View Full Version : Wrong Zip Code

12-20-2004, 08:34 AM
Well, You know what guys....I screwed up! LOL Imagine that...HAHAHAHA

As some or most of you know I did put the wrong zip code for that christmas card exchange list. I am SOOO SORRY! I have received quite a few cards reguardless of my blonde moment, but I did hear that some of them were returned to the sender. I'm sorry about the wasted postage. :(

The zip code is 34652, not 34683. I guess I was just in a hurry and put what I was use to, and that is 83. That's mine at my parents house. I've done it before on things, just minor things in comparison, so it doesn't surprise me that I did it. :rolleyes:

For those who got the letters back, again, I am really sorry. You can just PM me or post on here if you were someone who got it back. You don't have to resend it and spend the money on the postage if you don't want to or are unable to. I completely understand. :) But, if you do want to resend it, OFCOURSE I would love to see the card. I just don't want to inconvenience those who I already have. :(

Again, sorry for my screw up everyone! I'll have to double check things next time! :)

12-20-2004, 08:40 AM
I posted that in the thread a bit ago when I re-checked the list. Since it was the same zip as mine and I didn't think Kenny's was the same. :p Hopefully you get a majority of the cards!

12-20-2004, 09:07 AM
So far it hasn't been returned, but if it does, I'll resend, no worries. :)

Laura's Babies
12-20-2004, 12:56 PM
Happy to see I am not the only one who has those "blond moments"....

12-20-2004, 04:10 PM
I got your car the other day Kimmy. Thanks...such a nice pic of Kia

12-21-2004, 09:15 AM
Whee! Cool! :)