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View Full Version : My heart & spirit are broken...

12-19-2004, 02:14 AM
I haven't been coming here much lately but I had to tonight.
I really could use some kind words or comfort.
Many of you may not agree with me in what I have to say but I need to get it out.
I gave up 1 of my dogs Sat. at 5pm & I'm hurting so badly inside. I've responded before stating that I had problems with her pooping in the house & destroying expensive items. My husband finally had it & said either keep her crated "all the time" or give her to a home where people are around all day to take good care of her. My girl Waffles went to a very loving older couple on a farm, on some beautiful land about an hour from where I live. They said I could visit anytime. It was just the look on Waffles face......oh, I can't get it out of my mind!:( I cried all week & when we dropped her off, I walked inside to check the place out & ask many questions & completely lost it (in front of about 7 people). Of course they completely understood & Lee (the older man) started crying saying how much he missed his dog Cody that died 2 years ago & how much he will love & care for Waffles. I even left the house balling & there wasn't a dry eye in the place!:( I absolutely feel like a failure & always said I would never "give up" on an animal. I love her so much....there's a lot to the story but I just wanted to get that out for now!
I just got home a little while ago & went to pet Wicket...he acts like she was never even here, not looking around for her or anything!:( (We had Waffles for 11 months)
I'm so sad, I have to get off....the tears just keep flowing!

12-19-2004, 03:55 AM

I am sorry for your pain. I know it hurts. ((((hugs)))) Sometimes we have to do things that we really don't want to do and things that cause pain. The new owners sound like they will care for your animals very well. It is okay to cry, and it is okay to hurt. It does pass but you can remember all of the good things about your animals.


12-19-2004, 03:58 AM
Rehoming a beloved family member is probably THE hardest thing a person ever has to do (even harder than putting one to sleep) because you keep thinking you failed. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Waffles WILL be happy by the sounds of her new home! And isn't that what it should be all about? You loved her enough to give her a different kind of home, and I bet that she will flourish.
We have seen the same type of things in the rescue of cats. A cat that had litter box issues in one house was perfect in another. Sometimes they need something that you cannot give (through no fault of your own)
Of course you are sad, you just lost a good friend, but NEVER feel like a failure!

12-19-2004, 04:23 AM
wonderful words jen and so true......thank you for "being there"

12-19-2004, 05:43 AM

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-19-2004, 07:34 AM
Please don't feel so bad. You gave your doggie another change and a loving home. He will adjust, no problem!! Hey, you can always visit him there, right?
Cheer up :)

12-19-2004, 07:40 AM
It sounds like the best solution to a horrible problem. And you can visit! It's not like you've sent to an uncertain fate at the pound, you gave her to a home that wanted and needed her. What a sweet little Christmas gift you gave them, and we know Waffles will always be close to your heart, even if she's not in your house.

I won't say don't feel bad, because that's impossible, but do realize that it will all be okay. You tried and tried for a long time, we know you did. And now she'll be a spoiled doggie just in another home.

Wicket's reaction made me grina little. Hm - I'm sure my big brother would have liked to get rid of me a time of two when we were kids - little sisters can be a pesty bunch!

Sending you a big hug.

12-19-2004, 07:42 AM
{{{HUG}}} I know it is hard and heartbreaking. You made the right choice of giving her a wonderful home with wonderful new parents that will love her. Sometimes people and their pets are not the perfect fit, so you need to be strong and acknowledge that and find her a new home that will be a good match. I think you've done that and you should be proud of yourself for being loving and caring enough to recognise that things weren't perfect for Waffles or your family. You've done a good, brave thing!

12-19-2004, 09:18 AM
Aw Tina I know how hard it its to give up a much loved pet - but you've done the right thing and lets face it - Waffles is going to be one HAPPY dog!!! Sounds like a doggy paradise - and the people sound lovely too.
You're not a failure - so don't even go there - you've admitted there is a problem and sorted it out. Good work.
I think you've been very strong - even though you're hurting now - Waffles is in a loving home and Wicket can have more of your time. Result - 2 happy dogs!!


