View Full Version : Jasmine, Here comes Grandma and Granpa!

4 Dog Mother
12-20-2004, 07:49 AM
Carl and I have decided to drive to Texas to see Christy, Jasmine and Brian (and Dakota, Destiny and Seirra) for Christmas. Since Carl has no job and needs to get busy looking for one as soon as the holiday season is over we decided now is the best time for a visit. So we are leaving on Wednesday. We are taking Snoopy, Taggert adn Pippi with us. Dazzi is staying with my sister and Brother-inlaw who absolutely spoil her rotten. Jack and Oreo will stay here with neighbors letting them inand out.

We are so excited that we are going to be there for Jasmine's first Christmas! How cool is that?

We may be staying as long as Jan. 2 or leaving after a few days. Christy's house is pretty small for 6 dogs and 4 adults and 1 baby and all the baby's new toys (LOL). Plus we could fill her dining room with dog crates alone. I think we may make a high rise apartment for them (LOL).

So all you Texans, where do you live in relation to Killeen? Maybe a day trip so Jasmine can have her house back may be just the ticket during our stay. Aly, what are your plans during the holidays? I want to meet Reese adn Lolly this time around.

12-20-2004, 09:49 AM
I'd LOVE to see you guys again! I don't have many plans for the holiday besides just hanging out with my family. I could arrange to meet pretty much any day that you guys have free.

Maybe Micki can come too. I'm up for driving to wherever is convenient for you guys! :D

12-20-2004, 10:05 AM
GREAT that you get to be there for Jasmine's 1st Christmas!!!:D Wishing you safe travels and a terrific time!!! If you happen to pass Weatherford - wave at my dad!:p

12-20-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by aly
I'd LOVE to see you guys again! I don't have many plans for the holiday besides just hanging out with my family. I could arrange to meet pretty much any day that you guys have free.

Maybe Micki can come too. I'm up for driving to wherever is convenient for you guys! :D

I definatley think Micki needs to go...Cheslter, Millie, Cinny and Pippi...terrier heaven!! Pippi will need to see them and Reese and Lolly...poor girl is going to have a major small dog complex, lingin with Dakota for a few days!!!

Have a safe trip!!!

Cinder & Smoke
12-20-2004, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by 4 Dog Mother

Carl and I have decided to drive to Texas
to see Christy, Jasmine and Brian...

...and all the baby's new toys (LOL).

Santa's Sleigh heads South! ;)

Have a GREAT Time!!

Bring back some *warm* on the return trip!


12-21-2004, 12:15 AM
Have a safe and FUUUNNNN trip!

12-21-2004, 12:29 AM
Have FUN, Diana!!!! :) I just know you will!!!


12-21-2004, 08:29 AM
Have a safe trip!

12-21-2004, 12:44 PM
I'm bumping this up for Micki to see easily :) I just emailed her and told her about the thread!

4 Dog Mother
12-21-2004, 09:03 PM
We are packing things up - have to get an early start as a snow storm is heading our way. Can't wait to see that baby!

12-22-2004, 08:58 PM
Just a quick update on the travels...

I talked to my mom about 20 minutes ago. The stopped for the night near Springfield Missouri, and expect to be in Texas tomorrow evening. They went west, then south so they weren't driving into the storm that is hitting Ohio right now, so they haven't hit any snow...but it is bitter cold!! The dogs are all doing well...although now that they have stopped for the night, they are a little wound up.

Cinder & Smoke
12-23-2004, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

... now that they have stopped for the night,
they (Dogs) are a little wound up.


"Little wound up..."

Dog(s) in a motel room is a always a bit of a gamble!

'Specially when one of em hears da PROWLER
walking past your door or :eek: Opening a Door in the hallway!

:eek: **BARK** **YAPP - YAP - Yappity-Yap**!!
DAD!!! - WAKE UP!! - BURGLERZ!!! - Call da Kopz!!

:eek: Be QUIET!!!!! :mad:
It's the Neighbors! - SHUT UP an get back in bed!!


12-24-2004, 08:17 AM
I'm a little late in posting this, because we were out and about when I talked to my parents last night, but they arrived safely!! My dad was so proud of himself from coming up with a route where they avoided all the bad weather headed from Texas, east.

When I called, they had been at Christy's about 45 minutes, and all was well! All the dogs had been outback...Pippi was running and playing with Destiny and Dakota. Dakota wanted Taggert to play, but he wasn't intersted, and Snoopy wanted to play, but he kept barking, and if he couldn't bark, he didn't want to play!! by the time I was talking to them, they were all back in the house and Jasmine was happily chattering in the background..probably filling Granmda in on everything that has happened since she last saw her in May :D

I want a picture of Pippi riding on Dakota's back!! Think it could happen?

12-24-2004, 08:21 AM
Whew! Thanks for letting us know they arrived safely! Grandma, Christy - we want pictures!

4 Dog Mother
12-24-2004, 09:41 AM
Yes,we have arrived and it is great to see Jasmine. And Christy and Brian and the other set of grandogs! All the dogs are getting along great - Pippi loves to play with Dakota,Destiny and Sierra. And I thought there might be a problem amongst the girls- lol. Snoopy is still acting a little strange. Doesn't want togo out much, seems a little uncertain of Dakota's size. Taggert is warming up to Dakota,and loving to play with Sierra and Destiny.

The biggest surprise is Jasmine and Taggert. Jasmine is in love with the furry fellow. I guess his long hair is so different from the rest of the black and white short haired fivesome.

12-24-2004, 12:02 PM
I'm sorta surprised that Snoppy is the one having issues, since he visted before. But, I guess he has had a few more issues since he has been on prednisone :( Poor guy!! Hopefully he will adjust and join in the fun soon!

Now....where are those pictures?!?