View Full Version : We're going to the white coats tomorrow!

12-17-2004, 05:10 PM
The pups need shots and Revolution, but also because I think Buddy has a UTI (urinary tract infection)
I know it's rare for males to get them, but it does happen! He's had a few accidents in the house the past month or so, and has peed on my Christmas tree twice:mad:.
Tuesday will be 2 years since I've had him and he's never gone in the house since he was house trained!!!
He's been drinking TONS and TONS of water, and has started getting me up 3 or 4 times a night to go out and pee. Everytime I put him out he pees!!:eek:
So, if it's not a UTI, then that means it would be behavorial, and I woundn't even have the first clue as to why he started it!!!:(

I have to catch a sample tomorrow morning before I head to the vets... that should be fun!:rolleyes: I guess I'll just follow him around with a bowl!! :o

Oh Buddy....... my silly baby boy!!:p

12-17-2004, 05:18 PM
Bestest luck at the white coats tomorrow Buddy! I hope they treat you really nice and give you a yummy treat for being a good boy! :D

12-17-2004, 05:33 PM
I thought it was common for males to get
URI's maybe just cats?? good luck at the white coats

12-17-2004, 06:03 PM
We'll be thinking of you guys! Oh Buddy:( I don't want to say I hope it's a UTI, but it sure might be easier to treat than a behavioral issue:( As for catching the sample...hmmm, never tried it with males but a tin pie plate you can easily shoot under while they're "going," works great with the girls;) Lots of good wishes coming your way, Buddy and Sierra:) Please check in when you get home! Sandra, Cody and Star!

12-17-2004, 06:42 PM
Good luck to Buddy at the Vets tomorrow. If it is a UTI, they
they can catch it early. Smokey had this not to long ago.

12-17-2004, 08:43 PM
A couple of years ago Lacey started drinking water like crazy and had to pee a lot and even had a couple accidents in the house. After spending a weeks pay:eek: on tests she got better and it was suspected to be hormonal.(she is fixed) The test results came back right after she started getting better. The vet had suspected this and we tried to wait awhile before we had tests done but started getting worried.
Best we could figure she was upset because we had leashed Mandy(because she started having spells due to her heart condition) and it upset Lacey.
Have there been any changes that could have upset Buddy? I don't even know if males can have hormonal problems, but I guess they could. Just a thought. It made me think of what Lacey went through. Good luck at the vets tomorrow and please keep us posted.

12-18-2004, 01:05 AM
Good luck Buddy and Mom!
I remember a friend of mine who was a vet tech one year at the county fair had a shirt that said "OFFICIAL PEE CATCHER" maybe you should borrow it!??? ;)

12-19-2004, 04:20 AM
Oh I hope everything goes well. I thought Heidi have a UTI twice, but she didn't. If she has one or two accidents in the house, I was like, "Pee sample for the vet!" :p At leasts its better to be cautious than to go "Oh well..." What I would do with Heidi was take her out on a leash, have her pee, and then while she was doing her ummm....business I would catch some. ;) Maybe you can do that with Buddy? It would be easier, I would think. :) Good luck!

Whoops! I just noticed that this thread was started on the 17th....a little late, maybe? :o :rolleyes:

12-19-2004, 08:28 AM
How did things go yesterday, Angie? Did you get the goods for the vet?

I think Cincy may have another UTI...she had an accidentinthe house last night, about 2 hours after she had beenout, and has been drinking water like crazy this morning. I may be following her around tomorrow morning with a bowl, depending on how things go today...

12-19-2004, 11:38 AM
Wondering how the kids did at the vet's yesterday. Check in when you can, Angie!:)

12-20-2004, 12:17 AM
I hope everything went ok at the vet? How about an update???;)

12-20-2004, 07:46 AM
Sorry I couldn't update you guys once we got home, our computer is super slow at home!!

Well.... it's not a UTI.... so it very well may be behavioral :(

The vet has done blood work, X-Rays (looking for stones) and has tested his urine, they also gave him rectal: o poor guy. They took him out of the room for it, and Sierra about had a heart attack! She was crying and howling the entire time, once he came back in the room she jumped on him kissing him like he'd been gone for years!!! :rolleyes:

I caught a sample VERY easily!! He started going, and I just stuck a bowl under him. No Problem!!

