View Full Version : Advice

12-19-2004, 01:07 PM
For the longest time I have wanted a dog of my own, but my parents keep saying wait until you are older or just down right say no. So I was wondering if there is anyway that I can persuade them into letting me get a dog now. I am 16 years old and have been petless for all these years with an acception to a couple of fish. Any advice, comments or suggestions?


12-19-2004, 01:17 PM
Does anyone have any tips or ideas...anything will be helpful.

12-19-2004, 03:11 PM
well,im trying to convince my mom to get me a playmate for my current dog.Have you taken your parents to the local shelters or rescues?mabye taking them to the local shelter to see what kind dogs they have,i would recommend adopting rather than buying.and it depends what breed you want
and you have to have time to play with them,train them,take them for walks,etc.
i really dont have any other advice

12-19-2004, 06:30 PM
I know exactly how you feel, I felt this for about 9 months ago. Tell them you promise to help around the house alot more, and that kind of stuff. Parents will like it more, and it will show your mature. For me to get Elvis I had to clean my room everyday, put the dishes away from the dishwasher, Do house related chores, and I ecspecially had to respect everyone in the house, meaning no back talking, or yelling. It was alot of work, but heck, it was well worth it. I wanted my dog now, but I learned that these thing cannot be rushed. It will take time, and be patient. Show them you have the responsibility to take care of a dog. They will like that, and it can make your dreams of owning a dog come sooner! :)


12-21-2004, 01:32 PM
I want to say thanks for your advice...but trust me I have done everything that you guys have suggested.

One time I tried that for a hamster. I doubled my chores, I wrote the promises and resposibilities that I would carry out in order to keep an animal and everything.

You have no idea how much I have done, how many times I have pleaded and so on and yet nothing.

I can honestly say that I am a responsible person who is willing to devote the time and effort for an animal but my parents will still say no.

I know that this may seem wrong but do you think that maybe I should go out and buy a puppy on my own, bring it home and see what happens?

Tell me what you think. Thanks.

12-21-2004, 01:36 PM
that would be a bad idea. I dont have any real advise but a quote in my dads humerous quotes book is "if you want a puppy, beg for a baby brother, you will get the puppy every time" lol

12-21-2004, 01:40 PM
What are their reasons for not getting you a dog?

12-21-2004, 01:50 PM
Maybe you have to look at it from your parents side. Are they financally stable? Puppy have to visit the vet quiet often for puppy shots which are quite costly. Who will stay with the pup while you are at school/work?

I defonatly would not just go out and bring a pup home. Besides I do not think a respectable breeder will let a young indevidual buy a pup without a parents conscent.

You must think about all of the consequences.

12-21-2004, 04:36 PM
My parents say the following:

-lots of responsibility (which honestly I do have)

-time away from the animal (which isn't long, I wake up at 6:00 a.m. every morning, leave for school at 8:40 a.m., back at lunch at 11:30 until about 12:30, and home at 3:15, meanwhile my brother is in and out all day between most of the open time periods)

I think their main reason for not letting me have a pet is because before I was born they had a dog who got hit by a car when they left on vacation and gave it to a friend to look after. But I don't think that is a valid reason for not letting me have my own dog.

I also want to point out that when my dad was young he was surrounding my animals of all types because he was adopted and really spolied. Thus I don't think its fair that they don't allow me to what the right to have a pet...

12-21-2004, 04:57 PM
maybe ask them what you would have to do in order to prove yourself responsible enough to own a pet... Then if they say nothing!, don't get all mad and grumpy just tell them your reasons calmly for wanting a puppy. Reason with them, tell them you'll help out more do more in school and if you don't no dog if you do show responsibility like for 3 months or whatever then you can all go to the SPCA and choose a dog together. A dog is a lot of responsibility so mean it when you say you'll clean the backyard, take it for walks etc... etc...

12-28-2004, 04:14 PM
Trust me, when I ask and they say no I keep calm. When I say I will do something I do it but it never gets me anywhere. I have tried everything and believe me asking and doing chores and living up to promises isn't working. There has to be another way.

Maybe I will just have to be petless until I move out and start on my own in a few years...sigh..