View Full Version : Exit Santa Ebby. Enter Miss Conehead

12-23-2004, 12:18 PM
Not a happy girl.




I'm not very happy either. It has taken me two years to get to the point where I can pick her up and cuddle, even if for a very short time. It is heartbreaking for me to see the trust I've built up gone. She was running away from me this morning and although she isn't now - well, at least not running just keeping out of my way - she is so unhappy.

One good thing is that she has eaten her spiked chicken. Though I had to hold the bowl still after her initial doubts she ate the lot. :) I was also able to bathe her tail and put on some antiseptic ointment I'd bought, even if it stung. :( It also seemed to me she had been biting it even with the collar on, maybe it is the wrong size for what is needed.

Oh, she did scratch me while I put the collar on, but not deliberately, it was when I'd finished and she was moving out of my grasp


12-23-2004, 12:24 PM
I'm sorry that you were scratched!!!

I think that the punishment should be that Ebby is made to
sit on the roof and pick up satellite Television signals.:confused:

12-23-2004, 12:34 PM
spiked chicken
Now this sounds interesting.....perhaps a little alcohol to calm the kitty??? :D ..or calm you.....

Sorry Chris, don't mean to laugh. It must be hard for you to see little Ebby being so unhappy. I had no idea you've been struggling for two years to build up trust. That's so sad. :( Somehow I got the impression that she was one cuddly lap kat. Was she a rescue...or an abused kitty before you adopted her?
No matter, she deserves all the love she can get from you and us. Kisses to you sweet Ebby. Just remember, that collar isn't forever.

{{{HUGS}}} to you Chris and hope those scratches heal quickly.

12-23-2004, 01:16 PM
Picture this

... Ebby is made to sit on the roof and pick up satellite Television signals.
....perhaps a little alcohol to calm the kitty???
:D :D :D

slick, I got Ebbs from a shelter when she estimated to be around 2 years old. All I know about her background is that she was taken in as a pregnant stray, fostered until she had her kittens, adopted, and about a month later the person returned her to the shelter. Then I came along and fell for her, she 'who does nothing at all to sell herself' as the shelter worker described her. :D Though she has never been a 'scardy' one, just very reserved. Her favours being hard won and even then bestowed sparingly. :D


12-23-2004, 01:17 PM
Ouch Chris, those scratches look so painful. Poor Ebby, hopefully she won't hold it against you too long.

Killearn Kitties
12-23-2004, 01:54 PM
Oh Miss Ebby, you are very beautiful with your new collar, it shows off your glossy black coat so well!

Chris, hopefully Ebby will not hold it against you once she gets the collar off. Ours used to behave a bit like that as well, but each time they went to the vet, they came round a bit quicker. Hopefully the beautiful Miss Ebbs will be the same.

12-23-2004, 03:26 PM
Thanks, Lori and Karen, I hope so too. :)

Tiny bit of drama just now, Ebby came downstairs and Bob chased her! He also barked at her earlier when she was sitting on the stairs. I think the cone on her head has him really confused. :)

I took the attached picture a minute or so ago, my little conehead lying on the couch.


Laura's Babies
12-23-2004, 05:13 PM
That cone really shows her off for the beautiful, black beauty she is.. I hope what you are doing solves the problem and don't get her TO upset with you.

12-23-2004, 05:35 PM
Poor Ebby. But, she still looks pretty, even with the cone. I hope her tail gets better soon.

12-23-2004, 06:01 PM
Oh Ebbs....you poor little baby girl!!! You look pathetic.....I sure hope your Meowmie is giving you extra treats and lots of scritchies from Auntie Slick.

12-23-2004, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by slick
and lots of scritchies from Auntie Slick.

How's about helping me get out of this getup??:D

12-23-2004, 06:34 PM

" Though she has never been a 'scardy' one, just very reserved. Her favours being hard won and even then bestowed sparingly. "

Sounds a little like Edwina doesn't it. :D

I love the "reserved" kitties. All the sweeter when they finally
do show their trust & affection.:D I think Bob must have thought
there was something wrong with Ebby, that's why he barked.:)
My Smokey always runs to any cat if they should start making
a hacking noise with a hairball, or something. I do hope Ebby's
tail heals quickly & I just know she won't hold a grudge for long.:D

12-24-2004, 08:39 AM
Ebby,donr\tbe mad,at your Guardians,as that is one,of the odd things,that the White Coats,do for Our Own Good,and you will have that thing off soon.

12-24-2004, 02:55 PM
Thanks everyone. :)

Well ... after switching off the computer last night I sat next to Ebby on the couch. While I was stroking her and giving scritches she was purring away, then after a little while she turned over and curled her paws up the way she does when asking for belly rubs! :D I think that means I am forgiven, and made me soooo happy! :D

There's more.
We sat companionably, Ebby sort of sleeping, as cats do, me watching tv. All of a sudden she sat up, turned herself round and started licking at the owie on her tail!! That's right, she can just about reach it with her cone on!! :eek:
So I took the cone off.

I just hope that the 8 days of antibiotics she has to take this time do the trick. It does look like she hasn't been worrying at it today, or very little if she has. Obviously the vets will be closed for at least a few days, maybe until Wednesday. If she is still worrying at it then I will have to see if they have a bigger cone or something.


12-25-2004, 06:32 AM
Oh poor Ebby! I haven't checked in for a couple of days so I missed this. I am glad she isn't wearing that cone anymore. They look so pathetic in those things.
We are sending prayers that the antibiotics did the trick and she won't need another one.
Merry Christmas Ebby!