View Full Version : Pet Mas Party 2004,was a Success

12-24-2004, 08:45 AM
And All,Your Pets,should now be Home,Full And Happy.There were Cats,Dogs,Lizars,Fish ,Birds,Sipowitz,the Frog,and Monl\keys! And they were all,on thier Best Behaviour,and shared,and shared alike!! I know,taht the Mall,and Restaurant Row nvasion,went well,and the Eating Establishments,were thoroughly enjoyed,as was the Village Restaurant.And The Party,went well,but even so,Your Pets,wanted to Go Home,to be withYou,on Pet Mas Eve,and that is a Tribute,to the Wonderful Guardains,on Pet Talk.

12-24-2004, 08:52 AM
The party was just wonderful Gary, as ALL of your parties are!! Thank you so much for inviting all of our kitties and taking such good care of them. They will be talking about it for days!! Oh and thank you for talking that wonderful picture of Josie and Eliot!!

Laura's Babies
12-24-2004, 08:58 AM
My babies arrived home happy and wore out. Samanthas new coat must have been admired by everyone because she is so full of herself today and just strutting around like a little princess. The rest of them are fat and wore out from all the food and frolic. Amy is all dreamy eyed but will not tell me why? WHO did she meet that has her daydreaming so much?

Thanks for inviting them to your parte and now they are waiting for the next one.

12-24-2004, 09:38 AM
I wish I hadn't have missed it. Sounds like it was fun.

12-24-2004, 10:53 AM
umm Pixie is home, but Fifa isn't! Is he with his girl still??? If he is will you please give him the message to get here before santa does?

12-24-2004, 04:23 PM
Filou and Tigris came this morning and looked a little worn out;) Must have been a lot of fun. As pointed out before I am so happy you took good care of them. I hope they helped with the dishes;)

12-24-2004, 06:23 PM
The gang here are also all pooped out from all the festivities Gary! And I've never seen such overstuffed bellies! :eek: :eek: They wanted me to say THANK YOU for your wonderful and fun party, and are all itchin' to know if there will be a New Years Eve bash? :confused:

12-25-2004, 05:29 AM
Originally posted by Jods
umm Pixie is home, but Fifa isn't! Is he with his girl still??? If he is will you please give him the message to get here before santa does?

Don't worry Jods! Fifa showed up here with Ebony! He said he just couldn't bear to part with her. I explained to him that Santa was going to leave him goodies at his house and that you are missing him terribly. He gave Ebony one last head butt and headed home to you. Ebony is very furlorn. She is walking around the house all mopey and crying for her lost Fifa. :(

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-25-2004, 05:56 AM
Maya & Inka rang at our frontdoor at about 9 pm last night. They had taken a cab home, and expected us to pay the driver :eek: !
We were in the middle of opening our gifts. They both went straight to their cat-bed, and did NOT leave it anymore for the rest of the evening!! Even when I yelled: "gift for INKA!!!", she didn't come to open it. She opened 1 eye, and closed it right away. So we've got NO "help" with opening gifts this year. I also think they ate enough for a long time to go, as they didn't even touch their breakfast this morning...:rolleyes:

Thanks for the great trip, and for sending my cats back home safely!!

12-27-2004, 04:59 PM

I wanted to personally thank you for inviting the Edster to the party.

He hasn't worn his collar for almost a year now....He'd fight and claw it off of his neck and leave it for me to find all over the house.

On his way out to the party I put it back on him, just in case....

He has worn it for the last 4 days with no problems what so ever.

I think that is a Christmas miracle in of itself!

Thank you.....

Ed had a great time and he was sleeping when I left him this morning........I guess he was dreaming of the great time he had!

12-27-2004, 05:07 PM
Gary my crew arrived home safe and sound. They are all exhausted but very very happy! I overheard some kitty gossip and I understand that Magoo and Princess hit it off pretty well!:eek: Since she is losing her sight Magoo was filling her in on how to handle things but from the gossip I overheard I think things went a little further! It sounds to me like they might have a little romance going on there!:eek: At least that is what the gossip is. Magoo aint talking!;) :D

12-28-2004, 08:52 AM
We were so pleassed,to be able,to show off our Home Town,and all the Cats,were able,to see All The Resaturants,especially,the Swiss Chalet,the Red Lobster,and Tony Romas! And we loved having all,of them,at Our Hotel,and they all played,with the Strays,especially Scrappy 2,and saw,taht the Little One,got his share,of Steak.

12-28-2004, 09:06 AM
Mina is sorry she missed, but I felt she was a little too young to travel by herself. I'm sure she will be able to go next year when she is a bit bigger and older. Besides Gary would of had his hands full with her.