View Full Version : unexpected trip to the vet with Bitsy

12-24-2004, 11:08 AM
Bitsy was more quiet than usual last night and she didn't eat her supper, so we knew she wasn't quite feeling herself. When we took the dogs outside to go potty Bitsy just laid down in the grass. Bitsy sleeps in bed with us at night and last night I accidentally kicked her while I was sleeping. That's not too unusual though because I always kick in my sleep and Bitsy has on many occasions been sleeping by my feet and gotten a kick. Anyway, Last night when I kicked her she let out a loud yelp and then got up and moved to Justin's pillow for the rest of the night. Then this morning she seemed very sore, she would yelp and cry when we picked her up and she was shaking very badly. I called the Vet and they told me to bring her right in. The vet thought is was possibly a slipped or herniated disc. They took an xray and sure enough it was a herniated disc. They gave her a shot for pain and almost right away she was feeling better. They said she would sleep the rest of the day (that's what she's doing right now). They gave her a couple prescriptions that she has to take for the next 2 weeks. She is suppose to stay inactive for that long too, which means keeping her away from the other dogs and crating her when we aren't home.

My poor little girl. Not a nice way to spend Christmas.

12-24-2004, 11:39 AM
Poor Bitsy :(

My boss's poodle just went through the same thing at Thanksgiving. She was on valium and steroids for about 2 weeks, and is doing great now. They also have another dog (and 2 small children) and had to keep the dog calm.

Feel better soon Bitsy. Gentle hugs

12-24-2004, 01:17 PM
Poor Bitsy!
*Gentle hugs* to you and to her.

12-24-2004, 03:18 PM
Thanks you guys.
Bitsy has been sleeping on our bed (well actually Justin's pillow) all afternoon. I just took her outside for a few minutes and now she's laying here next to me. I had to lock Charlie and Nacey in the kitchen with the baby gate so they won't bother her, (Buster is fine, he won't bother her).

12-24-2004, 06:18 PM
Oh Bitsy:( No fun healing over Christmas. But I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better and resting comfortably, all warm and cozy with your family:) Take it easy and get well soon dear Bitsy! Sandra, Cody and Star send you lots of hugs and well wishes, sweetheart:) Merrry Christmas Bitsy and family:)

12-26-2004, 08:00 AM
Poor Bitsy. :( Hope you are feeling better soon sweetie.

12-26-2004, 11:38 AM
How are you doing, Bitsy??? Hope you're on the mend!

12-27-2004, 07:56 AM
How is Bitsy feeling now?!?!