View Full Version : accident and attack left with crushed rear

12-22-2004, 12:44 PM
my 5 month old lab was hit by a truck and attacked by 2 pit bulls and left on the side of the road. we sometimes put him on our porch and a neighbors kid let him loose,well now hes at the vet with a crushed rear. the vet say he can come home today and that it will take a while for him to heal.said surgery wouldnt help anything but run up a high bill. hes in bad shape but doing better. he was wagging his tail at me today but not eating much.im just curious if he should have been put down or not? worried about his pain because they havent given him anything.i have to talk to the vet at 3 today,said he needed to go over a couple of things with me, im assumeing money probably.anyway feel free to comment.

12-22-2004, 04:53 PM
A crushed rear? like pelvis? Poor baby! At least they could give him some asprin or ibuprofen or something? And so young! I have no idea, I only hope he'll be OK.

12-22-2004, 10:44 PM
Do not give the dog aspirin - too great of chance of inducing ulcers. Also ibuprofen can cause liver and kidney damage. For an injury potentially this painful the dog should be on torbutrol (doggy narcotic).

I don't understand what your Vet is saying at all. Depending on what "crushed" means the only way a dog heals without surgery is if nothing was broken or really "crushed". Usually when car meets dog, it does require surgery to pin broken bones be it leg or pelvis.

It would seem your options are:

1. Trust the first Vet that essentially nothing was broken, and only bruises incurred. If that's the case then you need to question why the bill is so high.

2. Seek the opinion of another Vet, preferably at a Vet hospital. Yes this means more bills such as Xrays. Better yet have the first Vet send the Xrays to the Vet hospital of your choice for a second opinion. If there are broken bones the chances of successfully avoiding complications goes down hill rather quickly with time. So you need to act now.

You indicate the dog was somehow attacked by 2 pit bulls, but describe no injuries from the attack. Presumably the Vet has given your dog antibiotics?

12-23-2004, 08:20 AM
well the vet says there are some shattered places in the pelvis area that will heal in time, his leg is broken off his hip,off of the socket it looked like to me. ? the vet says that if i can keep him to stay down then it probably will heal on its own,but if it don't then will require surgery.they gave him cephalexin and rimadly(pain) ,he is doing much better,alert but in pain.not eating very much but great on fluids.lots of tlc for him.the injuries from the pit attack are some bite holes in his ears and on his legs and backside.the person who hit him let his dogs out at the scene and they done this to him. my vet sayd he will heal and be perfectly normal but it will take some time.he cant get up to go potty so im wondering about how much to bath him,or clean him,his legs in bad shape so i cant hardly move him,and he cant get up so im thinking to get a wash cloth and clean him that way,im not trying to sound ignorant just havent been in this situation before.thanks to all who replied.

12-23-2004, 10:06 PM
Poor baby! That sounds very painful. :( I agree with Thandi, he should be given some painkillers.

And, what kind of cruel person hits a dog, and then sets his own dogs on the poor thing! Lunatic.

Hope he is better soon.

12-23-2004, 10:19 PM
Get a referral to a Vet practice that specializes in surgery. The injuries you are describing sounds as though pins will need to be inserted to aid healing. Surgery should be done in the next 7-10 days.

Rimadyl (not one of my favorite doggy drugs) is most effective against chronic pain rather than acute pain. It will not do much for this type of traumatic injury. Again ask the Vet for Torbutrol in place of the Rimadyl. A dose of 2.5-5 mg of Torbutrol 2x daily will make the dog comfortable.

Also prior to any surgery the swelling would have to be alleviated. Low dose Prednisone would help to bring the inflammation down.

If there were witnesses to the accident and post events, you should pursue the matter with the local ASPCA.

12-25-2004, 03:38 PM
My dog was injured by a vehicle out in the road years ago. We took him to the vet for x rays & he had a fracture in his right leg. We ended up taking him home without any kind of pain medicine. We put him in the barn on a thick layer of straw. I could hear him whine with pain. He wasn't given any pain medicine because the vet didn't want him up running around. He felt it was necessary for my dog to lay & be still so the healing would take place. My dog did stay down & took a lot of attention making sure he ate, drank, & was as comfortable as possible. Luckily it was a warm time of year. Maybe your dogs system is shocked right now & drinking the water will keep him hydrated. What a stressful time this must be for you & him.

12-25-2004, 05:01 PM
Oh dear:(:(:( I agree totally with Dragondawg....please, if you can, get him to a vet refera;. It definitely sounds that he needs surgery, at least, hopsitalization to control his pain and to monitor him, check his vitals, be sure he's hydrated.. This is not a pup that needs to be pts:(:(:( Praying for your Labbie boy. PLEASE keep us updated.

12-26-2004, 07:02 PM
How's your pup doing???:confused: Please check in when you can. Praying for his recovery. Sandra

12-26-2004, 07:52 PM
Oh no :( I just read this now, poor baby, right before Christmas :( I hope he is doing better, that must of been very traumatizing for him...and you!! Please check in with us soon.

12-27-2004, 08:04 AM
Oh My!!!!!!:eek:

Please let us know how your pup is doing!!!

12-27-2004, 10:36 PM
well he (barosha) is doing much better now. i cant believe he is up and actually getting around some. they dont want him to active yet but he is able to go potty outside now.his leg just sort of dangles along with him.he will stop and rest on the way. if in about 2 weeks hes not showed proper healing then surgery will be required but for now hopeful no surgery.will in touch.

12-28-2004, 02:46 PM
Good to hear he is feeing better. Hopefully he has a speedy recovery with no surgery. Keep us updated.

12-28-2004, 03:34 PM
So relieved to hear Barosha is on the mend:) Take it easy sweetheart and heal well! Hopefully you won't need the surgery:) Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way:) Sandra

Please keep us updated!:)

12-28-2004, 05:22 PM
It is great to hear Barosha is feeling a lot better. Being a young pup is to an advantage. The body is still growing & things will mend faster. My dog was hit years ago & carried his leg up also. Eventually it healed & the leg came back down & he could walk on it normally but it took time. :)

12-28-2004, 05:58 PM
Maybe I'm just a wimp, but if an injury could be helped to
heal faster with surgery,I would insist on it. If they show any obvious pain, I would ask for pain medicine to ease the pain for
them. Dog's are such stoic creatures anyway & don't show us
many of their pains day to day. I would want to help them any
way medicine can help when they can't help but show it.

I am glad you dog seems better.:)