View Full Version : Things your cat does that drives you nuts...

12-20-2004, 08:19 PM
I know this thread has happened before, but I thought we could revisit the topic. :D My cats are perfect, of course..but there are a few things I would change if I could:

1) The kitty litter box is not something to be scared of..I'm tired of the little presents you leave behind as you run out before you are done doing "#2" :o

2) Just because food is in the dish, doesn't mean you need to go over there every five minutes to eat. LOL Believe me, you are not starving...and I'm sure the others would like to eat too.

3) Quit hissing so much and defend yourself against your brother. You are MUCH bigger than he is and in reality he is pretty wimpy.

1) Shadow is not the enemy. Quit tormenting her because I'm sure she would like to keep some of that fur on her back that you so lovingly like to bite off. :mad:

2) Paw Paw is not the one who feeds you and buys you all your beds, toys, etc. You should love me more than him. ;)

Callie, where to begin...
1) Just because I get up at 4 AM to use the restroom doesn't mean it is time to get up for the rest of the day. I enjoy sleep and don't like to hear you and your brother wrestle that EARLY in the morning.

2) You can drink from your water dish..it is perfectly good water. Everytime I am in a closed bathroom doesn't mean you need to sound like your dying outside the door to get to the faucet.

3) You are also not starving..you do weigh 13 lbs. Pushing things off my night stands, dresser, clawing at the blinds does not make me want to get up and feed you. It only makes me want to throw you out of the bedroom..

4) If you are thrown out of the bedroom, you do not need to claw/cry to get back in. We're simply sleeping and nothing fun and exciting is going on.

5) I do have other things to do, and scratching your back all day is not one of them. Though you are cute, I have to work to feed your big ol' belly and will not make any money being at your beck and call.

Oh so many more...so little time. LOL I love my nawtees.

12-20-2004, 10:00 PM

1) My pregnant belly is not a platform for you. Stop sleeping on it.

2) My furry zebra print blanket is not your girlfriend. And that is my leg under it... :rolleyes:

3) Please give me some space when I wake up. It's not pleasant to wake up to chomping cat teeth two inches from my eyes. And it is even more unpleasant when you tap my face with your paws. I KNOW you are hungry. You will not die if you wait a few more minutes.


1) You lay in the window right where the dogs are, and then you get mad at them for looking at you. You are teasing them! Knock it off.

2) We won't hurt you. There is no reason for you to bite us and run right in the middle of a relaxing snuggle time.

3) You are getting fat like Ron. Don't pick up your brother's bad habits!

12-20-2004, 10:17 PM
~Please cover your poo... its smells, and we have long ago established your aplpha cat status
~Please do not use the laundry basket if I am late scooping the litter... could you just cross your legs for a few minutes?

~Harry will not eat all the Kitten Chow. Relax. There's plenty of food to go around
~You do not need to beg to go out onto the balcony. Its 0 degrees outside right now. Trust me, you don't want to go out there. :rolleyes:
~Do not chase and beat up Abby... stick to Allen or even Harry. She is too small for you.

~You do not need to eat every ten minutes. What are you going to do once I start weening you to two meals a day?
~Stop stealing all the cool toys from Pouncer. He can play too.

~Please don't bait Pouncer and get upset when he tries to attack back.

Laura's Babies
12-20-2004, 10:29 PM
Announcement to all mine "OK Babies, I have FOUR of you in the house so how come my lap is EMPTY?????":confused:

I suffer from the "Empty Lap Syndrome"...

12-20-2004, 10:37 PM
I will mention just this one. The rest I can live with, lol...but this one...arrhhhh:

Brynja's latest antic is to lift the cover off the drain (bathroom sink) and splash around in the water and "go fishing"...YUCK http://www.sitecenter.dk/uniqueviking/nss-folder/smilies/yuck.gif

No matter how often I clean the drain, she STILL gets stinky paws. She then squirms like an eel on land when it's "paw washing time" even though she's a "water cat"... but I guess the brat gets hissy when it's not on her terms.

