View Full Version : fritz's excursions and close calls

12-17-2004, 07:44 AM
I'll tell a little story about Fritz.When we had him fixed,during the operation his heart rate went down to about nothing but were able to bring him back,but that meant he to stay at the vets alittle longer to recover.My dad has a habit and i have done it the odd time,more dad than me.He dosen't put him on a chain and Fritz follows him to either gate and then takes off up the street and we have hard time catching because he's so quick.Mom's even had to come with the van to help catch and try to entice him back into the van witha treat.Sometimes it works,other times not.When we get close to him,he thinks you are playing and takes off again,but he'll go right to a person he don't know.He's not afraid of anything.Another time he did this,they were putting in new sidewalks near our home and got out the other and either it was a dump truck or cement truck started to back up and luckily a worker saw him and warned the driver to stop.We were glad of that,i don't think he would have been here today if it wasn't for that.As i said in the other post today,he has agirlfriend,another Bichon,Gracie he goes and visits on these excursions.They let him right in and they let him have a drink or a bite to eat.His 'Aunties' had 2 signs made up that we have put up at either gate.The signs say:Please Stop and Watch For Fritz.he hasn't got out lately.We usually put on a chain when he gpes out and does his business.We also put a little sign on our front door that says:In case of Emergency Please help our dog.Thought I would share that with every body.Reminder to anybody who hasn't voted for Fritz as pet of the month to go www.darlingpet.com and follow the instructions i mentioned in yesterday's post about voting for Fritz.

12-17-2004, 12:27 PM
You're just too darn sociable and friendly for your own good, Fritz:D The happy little wanderer, that's you! Of course who can blame you, when you are rewarded with a treat or snack at each door:D You stay close to your family and be safe, Fritz! My friend was not so lucky...while pulling out of her driveway, leaving for work, she hit her little pup. The kids yelled for her to stop but it was too late:( We have a pet alert of our doors too:)

12-17-2004, 04:47 PM
My mom's bichon does the same thing..if he gets out he takes off running and the only way to get him back is to drive down the road in her truck and take a treat..she gets sooo mad! So far it works, but dont know what will happen if it doesnt!

12-17-2004, 05:02 PM
Fritz is sure a social boy. We had a neighbor who
use to feed all the dogs.
My Aunts GSD, use to jump the fence and wait by
the neighbors front door for a dog biscuit.

Fritz you be good and safe.