12-19-2004, 09:26 AM
I know that giving up pets are hard and I most definatly understand why you are upset. Atleast you know that your dear Waffles is going to a wonderful home with very loving people who will allow you to visit any time you want. Remember, Waffles maybe isn't always in your home, but is always in your heart, and nobody can take her away from your heart. Best of luck.

12-19-2004, 10:43 AM
Thank You for all the advice!
I was really scared to post anything about my situation here. I honestly thought people were going to bash me for being a horrible person & not trying harder!
I still wish that I could have done more for her. My dad even offered to pay for training classes but I needed to make a decision quick. Lee & Ramona were waiting for an answer on her. Oh how Lee was so excited...he kept repeating how much she looked like his old dog & how much he will love her too! I REALLY wanted to be happy for Waffles & I did try but when Lee took out a picture of his dog Cody that died......I completely lost it! I was sobbing so bad I couldn't breathe & my husband had to walk me outside! Does that happen to everyone? I know I shouldn't feel like I failed but I truely do. Why, why couldn't I have done more? Matthew said I could keep her if I kept her crated but I just couldn't. I know it's good for some people but I'm not used to it & all day long she would have been cooped up while Wicket was walking around freely. She will never be crated where she's at now & any "accidents" they don't care about! They live on a farm & Lee said he would be taking Waffles "to care for" the animals when he heals from his 4th by-pass surgery. I guess from here on in I just need to tell myself I did the right thing. Lee has had 4 surgeries & said this is just what he needed to bring his spirits up. He told me he even told the doctors & nurses at the hospital, he was going to be getting a new "companion"! I suppose this does make me feel good....to make someone else HAPPY!

12-19-2004, 11:36 AM
((((HUGS))))) I know that is a difficult decision, Tina. Waffles will flourish in her new home.

Laura's Babies
12-19-2004, 11:49 AM
I would love to pat you on the back for not taking her to the pound or just dropping her off on the side of the road somewhere but taking the time and love to find her another home where she has a great chance to flourish. There should be more people like you. It was a wonderful act of kindness that you did for her.

Can't you picture her running and playing out in the country, all that room to romp and roam?

12-19-2004, 11:59 AM
Oh Tina:(:(:( Please don't cry. We all know how very difficult a thing this was for you to do:( But read Karen's words... you did a very brave thing and you did the right thing, in finding Waffles a family that is able to give her the type of home and attention she needs. And what a Christmas blessing you give to dear Lee. Waffles is going to be loved and cherished forever and that alone, should give you great comfort. And you've made a sweet, dear man, very, very happy:) We all know the healing power of furry love, and I have a feeling Waffles is going to be just the medicine Lee needs to heal his body and soul:) And, you get to visit!:) I know your heart is breaking...mine would be too. But please, try not to dwell on the sadness, but on great the joy you brought to another. BIG HUGS!!! Sandra

12-19-2004, 01:27 PM
Often the best thing isn't the easiest thing. I can't imagine the pain of having to give up a pet...but you found her the perfect home, and made sure she would be preperly taken care of. She'll be happy, and better yet, she will make her new family happy...and it sure sounds like they could use a few smiles!

It sounds like the couple is very willing to keep you update on how she is doing...let us know when you hear!!

12-19-2004, 02:17 PM
im so sorry, I know what it is like, I had to give up shadow in the summer, I had her for 8 years but the rest of my dogs wanted to kill her. I remeber the look on her face when I left with out her, like "mom? why are you levaing me here?" and she would try to follow me. but remeber you can visit waffles whenever you like. shadow loved her new family, but when I come over she hangs around me, and cuddles with me, and sits on my lap.. all things she had never done before. when I am there shadow does not even greet her new mommy and daddy lol but I know they love her, I mean after saying they were "NOT" going to keep her, and now they get upset if she does not run to greet them lol dont worry it sound like waffles is in good hands :)

12-20-2004, 11:45 PM
Oh Tina I'm so sorry. I just now saw this and I just want you to know that I support you.

Hang in there sweetie.

12-21-2004, 08:27 AM
*hugs* Tina. Everyone else has put into words my feelings. :)

12-21-2004, 09:37 AM
I read this yesterday and didn't know what to say. I'm sorry things turned out the way they did. It would have been very hard to do. But, at least you know where Waffles is and can go and visit. Hope you feel better soon.