View Full Version : K'Cee's first snow...

12-23-2004, 07:32 PM
... and she's NOT a happy camper! lol

What IS this stuff?!

It's cold. Pick me up now or the gerbils and (remaining) fish are history!

My feet! brrrrrrr!!! (notice the foot-in-the-air shake lol)

Sooooo not amused.

(my Sis and K'Cee)

more pics in the next post...

12-23-2004, 07:33 PM
My sis and Tinker.

(blurry but I love that foot pose!)

Ok, enough fun.... going back inside now!

SNOWBALL!! Throw another one! Hurry!

That's all the pics! :)

12-23-2004, 07:40 PM
Great pictures. I'm so jealous of all of this snow.

We need more fo Sara! :D

12-23-2004, 08:16 PM
Wonderful snowy pics to get everyone in the mood for a white Christmas.:)

12-23-2004, 09:38 PM
GREAT pics! Judging from K'Cee's expression, you should keep an eye on those fish and gerbils!

Your sister is cute, she looks just like a mini-Tonya .. aww! :)

I'm jealous of the snow too!

12-23-2004, 09:40 PM
Oh wow you did get some snow!

It definately looks like K'Cee is not a very happy camper!

12-23-2004, 09:40 PM
LOL! K'Cee does NOT look pleased! :D

12-23-2004, 09:53 PM
Miss Hoppy sends her sympathies to K'Cee. She agrees that it is just awful. It's cold. It's wet. It gets your PAWS wet. It falls on your EARS! and it's EVERYWHERE! A bunny - and I guess kitty - nightmare!

I, of course, am jealous, but know that I will have more snow later. Today it is just 50 degrees and raining so hard that I was out shopping and had to change my clothes when I got home - I was soaked to the skin, even through my heavy "barn coat" with the fake fleece inside and everything! Ark-building kinda rain ... just in the wrong month.

Cinder & Smoke
12-23-2004, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by aly

Judging from K'Cee's expression,
you should keep an eye on those fish and gerbils!


I think there may be some truth in that observation! ;)

And do you realize that you have MORE snow than WE do!??

Otta try a "snow outing" with the Boots -
I don't think his feet have EVER touched the stuff.
(Other than the paw SHAKE :mad: when he walks over a
snowy paw-print left by a Dawg on the rug.)

12-23-2004, 10:27 PM
Snow already! wahhh! I want snow! Great pictures, it looks like everyone had fun (even Miss K'Cee who is trying to look miserable!)

12-23-2004, 11:01 PM
Great pictures Tonya. You and your sister sure look alot alike, except for the colour hair that is. :)
You poor little thing. May I kiss that cute pink nosie and make it all better???
Talk to you tomorrow, Sis. Don't forget.;)

12-24-2004, 12:52 AM

Too cute :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-24-2004, 03:36 AM
BEAUTIFUL pics!!!! I envy you :( ; we defenitely won't have any snow for Christmas this year :( :(

12-24-2004, 05:37 AM
Princess K'Cee how could they do that to you?

However you look adorable in that white substance- just like the kitty from a fairytale:)

12-24-2004, 07:35 AM
Awwww, poor widdle K'Cee .... honey, you can come and warm your tootsies at my house ... and curl up in my bed and stay nice and cozy warm. We'll just watch the teeny tiny snowflakes that we are getting here :rolleyes: through the window!!!!;)

12-24-2004, 08:25 AM
The Found Cats ,agree with K'Cee,except foe Moose The Magnificent ,who LOVES Rolling,in the Snow,and then chasing Poor Scrappy 2,down the street.But at least,Scrappy 2 got,in a Right Paw,to the Nose.Must be a South Paw.

12-24-2004, 12:20 PM
Poor Kissiekat...
I made *SIS* take her outside and place her in the snow because *I* was holding the camera (are you kidding me? I just didn't want her mad at me! :p ). Now anytime my sis gets near K'Cee, K'Cee runnnnnsssss!

It's sunny today and the snow is melting off - guess we won't have a white christmas afterall. :(

Cinder & Smoke
12-24-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat

I made *SIS* take her outside and place her in the :eek: snow
because *I* was holding the camera.
(Are you kidding me?
I just didn't want her mad at me! :p ).

Now anytime my sis gets near K'Cee, K'Cee runnnnnsssss!


EXACTLY what I was thinking when I saw who was Kat-Herdin!!

You're such a "sweetie", Zipp!! :p

12-24-2004, 02:07 PM
Beautiful pictures and one gorgeous, fluffy, cold and ticked off cat!!! :p I loved seeing Miss K'Cee and her ssssibling out in the snow. I know it sounds impossible, but here in South Texas, we were briefly tantalized with the prospect of snowflakes today or tomorrow. That's now been removed from the forecast. BooHiss. The birdbaths and deer trough are frozen over, tho. I'm really surprised to read that so many PTers north of us are flakeless!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to ALL!!!!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-24-2004, 02:09 PM
Poor K'Cee! Peanut and Tubby can relate. Somewhere around here I have the video of how I let Tubby out last year with no leash on. He was sooo excited, until he noticed his paws were a bit too cold....and wet....:D

12-25-2004, 11:50 AM
Tubby (http://petoftheday.com/talk/attachment.php?s=&postid=586047) Hope this works.

Cinder & Smoke
12-25-2004, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Freckles

Tubby in the SNOW! (video) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/attachment.php?s=&postid=586047)
Hope this works.
Yep :)


That "Tubby *LINK*" is to a video file -
you might have to "open" your Windows Media Player;
RIGHT-click on the *link* and
then "Copy Link Location" with a Left-click;
Now select "File" on the Media Player top menue;
click on "Open URL" and wait for the Data box to appear;
"Delete" anything that's in the box;
Finally "Click & PASTE" the saved link into the box ...

And Dear Tubby will appear and do his "Snow Dance" on the porch! :D

NOTE his Paw-SHAKES :mad: as he tries to *flick* the
cold, WET stuff off each paw! :D
"Hold da door, Mom ~ I've had enuff!" :p

12-25-2004, 01:00 PM
What a precious video!

It's warming up. The snow's drip-drip-dripping off the roof, still have a (mostly) white lawn though. K'Cee hasn't been back outside since this incident but... the day's not over yet. ;)

12-25-2004, 03:47 PM
Great pictures!! :) That's too funny, cats in the snow.

I'm jealous!! I want some snow...can you send us some?? ;)

12-25-2004, 11:07 PM
Those are great!!!
They are so adorable!
Kloe escaped and didn't go far she played with tiny snowballs.

12-26-2004, 12:10 AM
Aww poor K'Cee doesn't look too thrilled....but she looks adorable, and so does Tinker and Sara! Great pics!

12-26-2004, 12:59 PM
Great pictures. You have some GORGEOUS kitties. I want your snow! *pouts* :p It looks like the kitties didn't exactly think the same as me though. ;) Your sister is very pretty. Whose dog is that? Is it yours? Its a handsome boxer, and big....gotta love those big dogs. :D

12-26-2004, 01:40 PM
K'Cee & Tnker's reaction is just what I would expect from
my kitties. :D They hate getting their feet wet.:D I wouldn't
dare to carry them outside.:eek: Sara looks like she liked it.:)

12-26-2004, 02:59 PM
Zippy, those pictures have been forwarded to the SPCA.....:eek:

12-26-2004, 04:27 PM
K-Cee, you didn't look very amused out there in the snow, getting vet feet is no fun, is it! What were they thinking!! You go back in front of the fireplace and get your well earned treats. ;)

Zippy, smart move - getting your sister to do the "dirty" job. :eek: