View Full Version : God's watching you! Story about event

12-19-2004, 11:11 PM
Hey ya'll! I just thought I would tell you about my story about last night.

Last night , we got to the building where we were going to for that night and saw a precious dog! So I petted him for a few minutes and went on into the building. Well when the show was over, I walked outside and the dog was laying in the grass. I thought it was dead. Then I looked at it and it had been shot. NOT ONCE BUT TWICE! I was furious. This had to happen in the last couple of hours. Well, we try to find the owner, but he is no where to be found. In My opinion whoever owned the dog, I think did it. Well, anyways, we were going to bring the dog home for the weekend and try to wrap him wrap him up and wait till the morning to see what to do with him. So I put him in my lap and we began to drive home. Remember, we were about 6 hours away from home. So it was going to be a long drive back home. Well, we pull into a gas station to get paper towels so the blood wouldn't get all over the seat. We stop in and tell the lady what happens. Guess what? She is going to school to be a vet. so she knows exactly what to do with the dog. She decided to keep the dog and watch it to see how it does. She said it was a fresh open wound and with the temperture so low the dog would have died if we left it out there. She gave us her phone number to keep in touch with the dog. I am going to call her up tomorrow night to see how it is doing. I am pretty sure it will be ok, but that is so cruel for a human being to do that precious dog like that.

I think it is amazing how of all the gas stations we stopped at, it was this one a pre-vet worked at. It was a miracle from God. He told us to go to that gas station. I think that is a blessing.

I just thought I would share the story with you. I thought it turned out really great!

12-20-2004, 12:23 AM
You are so very right ... what a blessing, and thank you for helping one of God's creatures! ;)

12-20-2004, 12:25 AM
These things prove there is something looking out for us and the sweet pets of the world.

12-20-2004, 11:34 AM
That definately proves that. God is great!

12-24-2004, 04:21 PM
I thought I would just give the ones who followed this story an update on the dog. My dad called the lady today and she that she has kept the dog. They are calling it Lucky. They said they took it to the vet's office and had x-rays done and all. The bullet was only 2 inches away from the dog's heart. Now, The dog is in a cast, but it is doing so much better now! I am very proud! A Christmas Miracle. The dog was saved and now has a great home!

12-24-2004, 04:45 PM
That is such wonderful news! :)

12-24-2004, 04:45 PM
WOW. That is an amazing story~ that was very kind of you to pick him up. That truly was a miracle. I'm glad to hear that he has a fur-ever home. :)