View Full Version : GRRRR!!!!! And BRRRRR!!!!! A rant thread coming right up!

12-21-2004, 04:57 PM
Long and aggravating (to say the least) story! :mad: My friend Pat works at a local convenience store, and she had two 6? week old kittens brought in to her yesterday morning. I took them (as usual) and the story gets better. :rolleyes: The piece of work that gave them to her claimed that he "got rid of the mother cat because she attacked someone". Pat asks the guy Everett where the cat was, and he comes up with one story of tossing her into the cemetary on Sun. morning (witnesses saw this), and then the tune changed to "I gave her to a Hispanic woman near the hole in the fence to the cemetary". Leslie met up with me when she got off work last night, and believing the first story of the cat being thrown out, we went searching in the bitter cold weather. After circling the areas with houses surrounding the cemetary for well over an hour, we ended up on a small dead end street. Leslie jumped out and called "Smokey" and heard a cat crying back. The description was so vague on the actual mom cat, that we were searching for a grey cat. This one is a bi-color tabby with white. Cat ran under a shed, and I tried for well over an hour to lure her out into the trap, but finally couldn't stay any longer so left food, and said a prayer she's be alive this A.M. I took the carrier the kittens had been in, and some food, and drove over this AM, called and heard not a peep. :( Until I popped a can of food open, then she came out much to my relief! :p I scruffed, and plunked her into the carrier, came home and showed her the kittens. She went nuts growling, and hissing at them, and me. I decided to set her up in a cage with the kittens in a separate carrier against the cage, and covered them all over. During the day, Everett came intoPat's store, and had a swearing shouting match! I told Pat to say the cat was found dead, which she did, and he didn't even bat an eye! :mad: :mad:I did the potties, and peeked and mom was in the litterpan with the babies pawing at her! :eek: I pulled one kitten out, put him in with mom, and she started washing him, so put the 2nd in...same thing! Now they're nursing. Talk about a string of miracles all around! Poor cat has been traumatised, and no doubt abused before being thrown out like crap. Hopefully time will heal her wounds, and someday Leslie & I will thaw out from this fiasco. :rolleyes:

12-21-2004, 05:05 PM
I admire you so much, not just for the excellent rescue work but for managing not to murder people like that man :mad:

12-21-2004, 05:10 PM
That poor mom.Thank God you and Leslie went to find her and I'm glad he at least said the truth the first time.What a waste of a human he is.I'm glad they are all together now.

Laura's Babies
12-21-2004, 06:39 PM
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Piece of inhuman $&^$##&^%((*%%))_&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Glad all are well and under your wonderful care.. THANK GOD!)

12-21-2004, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by PayItForward
I admire you so much, not just for the excellent rescue work but for managing not to murder people like that man :mad:
If I knew what the piece of scum looked like, I just may be looking at a murder conviction! He should be sitting outside in the minus zero weather we've been having here. :mad: I'm just so glad that it IS the mother cat, and she's finally calmed down and accepted her babies back. Poor cat's no doubt been subjected to crack, drunks, pot smoke, you name it from these lowlifes for some time now. :mad: :( And to think he didn't even bat an eye when Pat lied back to him about the cat being found frozen to death. Now can someone please refresh my memory as to why the earth needs this person? :rolleyes:

12-21-2004, 06:55 PM
...maybe a louisville slugger to the right knee? i'm not normally violent, however.....:mad:

12-21-2004, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by joycenalex
...maybe a louisville slugger to the right knee? i'm not normally violent, however.....:mad:
I'll sic the local "Hell's Angels" on him with glee! Many are animal lovers, and wouldn't hesitate to break a few bones and hopefully throw him into the cemetary in the middle of the night. It broke my heart driving off last night after seeing that poor cat shaking from the cold, but Leslie had a long drive home, and I was shaking from the cold myself. Still trying to thaw out. :(

12-21-2004, 07:21 PM
Jan, I just love hearing how youand Leslie go beyond the call of duty to help these precious cats. I've said it many times and I will keep saying it...." YOU ARE AN ANGEL TO THESE KITTIES."

Bless you dear girl and Leslie for doing what you do to help them.

I know what you mean about the cold. Yesterday it was -40C with the windchill factor.

I'm still thawing out from it.

:mad: Just give me 5 minutes with this useless piece of *&$#.

12-21-2004, 07:36 PM
Yet again, why wonder why people like that exist on this earth???? Taking up space for decent people!! ARGH!

12-21-2004, 07:59 PM
God, how truly awful, but it does have a nice ending. Its cold as anything here - I can only imagine how much colder it is in your neck of the woods.

12-21-2004, 09:46 PM

No wonder I haven't been able to reach Leslie!

What the hell was that piece of crap yelling about anyway? Did he want the cat and kittens back??? People like him should be thrown out like yesterday's garbage. Disposable a$$holes, that's what I call 'em.

I'm so glad you went back and got mama and reunited her with her babies. I'm sure she was going out of her mind wondering where they went. At least they are all safe with you.

You guys ROCK as usual. My Thelma and Louise. You go girls!!

12-22-2004, 06:43 AM
It gets better! :mad: Apparently this creep had more than one cat that he let loose in the back of the cemetary, or so he says. I'm not sure what to believe with the string of lies coming down the pike. :rolleyes: A guy that lives in the house where the mama cat was found is keeping an eye open for black & white cats in his area. I don't have the room for this mama and kittens, and if another dumped one comes through, I'm full up and then some.:rolleyes: At least it's going to be warmer the next few days around here. It was minus-16 with wind chill the night we were trying to get mama. I need this aggravation why? :mad: :confused: :mad: Not to mention my butt hurts from falling and coming close to knocking myself out on the ice. :(

12-22-2004, 06:51 AM
I can go with you later if you need me to help.I wish I could scratch that guys eyeballs out.But if he's on drugs than he probably wouldn't care about that either.

12-22-2004, 06:58 AM
The world is full of crazy people, but luckily you are there to pick up the pieces.

I'm so happy you are out there for those kitties.

You are truly an angel.

12-22-2004, 07:02 AM
thankful for the happy ending.....thanks to you......and the answer to the earlier question.....the earth does not need people like him!

12-22-2004, 08:31 AM
That fellow,has never been taught,to appreciate Animals,and its sad,that he could go out Tomorrow,nad get another Cat and ruin the Cats Life!Bless You,for helping.

12-22-2004, 08:37 AM
Oh that poor dear!!!!! What a jerk!!!!!!:mad: :mad: (want to say worse, but being a lady I can't) Thank goodness you and Pat were there to rescue the poor babies and their momma.

God bless people like you Jan.

12-23-2004, 01:56 PM
How is momma and babies doing jan? Any luck with learning how to get pictures up?

12-23-2004, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by leslie
How is momma and babies doing jan? Any luck with learning how to get pictures up?
Mama cat's still huffy, and very protective of the kittens. This is all I need huh? *sigh* Re-learning the pics hasn't been easy.:rolleyes: