View Full Version : really weird...?

12-20-2004, 08:28 PM
Bear has been doing the strangest thing.
Like she'll get up and just start waving her right front paw in the air?? its really weird,its kindof hard to explain. I checked to see if there was anything stuck in her paw and i couldnt find anything.:confused: its really strange...my mom said that mabye her paw(leg) keeps on getting numb or something.

any suggestions why she would do this?:confused:

12-20-2004, 09:57 PM
That's an interesting one for sure! Wonder if she's "seeing things"? Good luck with your mystery!

12-20-2004, 10:03 PM
My BeddyBear (Jade) also does the strangest thing. I've more than once told the vet, I wonder what on Earth it is she's seeing, or think she's seeing, but they have no explanation for her behavior either at the vets. She walks around looking up and down the walls and loudly talks to them :confused:

Like already said: Good luck in finding out the mystery.

Laura's Babies
12-20-2004, 10:35 PM
They say pets can see spirits, they are playing with her..?

I worked with a guy that has a cat the will NOT go down a certian hallway, he'll look down the hall and hiss and the hair all over the cat will stand up, then he'll turn and run in the other direction.......
Other times the cat is ok going down that same hall...

12-21-2004, 08:53 AM
maybe,the Ghosts,of Kiities past,are visiting,and she is waving,to them.The Meezers,leave a space,for RB BJ,as though,he was still there!

12-21-2004, 09:28 AM
lol thanks for the suggestions!mabye there is a spirit bothering her :eek: :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-21-2004, 11:06 AM
Maybe she is playing with shadows? My Maya does that often!!