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View Full Version : I'm so proud of my baby girl!

12-24-2004, 10:52 PM
Tonight we had a bunch of people over for Christmas Eve celebration, and Heidi was SO good. She stayed out of the kitchen, left the food alone, and was very gentle when the little kids wanted to pet her. She also was very obedient, which was something I was very pleased with as it seems lately shes been pushing the boundries, but tonight she was so good. I was so proud, and I couldn't have been happier. She was so polite too. if I told her to leave someone alone she would. :) I am just so proud I thought I would share! :D I love it when Heidi is so good like this. :)

12-24-2004, 11:57 PM
That is great news! Congrats. and YAY for Heidi for being a good girl!

12-25-2004, 07:09 AM
Good girl Heidi! I'm sure you got some doggie goodies for being such a good girl! :D

12-25-2004, 10:25 AM
Heidi your such a good girl, and you made your
human mommy and us so proud. :D

12-25-2004, 09:23 PM
Good Girl, Heidi!! Way to go, making your Mom proud!!! :D

12-25-2004, 09:50 PM
Good job heidi and I am happy for you miranda...

12-25-2004, 11:03 PM
Thank you all. Today we went out to my dad's side of the family and she had to come in the house because she gets TOO cold outside and everything. Well they think the place for a big dog is outside, so she had to stay in the backroom, and then she was in her kennel a lot or if she was out she stayed on her leash. I did take her in the living room once. It was rather hard though because she wants to check EVERYTHING out, and she doesn't want to lay down and chew on bones or toys or anything, so it did become a little frustrating with a high strung dog, but I love her still. I did have my little cry though because I felt that no one liked her (because of how shes treated because shes a "big" dog) and everything, and I was just upset because my grandma has a little tempermental cat who umm....got a little upset with me once, and then I felt that I drew attention to me and Heidi (I was trying to move the cat so me and Heidi could get upstairs without Heidi getting her face ripped open). But its all better now. My aunt and uncle have a toy poodle that they bring and so I sometimes feel like they are comparing Heidi to that dog, because their dogs so calm, little, sits on their lap (doesn't touch the floor at ALL...its never been on a leash before, and they carry it everywhere). But one thing I don't really like about their dog, is that if you touch it in the wrong spot it will snap, growl and things at you, and its very umm...touchy. Its just been spoiled to where it will get away with that and be babied for it too. So yeah, she had a few whining spells there, which rather annoyed me so I went and told her to be quiet a few times. My cousin did tell me that shes annoying (which is nothing new for my cousin to say; shes not the politest child....shes told me my dogs stupid, I'm a retard, I'm fat, etc.). Well, sorry for going on my little speel. Even though Heidi isn't the "ideal" dog for my relatives, she is for me, and I love her anyway. :)