View Full Version : Why do I love you so?

12-19-2004, 07:44 PM
I look at my baby boys sleeping and I wonder why do I love an animal so much? Why does my heart go pitter-patter when I look at you? You are after all, just a cat.

But then I think of all the wonderful happiness and unconditional love that my boys give me and I can't help but love them.

I dread the day when I have to put one of them down because they are so close I know that they will miss each other so much.

Having put our Jessie Cat down a mere year ago, her passing is still in the back of my mind and I can't help but think of the time when one or both of boys are gone.

I cherish the days I have with my young boys and try not to think of that day but I can't help it.

I'm happy knowing we are giving them the most wonderful, spoiled life ever and I know they love us too.



12-19-2004, 08:07 PM

Our furbabies give us so much unconditional love. I never knew how much they would enrich my life until my daugter convinced me to adopt Mollie Rose (now 10 years old). We went on a weekend trip to East Dorset, VT, to the Bill Wilson House. A barn cat gave birth to 4 kittens 7 weeks prior. We went to look at them and my daughter fell in love instantly with this beautiful tortie and her twin sister. She tried to convince me to adopt BOTH of them. But, I was a little hesitant because I had never owned a cat before and didn't know how it could work out. So, I ended up only adopting one. Now, 10 years later I wish I had adopted BOTH Mollie Rose and her twin. But, her sister got a great home so it was still a happy ending nonetheless.

I now am owned by 6 cats!!! :eek: I could never imagine my life without them!!!

Laura's Babies
12-19-2004, 09:08 PM
I love mine a lot too and just can't think about "that" horrid day someday.....

12-20-2004, 08:46 AM
I love,the Found Cats,and have always spoiled them,quite a bit,as I do lnow,that there is going to be a day,when one Cat,will pass on,and I ill never be able,to see them,again.And The Found Cats,I know,love me,too,in thier own way,and they have repaid me many times,for the things,that I have done,for them.

12-20-2004, 10:47 AM
RB Bert and RB Ernie were our first cats as a married family with kids and they were with us for about 16 and 17 years. Ernie died almost two years ago - Bert, who was my heart kitty - about 6-7 years ago, and I cry for them still. Now we have our "new" family of young cats - but I know that day will come again, although hopefully not for a long time. I do the same thing - sit and look at them and wonder how in the world it will be when that day comes. Each one becomes so much a part of my life and I love each one so very much. How can we NOT love these creatures that are totally wrapped in our lives??:)