View Full Version : Fritz taking it easy.

12-20-2004, 06:45 AM
fritz taking it easy today.He won't go too far outside today as its -16 fahrenheit here in Bowmanville today with a windchill in the -30-s.He goes out long enough to do his businees and its right back into the hiuse.Don't even have to entice him back in when a dog biscuit,he's just glad to be back in where its warm and cozy.Last night it was slightly warmer,but not too much -10 and he only went out once,normally its 3 or 4 times when its warmer.he's not stupid.He knows its really cold.nosense freezing out there.When he got back inside ,he curled up on the couch to sleep.Eventually he followed mom to the laundry room where his bed and he went inside to bed.He knows when he's tired wants to sleep.thought I would share this liitle story. Harry now leading 292-102 in the pet of the month contest.

12-20-2004, 04:54 PM
Fritz, I hope your Dad buys you a nice warm coat for Christmas:D That's cold!!!:eek: What a good boy, being so brave to venture out to go potty:D I'll bet that warm bed felt good!

12-20-2004, 04:57 PM
That is real cold :eek:

Stay warm, Fritz and take it easy!

Robin :)