View Full Version : our meeting with baby today

12-17-2004, 05:53 PM
well it went well.they got along great,she wasnt quite sure of him at the beginning but warmed up to him after a few minutes.we took them for a walk around PetSmart and she followed Kodie everywhere.she is a sweetheart,but there are some issues that were worried about.
first when Kodie went up to a Yellow lab,she got really upset and started growling and barking at the Lab.so were worried that she might pick a fight with a dog thats smelling Kodie.
She's protective of her food bowl,and her bones.
& she's not very well trained,well she walks nicely on a leash but she doesnt even know how to sit on command yet.I would like to add a new addition to the house but i dont know if im ready for another dog in the house yet.my mom isnt sure either.i think that were going to wait awile before we add another dog to the family.but i am going to keep her in mind!if she's still available after christmas than mabye;) :)

12-17-2004, 06:33 PM
Well, it sounds like everything was great...and you learned a little in the process. Hopefully, if you're not going to get that baby, then you'll find another one that is just perfect for you! Best of luck to you and Kodie

12-17-2004, 06:36 PM
If a small inner voice says "wait a minute", it's best to not
go through with it. As you know, getting another dog is a lifetime

12-17-2004, 09:25 PM
we found Kodie a perfect match a couple of weeks ago but she was adopted.I've been looking for a Rottweiler on Petfinder and there was one near us,i met her but she seemed to mellow,but i think my mom would like that;) :p
I honestly dont know what to do.She's a sweetheart,i really did love her,but the issue of her being protective of Kodie scares me a little bit.I just hope the right match for Kodie shows up soon,im sure that she will.:) :D

12-18-2004, 05:03 PM
Glad to hear it went well! i hope she's still available after christmas for you.:D

12-18-2004, 05:20 PM
we've decided that we would like another dog,but not until after New Years,were just going to be buisy and going out alot and wont really have time to spend w/ a new furbaby,so were going to wait until January.hopefully she'll still be available then!but we really like her.:D :)