
There IS enough food and water...

Pet Talkin on the ole Amtrak...

Now THERE's a new one! Possibly a PT *FIRST*!

As for the FurryWunz "surviving for two :eek: days..."

Depends on WHO you're askin :p -
I see nuffin wrong with the idea...
Da KATs are gonna have a LOT to *say* about it
when you return!

Suggest you return with TREATS IN Hand! ;)

Don't sweat it - how long can they possibly <pout>? :D

Laura's Babies
12-25-2004, 04:58 PM
Ewwwww! Wonder what treasures and treats they will leave for their Meowmie while she is away.. NOW, they can do all the things they always wanted to an nobody is there to stop them!!
;) :D .... (wasn't me, I didn't do it! Tain't MY fault! HE pushed me into it so it was HIS fault.....) I can hear the stories now!! :D

12-25-2004, 09:18 PM
Dear Kelly,
How COOL to hear from you aboard Amtrak!!

Now, I assure you that your furry angels CAN survive two days without me. They will miss you, but they will be FINE!! There IS more than enough food and water. The apartment IS ABSOLUTELY NOT going to burn down and there will be NO kitty homicide while you are gone:D :D


PS If you would like, I will even worry for you - would that help? I am really GREAT at it so you don't have to do it at all because *I* will worry for you - there - don't you feel better now? Enjoy your time away!!

12-25-2004, 11:09 PM
Have a great trip with you're family! :)

And the kitties will be OK!

12-26-2004, 09:35 AM
We worry so much about our kittys it's hard to enjoy vacations.Your kittys will be fine and happy to see you when you get home.:D Have a wonderful trip.:)

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-26-2004, 10:17 AM
How cool!!

Laura's Babies
12-26-2004, 10:43 AM
NM.....Where are you today?????

12-26-2004, 10:44 AM
Hope you are having a great trip. Don't worry about the babies. I'm sure they are just fine.

12-26-2004, 12:52 PM
How cool is that, posting from an Amtrak Train. :cool:

Glad to hear you are enjoying your trip and visits with your family.

Don't worry, your kitties will be just fine. Just be prepared for some good complaining when you get home, or they will just ignore you to show you how displeased they are. :) The hubby and I went for the weekend to the country and left the kitties alone for 2 days. When we got back, Katie complained for about 10 minutes, letting us know that she was not pleased. But she snapped out of it after she got some much needed lovings.:D

12-26-2004, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Don't sweat it - how long can they possibly <pout>? :D

We only left the herd for a day and on our return Bramble jumped up to the TV Dinner folding table (which I had been wrapping gifts on before I Left.) directly in front of me.

She sat there with her back to me. Ignoring me and the cuddles I was trying to give her for a full 10 minutes. She was very cross ;)

Kelly, May all your kitties forgive you very quickly and I hope you had a great christmas. :D

12-27-2004, 09:40 AM
The Found Cats,I think,would love,being on a Train,especially,if there are Wonderful Meals,as we once saw,on a PBS Station.

12-27-2004, 09:44 AM
How very cool, to know you were on an Amtrak while posting this! I hope you had a wonderful visit with your family, and a safe trip back home to your babies!


12-27-2004, 10:54 AM
We survived!!! :) Christmas was really neat and that train ride was such a pleasant time.

I came home to 9 very happy to see me kitties. :) But, I knew there was some reason I was abnormally worried. We left a candle burning!! It was still burning when I got home around 11:30 p.m. Christmas evening!! :eek: Thank God nothing happened!!!

Thanks for the wishes. :) It was fun posting from the train. Those wireless air cards are great!! I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas as well. :)

12-27-2004, 01:49 PM
Hey there Kelly!! I'm late, as usual, but Merry Christmas to you too! That is so cool to post from an Amtrak train!
I'm glad you are back safe and sound and all the kitties are ok. Maybe you weren't worrying for nothing since you left a candle buning!:eek: Thank God that turned out ok! *shew* that would have scared me to death! Oh well, no sense worrying now because everything came out fine.
Glad your home! Hugs and kissies to you and the kitties!!