View Full Version : Funny Kitty Stories

12-24-2004, 09:18 PM
I was talking to Donna the other day, sharing some of Doogie's antics and thought I would put one here. Feel free to share your's, as well.
I'm trying to get him not to jump on everything and he is getting better. Not too long after I got him, I was watching tv and I hear this noise. My chair faces the doorway and I see Doogie come flying out of the bathroom. That boy can run, baby! I keep qtips on the back of the toilet. They were all over the floor after that.
Doogie is also obsessed with shadows. If he sees your shadow on the wall, he'll follow it with his eyes and decide if he wants to try and pounce on it or not. I've got one of those multi colored disco type balls and I turned it on for him the other morning. I think they were going to fast in a circle for him to decide to jump.. It was funny watching, though.
What crazy things does your cat do?

Laura's Babies
12-24-2004, 10:51 PM
Giz is always into everything. I constantly hear CRASH , BUMP and noises where she has got into more than she can handle and something gets knocked down or over.. I am learning what to leave where and what she might get into but she is constantly looking for something to get into so it is a BIG job staying ahead of her..

The funnisest thing she has done lately was the day she would NOT quit jumping into the washing machine when I was trying to put clothes in it. So, I just quit trying to get her out and kept adding them to see how long she would stay in there.. She stayed and nothing seems to phase her... Until I turned the water on.... Did she run and get out of the way? NOooooooo, she stayed on the edge of the washer and watched the water go into the machine.... I posted pictures of it when it happened.. She is the most amusing cat I have ever has the pleasure of knowing..
(seeing if I can repost the pic's) Edit... these are at Imagestation so I can use my ablums there again!


12-25-2004, 10:30 AM
How cute! Doogie sometimes thinks he wants to get in the shower with me but never does. He just stand at the edge and peeks in. I can't believe how different cats are from dogs. They're so independant. They sort of just come to you when they want something. But, what makes it all worth it is all those purrs and head bumpies.

12-27-2004, 10:15 AM
JJJ3,no matter,where he is,knows when I am opening his TREATS,and Moose,is so Big and meeews,like a Kitten.

12-27-2004, 11:08 AM
Allen is the KING... none of the other cats dispute this fact. He comes to us every night for his loving. If we ignore his initial faint meows for attention, he gets louder and louder... until he is basically screaming out those meows! :D He gets his loving no matter what every night.

Pouncer is my silly boy. He's into everything. If a door is opened for even half a second, he is flying into that room or closet. I can't tell you how many times he's been locked in a closet for a few hours. He knows how to open the bathroom door... he doesn't like it if you hapened to have walked into the bathroom and shut the door before he could join you. Potty time is HIS time to be loved. :rolleyes:

Harry is my youngest boy. He is ALWAYS hungry. ALWAYS screaming for food, even if there is food in his dish - he screams just for good measure. He ikes to tease Pouncer to no end. Poor Pouncer!

Abby is my baby girl. She is VERY timid, especially around new people. She is the biggest dare devil out of the 4. The smallest of all of them and I swear she's part flying cat. Just this morning she went flying from the second step and lept about 7' up and 8' over to land on top of the TV unit. May not sound like much, but she doesn't even weigh 5 pounds.

12-27-2004, 01:54 PM
These stories are great! Isn't it amazing how much personality and how different each kitty is?

I could tell tons of stories but it would take me forever so I will pick just a couple.

Magoo must have the shower door open at all times! He screams and screams until you open it. He doesn't go in but can't stand to have the door shut. How wierd is that?

Pepper Jack must supervise whenever I'm fixing kitty breakfast or dinner. He never gets on the counter otherwise but he must inspect each plate of cat food! He never sneaks a bite but he must lick the can clean. That is his job and a fine job he does too!:D

12-28-2004, 08:56 AM
And the two Siamese Girls,Diane,and Precious,used to sneak,up,on the Princess,and scare her,but now,that thePrincess,is sight impaired,they have actually become Friends!