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12-17-2004, 11:39 AM
Is picking up it's poop!
Why can't my dogs learn this?!

While I just walked around the yard gagging and almost throwing up with a poop bag in my hand......

12-17-2004, 11:57 AM
Wow!! That would be GREAT if the pups would pick up after themselves!!!!

Ugh... poo is the pits!!!:p

12-17-2004, 12:11 PM
LOL!! If anyone could teach their dogs to do that, it'd be you Kay. ;)

Holly's mom
12-17-2004, 12:36 PM
Hee, hee, I am the official poop scooper in our family. It's not too bad in the winter, though, I wait until it freezes before I go out and pick up the poopsicles!!:p

12-17-2004, 12:57 PM
the advantage of having a small dog... small poop :D
I feed Snowy Iams puppy food and its really good because her poop doesn't have a strong smell.

Buddy Blaze Lover
12-17-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Holly's mom
Hee, hee, I am the official poop scooper in our family. It's not too bad in the winter, though, I wait until it freezes before I go out and pick up the poopsicles!!:p

Hehe, same here!;)

12-17-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
LOL!! If anyone could teach their dogs to do that, it'd be you Kay. ;)

:D I believe she would. LOL. Cute picture.:)

12-17-2004, 01:34 PM
lol picking up is easy :p 5 dogs, varying size, all tiny chalky poo, with no smell, and half if it crumbles into the ground anyway lol

12-17-2004, 01:53 PM
It's easy but i'm not really sure I enjoy picking up feces. Half of it doesn't smell but the fact of it beeing POOP makes me gag enough.

12-17-2004, 01:57 PM
lol guess I am just used to it by now having so many dogs :p now cleaning up doggie vomit....THAT makes me gag

12-17-2004, 02:03 PM
I'm very much used to it, i've had as many as 5 dogs here at once, but sttillll that doesn't mean it's something I consider fun to do. Hence the reason I normally make my dad do it. I can't stand to do it and I have the worst stomach ache and urge to vomit afterwards.

99.9% of the the time I catch my dogs before they throw up and immediately put newspaper in front of them, so that's not a big deal at all.

12-17-2004, 02:07 PM
I wish I could teach my dogs to do that!:D hate cleaning it up!

12-17-2004, 03:28 PM
Hilarious! :D

My Peanuts
12-17-2004, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Why can't my dogs learn this?!

If anyone's are it's going to be yours! :p ;)

12-17-2004, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by vinjashira
the advantage of having a small dog... small poop :D
I feed Snowy Iams puppy food and its really good because her poop doesn't have a strong smell.

You are lucky!! We used to feed the girls Iams, but it made Cincy stink soooooooo bad!! I can't even tell you!

Cincy is our hardest to pick up after...sohe can't stand still!!! You have to follow the trail of poop. Spot's is pretty small, and Sadie at least goes in one place!!

12-17-2004, 04:23 PM
My two are pretty easy to teach but I don't think I'll ever pull that one off ;). Most the time it isn't too bad but spring cleaning after we've had months of snow on the ground and it has all melted can be pretty disgusting. I do have to admit that cleaning up vomit is worse on a gross-out factor for me though, thank God it's a rare occurrance. :o

12-19-2004, 05:03 AM
lol....I hope Hiedi sees this thread. ;) :p I use one of those poop scoopers, that way I stay at least 2 ft away from it, and I don't even have to touch it with my hand. Heidi sometimes doesn't stay in one spot also, so its rather annoying having to pick up that stuff. It doesn't bother me though, and neither does vomit, well it isn't pleasant, but I do it. My mom REFUSES to touch vomit, and she used to be a nurse!! :eek: She says she doesn't do vomit. :rolleyes: I know she did mine though, but considering that Heidi is my dog, I have to do all the dirty work. The only thing that I had to do for Heidi that grossed me out BIG time, was when she was a puppy, and she had worms and then they would come out in her stools, and we weren't taking her outside right away, we were using hte paper by the door theory because thats what her breeder said to do, so it was NASTY NASTY!! Fortunately we started taking her out right after that incident. :rolleyes:

12-19-2004, 06:34 AM
okay, here's my poop story ---
the other day i walked smokey to the store with me. i didn't bring a clean up bag cuz he had pooped late in the night (and this was 9am) so i didnt think he would go again.
so we're walking back and i have my newspaper and my breakfast sandwich in a bag when lo and behold, Smokey stops to do his business. Now, this was in a yard 2 houses down so really I could have taken him home and went back 2 minutes later to clean up with 2 free hands, but I decided I'd just take the paper and brekky out and use the bag they were in. BAD IDEA. Smokey was in a mood where he did NOT want to "wait" nicely as I picked up after him so I was pulling his leash, holding the paper and breakfast and gloves and trying to pick up doodoo...........and my yummy Bacon, Egg & Cheeeeeeze sandwhich dropped right on the poo.
So much for that brilliant idea!

no brekky sammy for me. :(

12-19-2004, 01:36 PM
great picture!