View Full Version : Lily did it again - she ate a ribbon!

12-24-2004, 10:52 AM
I feel so bad!!!

A couple of days ago, I got a christmas pressie from my landlords. Had it on the kitchen table for a moment, and within minutes, Lily must have detected it, and I caught her chewing on the curly ribbons. I put it away, but today, I brought it out again to unpack it, and I noticed that one of the ribbon's ends was in fact chewed on, and it looks like a few centimetres are missing!:eek: Since I didn't find a piece of ribbon, it's very likely that it is in Lily stomach.

She must have eaten it immediately, she was only a couple of minutes near the present when I got it, before I put it away. :( I feel so bad.

After all, some weeks ago, I found a piece of a red ribbon in her stool, she must have eaten it on my birthday in November. Back then, she was also only a couple of minutes around my birthday gift, but it must have been long enough to eat it.

I feel so stupid! I have this warning about these ribbons on www.catmom.de ; and now it happened to me twice! :(

So far, Lily is not showing any signs of illness or discomfort, she's using her box, is not constipated, and she's not vomiting. Don't worry, as soon as I feel something's wrong, she'll be off to the vet's, but I hope it's not necessary.

But what a stupid girl! Why does she have to gulp these ribbons so excessively? And what a negligent mommy am I! :o


12-24-2004, 11:22 AM
It's not your fault we can't monitor everything they do. I hope everything goes well and that it doesn't bother her. Have a good Christmas.

12-24-2004, 11:27 AM
It's not your faul! I'm convinced there's something very tasty to cats in those ribbons - Mishi can't seem to keep away from the gifts. He's getting many lessons in what the word "NO" means! Mitzi, on the other hand, is being such a little angel!

Laura's Babies
12-24-2004, 11:36 AM
They just can't stay away from ribbons and we (as cat owners) just have to remeber.. GET RID OF RIBBONS AND BOWS!! It is like they treat them with cat nip or something... I learned long ago and they go in the trash as soon as they come in the house...... But I do have to add, there are a lot of other things I forget and leave out that I shouldn't too...

12-24-2004, 11:47 AM
You are not a negligent mommy! She is just a determined girl!

I'm so glad my kids don't even go near my ribbons - either the fabric ribbons or the curly type ribbon

12-24-2004, 04:21 PM
F+T were very good with the Christmas tree and didn't jump in it (although Filou acted like crazy this afternoon). But as soon as I had the tinsel up here is Tigris trying to chew it. Now we only have tinsel in the upper levels of the tree:D

I hope Lily just chewed on it. Lily, you could now leave the label of nawtiest kitty to the younger generation;)

12-25-2004, 04:02 AM
Lily, you could now leave the label of nawtiest kitty to the younger generation

You're right, it's about time! But Lily seems to think she's not old enough to give up nawteeness. :eek:

However, so far she's not showing any symptoms, so I figure she's alright, but I have an eye on her all the time.

Laura's Babies, you're right, it's the best to dispose these thingies as soon as they come into my house! It will offend people, of course, as it already did when I threw away the ribbons from the gifts I got from Lily's first family for my birthday (after I had seen that Lily had chewed on them already). Heard some snidy remarks about being over-protective from Luna's first mom, but we disagree in many things, anyway...


Maya & Inka's mommy
12-25-2004, 06:06 AM
Oops.... naughty Lily...:eek:
Don't worry, Kirsten, if she hasn't given any sign of an upset stomack, she will be alright!!
You have a very important job now: watch all her poop, and find the missing piece of ribbon :D ;) :)

12-25-2004, 06:56 AM
Lily the stress you cause your meowmie!! Silly, silly Lily!
Kirsten I wouldn't worry too much. Chances are it will all "come out" ok.:p I would hate to think of how much of no telling what our kitties have gotten into that we never know about. I'm sure she will be fine and quit blaming yourself. They are little stinkers that get what they want no matter how hard you try to protect them.;) :D

12-25-2004, 07:04 AM
You are among the BEST cat Meowmies I know!:eek: Please don't blame yourself. I think cats are forever toddlers and there is just NO WAY we can keep them from getting into things if that is what they set their mind to - unless you choose not to sleep, use the restroom or turn your back to eat;) Lily is one ...uh...determined (thank you CCL) kitty and I suspect she will keep you vigilant until she is geriatric and even then she will probably dream up things to try:D