View Full Version : Traveling is SO stressful

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-24-2004, 03:06 PM
Meowmy and daddy insisted that I go along with them on their Christmas trip this year since they didn't want me home alone since my big brudder isn't there anymore to keep me company. WHY would they do this to me? Have I not been a good girl and this is my punishment instead of getting a present?

Meowmy has been taking pictures and I would like to submit them now as evidence of the obvious distress I am experiencing. Hopefully somebody will come rescue me from this torture.....soon!

Yours in distress,








Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-24-2004, 03:08 PM


Meowy Christmas Ebberbuddy!

12-24-2004, 03:12 PM
How cute..your motorhome looks beautiful.

12-24-2004, 03:23 PM
Yeah, poor Peanut! :D Your motorhome looks very Christmassy :)

Cinder & Smoke
12-24-2004, 03:58 PM

PeaNutter - somehow you just DON'T fit my image of
"the Stressed-Out KAT"!!

Da Fat Guy inna Red Suit wiffa Fuzzie Face that's gonna climb in
the "escape window" tonite is NOT a Burgler!
No *Hissin* & *Grrrrin*!!
A Hed-Bumpie fur da Ole Guy will getcha a
Sok-Full of TREETZ inna mornin!


12-24-2004, 04:05 PM
Aww Peanut you poor not stressed out girl! :eek: I think you're secretly having a wonderful time, and are just hoping for some extra presents tomorrow! Don't worry, you'll get plenty I'm sure sweet girl. ;)

12-24-2004, 04:10 PM
Peanut, you sure look quite comfortable to me. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us Debbie.:) Happy Holidays!!!:D

12-24-2004, 04:17 PM
Peanut, Peanut- what are you trying to tell us? I know that kitty with eyes closed means VERY exhausted kitty. But kitty rolling around on white leather seat?
I think this means VERY relaxed kitty.

I am so glad you're having a great time and hope your purrents have too.

Merry Christmas Debbie and Terry
..and poor stressed Peanut girl;)

Laura's Babies
12-24-2004, 04:37 PM
You can see from those pictures that she is just ever so stressed out.. Rolling on the sofa, relaxing as hard as she can...Poor pitiful kitty! :D :D :D :D

12-24-2004, 06:50 PM
Peanut, I think you're enjoying the trip immensely, so I won't come and rescue you - however, I'd love to come and give your fluffy tummy a good rubbing! :D

Love to you all, and Merry Christmas!!

12-24-2004, 08:23 PM
:D Yup, that is one stressed out kitty:D I wish I could join you in your distress pretty Peanut! I think I could handle that;)

Debbie - the home on wheels looks so cozy and festive!!

12-24-2004, 09:04 PM
Oh Dear Peanut, I am so very sorry that you are having to live by such primitive means!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: I am sure that mommy and daddy meant you no harm, and hey .... at least in the latter pics, they finally got your kitty condom bed for you, so you didn't have to sleep on that nasty old leather!:rolleyes: ;) :D

12-24-2004, 09:49 PM
Oh dear Princess Peanut........what a hard life you have. I just don't know how you can stand all that stress. LOL

...but you know, it's a whole lot better than Meowmie and Daddy leaving you at home. They just love you so much that you had to come along too.

Meowie Christmas to Tubby and Peanut.

{{{HUGS}}} Debbie


12-25-2004, 06:48 AM
Oh poor Peanut! Those pictures surely broke my heart.:rolleyes: I really don't understand how your meowmie could allow such things to continue!:eek: How heartbreaking this is.:p
Please tell your purrents that I will gladly take your place to spare you any further hardship.;) :D

12-25-2004, 08:12 AM
Peanut, I know it seems like most of the humans here seem to think you are some how content. I, on the other hand, can see your obvious distress. As shown in the first set of pictures, you are having a very hard time getting comfortable, am I right? All that rutching and rolling, and then someone goes and stuffs a carpet condom under you right as you FINALLY found a suitable position. In the next set of pictures I see a terribly over worked watch-cat trying to guard all those windows by yourself! (it is hard to get good help these days, isn't it?)
So Peanut, I feel for you, but if it makes the fur-parents happy to have you along, you should humor them. After all, they are only human!


Merry Christmas.

12-25-2004, 09:26 AM
Sweet Peanut,

for sure, this trip is looking VERY stressful!! A kitty's life isn't always easy, is it? ;)


12-27-2004, 04:35 PM
Lord I was born a rambling cat..
trying to make a living and doing the best I can....
And when it's time for leaving,
I hope you understand...
that I was born a rambling cat...:D

12-28-2004, 08:54 AM
The Found Cats,wouls all,love to go,on the raod with you Peanut Butter,and go,to all those wonderful Restaurants,like Applebys,Jimmy Deans,and Dennys!

12-28-2004, 09:34 AM
Adorable Peanut, thanks for the update! :D

12-28-2004, 10:10 AM
How did I miss this thread? Peanut, you poor abused kitty! I know that leather seat isn't anywhere near as comfortable as a soft chennile throw on a cozy fabric covered couch. I can see that they are not fooling you by offering you a carpet condom! Kisses to you for putting up with such harsh treatment :)

12-28-2004, 10:21 AM
It looks like yours was actually less tortured than my Meka!!! :) Poor girl just couldn't stop driving us crazy!!! :) She did get to put her paws in snow though! :) Was there snow on the beach? I heard there was???? Any pictures???? :) Debbie

12-29-2004, 08:59 AM
you sure look "comfy" to me......i should never be more "stressed" than how you look!!!!!! gee, this all looks like one of the greatest trips ever......