12-20-2004, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by CalliesMom

3) You are also not starving..you do weigh 13 lbs. Pushing things off my night stands, dresser, clawing at the blinds does not make me want to get up and feed you. It only makes me want to throw you out of the bedroom..

4) If you are thrown out of the bedroom, you do not need to claw/cry to get back in. We're simply sleeping and nothing fun and exciting is going on.

Hey, that's my house too!!! :D :D

12-21-2004, 08:51 AM
Moose,and JJJ3,the litter,is fine,once it is covered,you dont have to make a Major Earth Moving ,every time,that you use,the box,and throw,all the Litter,all over the Floor.And to Diane,Princess,cant see you,please dont sneak,up on her,as you can really scare her.

12-21-2004, 11:50 AM

- Please understand that I cannot save you from Duke's cleanings all the time. Remember a good slap or bite on the nose usually gets him to back off

- Fluffy is 15 yrs old and grouchy She doesn't want to be pounced on

- The poop goes under the litter in the box not on top

- Bull, Katie, and Duke are not big distractions so you can take down all intruders. They got the security thing down, You're safe to just lie there and look cute


- Must we continue to remind you that you are drinking out of the dog's water bowl so therefore there is plenty of water (It does have a 2 gallon jug attached) and head room for 2 kitties

- Yes I must sit in the recliner and read. Growling about my big butt in your seat with a book in my Lap isn't getting me to move any quicker

- Yes there is a tree in the house and yes the branches are low enough for you to get up into. That doesn't mean it's allowed (as you've been told for the last 15 yrs) and you climbing right back into it after getting "spanked" does not make Mom any fonder of the idea

Samantha Puppy
12-21-2004, 01:18 PM

1. You don't need to dump all the dry food onto the floor to eat it, because you never eat it all and just end up leaving a huge mess.

2. Just because Sushi doesn't finish his food doesn't mean he won't come back for more later. Stop eating his share, you fat @$$!

3. 6am may be when your internal alarm clock goes off, but that doesn't mean you have to wake me up too. Stop tapping my face with your paws, stop rubbing your face all over mine and tickling me with your whiskers because you're bored and you want me to get up.


5. When I'm cleaning your litter box, it's easier if you don't decide you have to "go" rightthen.


1. Stop leaving your food. Kirin will eat it.

12-21-2004, 01:27 PM
Is it really necessary for me to wake up in the morning with drool on my cheek? You could position your head just a little more to the right so it lands on my pillow instead of my face.

Really....must you always leave brown streaks on my rug after you've left me some prezzies in the litter box?

Other than that, you are both purrfect in my eyes. :)

12-21-2004, 01:45 PM
Is it really necessary for you to go under the covers? If so must you twist, turn, and claw your way back to the surface when you get too hot? (Thank goodness she is doing this to her daddy now)

Do you have to cry so loud during "turkey time" that the neighbors think I'm killing you?

Must you hit, spit, hiss, growl and just all out be mean to anything that walks by you?

Do you think for once, just once is all I ask, that when you drink my milk you could not use your paws?

Why is it that pretty much every morning at 2 am you get up to stretch your legs and back and then you will not lay back down in between daddy and I until I give you enough lovings....it's 2 am...mommy is not a happy camper at that time of the morning!!!

Or if I have my back to you...why do you find it necessary to make biscuits on my pillow...you know that it drives me NUTS!!!!

12-21-2004, 02:15 PM

Everything is not a toy! We buy you plenty of good cat toys...must you take every pen, Misha sock, clothes pin, fork, safety pin and battery and hide them on us?

Ebony just had major surgery- she does not want to play with you right now!

There is plenty of food to go around- relax and share. You have enough extra fluff that you do not need to have a full food bowl every second of the day.

You do not need to use your claws to make biscuits on my lap. All the is going to do is make me want to push you off, not pet you1

Everything is NOT out to get you! You are safe in our house and we are not trying to hurt you!


Cinnamon will not hurt you!