So... for now Buddy is being watched like a hawk in the house, and when we can't watch him (when were sleeping) I gate him in my bedroom.
The vet and I were talking for a while, and I can't think of anything that has changed that may have set him off. He's always been afraid of my hubby, and it's not like it's gotten worse. If anything, it's still getting better! It's not the X-Mas tree and other decorations, because he started peeing in the house about a month ago. Ahhhhh!!!!!
There is one more test we could do. The vet said that they could do an ultra sound to try and see if there are stones that could not be picked up on the x-rays. But that's going to cost about $150, and money is VERY tight right now. The vet and I talked about it for quite a while, and thinks it's just behavioral. My vet's office has a behavioralist at the office, and she wants me to make an appointment with him. But there again.... I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY!!! But at least I know nothing major is wrong with him.
He's just a crazy boy!! But last night… he didn’t even wake me up once!!! So when my alarm went off… I thought the worst.. but he didn’t pee on the tree!!! He just doesn’t make any sense!
Then the vet said to me “There are other things you can do to help him with this, I don’t want this to be a reason for getting rid of him.” I almost laughed at her!!!

12-20-2004, 07:51 AM
Well Angie, I'm glad to hear that Buddy is just fine! I'm sure you'll find a way to work with him and get him over this.
And get rid of him....what was she thinking:p

Cinder & Smoke
12-20-2004, 11:05 AM
Glad it doesn't seem to be a medical problem.

Have you considered "restricting" his water before bedtime and
when you know he'll be alone and not able to take a "pee break"?

I'm very lucky - the FurKids KNOW when I'm not with them that
they shouldn't drink alot...
VERY little water is consumed when I'm gone!
Upon my return, there's usually a "rush to the bowl" and
they "tank up" knowing The Doorman is around to let them out.

/s/ Phred

12-20-2004, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
I'm very lucky - the FurKids KNOW when I'm not with them that
they shouldn't drink alot...
VERY little water is consumed when I'm gone!
Upon my return, there's usually a "rush to the bowl" and
they "tank up" knowing The Doorman is around to let them out.

/s/ Phred
Keegan is the same way unless she is on prednisone for some reason or the other.
No wonder Buddy slept thru the nite I bet he was beat!
Positive 'no pee' thoughts being sent to you!

12-20-2004, 12:47 PM
Glad nothing was wrong medically, hopefully you can find a solution to his pee problems!

12-20-2004, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Have you considered "restricting" his water before bedtime and
when you know he'll be alone and not able to take a "pee break"?


The water bowl gets picked up and the toilet lid goes down at 8pm every night. He NEVER pees in his crate when he's in it, so I know he's able to hold it. It's just that when he doesn't have to hold it... he won't!

Buddy's thoughts: "Oh I got to pee..... but Mom's sleeping. Oh lookie.... mom brought a tree inside for me to potty on!! What a great mommy!!"

:o :p

12-20-2004, 01:10 PM
Thanks for the update .... so glad it isn't anything medically wrong. I know it is frustrating to think it is behavioral. Good luck!;)

12-20-2004, 06:44 PM
I hope everything goes well with Buddy, whatever it is. I'll keep him in my thoughts.

Cinder & Smoke
12-21-2004, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by pitc9

The water bowl gets picked up and
the toilet lid goes down at 8pm every night.

He NEVER pees in his crate when he's in it,
so I know he's able to hold it.

OK; so it's his "attitude" that needs *adjusting*! :p

How about him spending a few nights IN the crate?
LOTS of praise when you find a "dry crate" in the morning.

And when I didn't "totally trust" lil SmokeMutt;
I'd tether him to a foot of the BigBed with a short chain
leash overnight... he NEVER made a wet spot on the rug when he
was "confined" to that small area.

Next step might be loose in the BigBed room overnight;
BUT with the bedroom door CLOSED to prevent roaming the house.

Once he get OUT of the habit of :eek: takin a leak whenever
he gets the urge - the problem may just go away.

/s/ Phred