View Full Version : The Clan of the Cave Bear

12-18-2004, 11:47 AM
I can't remember if I posted about this book yet or not. I bought it a while ago but never really got around to reading it till last week. I'm just about finished now, it's an awesome book! I don't want to put it down and usually only do when I can't hold my eyes open any more lol. I'm don't usually read much, so it's a little odd I've been so into this one. I think there are like 4 books to the series but Jean M Auel. Anyone else read it?

12-18-2004, 11:59 AM
I have read and it totally loved it!!!
I loved it so much I could hardly wait to read the other three. I made it through book two and part of book three. I *looked* at book four and at the risk of tempting you......this author is writing more pornography than anything else. There is so much totally graphic sex every few pages that has nothing whatsoever to do with anything!!! It was very disappointing because the first book WAS fascinating and interesting.:rolleyes: It was made into a movie too:)

12-18-2004, 02:20 PM
I read it and saw the movie..Darryl Hannah is in the movie version...its ok..book better, of course...read some of the second but couldnt get into it...so that is far as I got...my mom and sister have the whole set tho and love them

12-18-2004, 02:26 PM
Read the first one years ago and loved it! The whole series was great! No so much the movie, though.

12-18-2004, 02:29 PM
I read it years ago and counldn't put it down either. I went to see the movie and it stunk. Nothing better than the book!!

12-18-2004, 05:06 PM
There are actually 5 books in the series. The 5th just came out a few years ago.

I liked the first 4 very much. I think Valley of the Horses was my favorite.
The 5th one was okay, but it kinda dragged in a few places.

12-18-2004, 05:53 PM
read all of them years ago . great but not my type now. Murder mystreys with strong female leads.

12-18-2004, 06:29 PM
I read all 5 years ago....I enjoyed all of them and the sex had nothing to do with it;)

I enjoy patricia cornwell now, some nora roberts.

12-19-2004, 12:00 AM
I read and loved Clan of the Cave Bear. Great book.

I struggled painfully through Valley of the Horses, the second in the series, and then I gave up on the rest of them. IMO, by the end of the second book, she had almost become the Forest Gump of prehistoric man ... everything ever invented by any culture, from a toothbrush to a travois, this woman seemed to accomplish all on her own. Ummmm .... ok.

If you liked Clan of the Cave Bear, also read Quest for Fire.

this author is writing more pornography than anything else. There is so much totally graphic sex every few pages that has nothing whatsoever to do with anything!!!

Well, sheesh, maybe I gave up on the series too soon, then. ;)

Ally Cat's Mommy
12-19-2004, 12:14 AM
The entire series is:

1. The Clan of the Cave Bear
2. The Valley of Horses
3. The Mammoth Hunters
4. The Plains of Passage
5. The Stone Shelters

I aggree that the Clan is a wonderful book, and sequels 2, 3 and 4 are also very good (although if you read them back-to-back there is a lot of repetition, as each book in a series typically has to stand up as a book in it's own, so a certain amount of backround info is repeated in each book). The 5th one was, IMHO, a HUGE disapointment, with very little to offer in terms of plot, and it was far too long (one of these books where you keep waiting for something to happen, and it never does!!). There was supposed to be a 6th one - I doubt that I would even bother to read it.

12-19-2004, 09:22 AM
Yes I've read the whole series and enjoyed them - didn't see the movie though - and from the comments - I'm glad I missed it!!


12-19-2004, 09:28 AM
My friend only saw the movie, but said it's one of her favs