View Full Version : kitty cold . . . questions.

12-20-2004, 06:49 AM
I think Brodie has a cold.

He has been sneezing more than normal since yesterday.

Is there anything I should look for to know when to take him to the vet or if I should take him? His eyes & nose look normal, not runny . . . he's just sneezing more than he should be.

I started him back on some supplements (vitamins) that the Vet gave me when we first adopted him.

He's eating & drinking fine . . . will this run it's course or am I dealing with a URI here?

Josie's never had a kitty cold, so this is new to me. :)

12-20-2004, 07:14 AM
I would just keep an eye on him to make sure his eyes look normaL.If there's any coughing,bring him in.But ask your vet if your not sure.Good luck.:)

12-20-2004, 08:19 AM
Oreo has been doing the same thing. Lots of sneezing!. It started out Thursday night and seemed to be worse at night. Since yesterday I have not heard him sneeze. If he would have sneezed through yesterday I would have made an appointment at the vet. But he didn't have runny eyes, nose or any other sickly symptoms AND I think this happens about once a year with Oreo too :(.

My advice is to wait a couple of days and as long as there are no other symptoms except for sneezing it should go away. If it doesn't after 2-3 days, I would take him in just to be sure.

Poor Brodie - Bless you!!!

12-20-2004, 08:23 AM
Brodie,probably could use an antibiotic,as you dont want,the cold,toget any worse,and we hope that Brodie,is feeling a lot better,soon,in time for Pet Mas Party 2004.

12-20-2004, 11:04 AM
I'd say watch him for a few days. If he gets worse, then to the vet he goes. Exposing him to some steam (nice steamy shower running in the bathroom) can also help with the kitty congestion. Get better little Brodie!

12-20-2004, 02:54 PM
Keeping an eye on him . . . he's still sneezing today & sounds stuffy, but there's nothing coming out of his nose & his eyes are clean & dry.

I'm giving him those vitamins 2x's a day . . . hope that will make him stronger!

I'm just worried that he'll get worse or give it to Josie & she'll get worse while we're gone for Christmas.

We'll be gone for 2 days . . . just one night though.

It's always something to worry about! :rolleyes:

12-20-2004, 03:11 PM
Cats are like kids. I'd take Brodie to the vets for a check up. Chances are he's probably heading for a respiratory infection.

Good luck and keep us posted.