View Full Version : When to start sex education?

12-17-2004, 07:24 AM
I belong to a parenting forum and there was a thread about a 10 yr old girl getting pregnant. This topic was prompted by that thread and I wanted to hear other's opinions A lot of people were stating that girls should be taught about sex and what it means when they get their first period- that can be anywhere from age 9 to 16. I taught 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders for a few years. A lot of them knew more about sex then I did when I was 16 or older!

That brings me to my question, when should we start teaching children about sex? What is your opinion? Seasoned Moms- how did/do you handle it?

My personal opinion... sex education is an ongoing thing. It should begin when children first start to realize that there are differences between boys and girls. They should be taught the body parts and taught that they are private. As the children ask questions, answer them honestly. Teach them that it is ok to talk about it but that sex is something special. Young children are curious but they don't want a real detailed answer. Answers can be watered down to fit their maturity level without lying to them.

Please, tell me what you think of this matter?

12-17-2004, 07:28 AM
My mom thought that if we were old enough to ask the questions we were old enough to know that truth. She has told me about sex for as long as I can remember, and that is the way my children will be raised.

12-17-2004, 09:23 AM
I am a "seasoned" mom and I could not possibly answer it any better than the two younger women ahead of me:D That is exactly how I did it and it seemed to work. No silly names for body parts. No hushed tones when we talked about sex and we talked about just about everything as casually as can be. The biggest problem I ran into was the "dirtiness and shame" that my kids ran into when they hit the public schools. They never learned that at our house. Maybe the wrong words - but the attitude that sex is something to be tossed around as a shocking thing:rolleyes:

When toddler/babies learn their body parts - they need to learn the correct words. Boys obviously have a penis. Girls have a vagina but I don't think that is the correct term to learn. They can't SEE their vagina. Maybe genitals, pubis, or vulva would be better?

Funny story when one of my little boys went in for a physical. The doctor sais he needed to check his "peepee" - my son looked at him quizically and answered "you mean my PENIS?":D

12-17-2004, 09:28 AM
I am all ears on this one. My son is seven and we're bumping into some awkward moments with me being pregnant and all. I am afraid to give him to much information for his age, but he is so inquisitive.

12-17-2004, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
I am all ears on this one. My son is seven and we're bumping into some awkward moments with me being pregnant and all. I am afraid to give him to much information for his age, but he is so inquisitive.
Does he know body parts Tonya? What does he ask? I believe a normal second or third grader is probably ready to hear as much as he asks. Does he want to know how the baby got in there?
Mommy has eggs in her body that start to grow when daddy gives them the right nutrition (sperm) when he loves the mommy.
How does he do this?
Daddy loves mommy by holding her so close that his penis can go inside of her and it feels very good because they love each other and sometimes this starts a baby growing. Married people love each other in this way.
Yuck! Does daddy do this to you???
yes, sometimes and it is not yucky, it is nice and you will like it when you are married and love somebody, too ETC!!!
This sounds about right for a seven year old IF this is what he is asking.

12-17-2004, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Does he know body parts Tonya? What does he ask? I believe a normal second or third grader is probably ready to hear as much as he asks. Does he want to know how the baby got in there?
Mommy has eggs in her body that start to grow when daddy gives them the right nutrition (sperm) when he loves the mommy.
How does he do this?
Daddy loves mommy by holding her so close that his penis can go inside of her and it feels very good because they love each other and sometimes this starts a baby growing. Married people love each other in this way.
Yuck! Does daddy do this to you???
yes, sometimes and it is not yucky, it is nice and you will like it when you are married and love somebody, too ETC!!!
This sounds about right for a seven year old IF this is what he is asking.


I would NEVER even imagine telling a 7 year old such clear details. :o:eek::o I didn't have a CLUE about sex at 7...not a CLUE, and now, I'm not uninformed on this issue in the least bit. We're human beings...we have to know this stuff eventually, but why tell a young child who is too young to bother with such things? 7 is too early IMHO. I would've hated to know that stuff at 7, in all honesty. 7 year olds don't 'need' to know about sex in such details. They have a lot more things to be told that are appropriate for their age...and sex and how we get babies is, in my opinion, not one of them. I think its better to wait. I wouldn't tell at 7, and I wouldn't want anyone else telling my future children at 7 either. Of course there are certains things they SHOULD know by 7, but actual 'sex'...how you get a baby, etc? No...I think 7 is too young for that.

I also believe children who are taught about sex before they need to know are the ones who want to 'try it out' first. We have enough early pregnancy problems in this country already. Little boys are innocent and don't need to know the details of women and adulthood at that innocent age, when they're going to absorb EVERYTHING they hear, and as children, will have the urge to try it themselves.

smokey the elder
12-17-2004, 10:55 AM
My sister, as a nurse, was very frank with my niece when she would ask questions, especially about "plumbing" differences. She insisted that my niece use the proper names for things, which I thought interesting. My niece grew up well adjusted, for all that I can tell, and has a little one of her own.

I guess it depends on the comfort level. (BTW, my niece was around farm animals...:) )

12-17-2004, 10:57 AM
Jason and I have talked about this a lot. One of our biggest worries is that telling a child to not do something makes it seem like something fun to do!

I think something we want to hit home all through sex education is that it is something beautiful from God that married people do.

I think that some sort of sex education should start very early and continue on.

One mistake I think many make is not continuing sex ed with their children.

12-17-2004, 11:56 AM
popcorn, I think the way a parent answers questions depends on the questions they ask. If a child starts asking detailed questions, they are wanting to know more. I know of a lot of 7 year olds who have heard about sex on the playground and then go to their parents for clarification. I don't know if I would volunteer that information when Misha is 7 but if she starts asking, I'm going to tell her the truth.

I agree with sirrahved about teaching them at a young age that sex is something very special between a husband and his wife. It is not a game and it is for adults.

12-17-2004, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird

I would NEVER even imagine telling a 7 year old such clear details. :o:eek::o

I hope I made it very clear that it depends completely on what the child asks. If a smart seven year old wants to know how the baby got started growing in there and is that curious, then he is ready to know, in my opinion. Part of my reasoning comes from being a nurse and a Christian. I would not volunteer the information, but if they ask such specifics...those examples were what my answers would be:rolleyes: In every case, I have always stressed marriage, love and specialness.

What would YOUR answers be?

12-17-2004, 12:23 PM
I was about six the first time I ever heard of sex--my friend had a much older sister (she was probably in the 6th grade). She just told us about it but I had no real clue how one actually did it..simply that it made babies. :rolleyes:

I was in the 4th grade when we had our first sex education course but I just recall learning what a male/female part looks like but not about diseases/pregnancy.

Before I start, I hope I don't offend anyone but I don't believe teaching children abstinence and waiting until marriage is the right thing to do. I believe that is one portion of sex education that should be taught, but believe proper protection is MANDATORY particularly with younger and younger children experimenting. If my teacher/counselor had told me to wait to have sex until I was married, I wouldn't have listened. I was going to have sex whether or not someone told me "no"...

Lucky for me, I grew up in a household where my parents were not afraid to answer my questions and did not make the topic of sex uncomfortable. My parents would have rather me be educated and know how to protect myself against diseases, pregnancy, etc. than wind up in a situation I would later as an adult regret. I made the smart decision that when at 17 I felt ready to have sex, I told my parents that I wanted to be put on birth control and I wasn't made to feel "bad." I would have had sex anyway, so at least they made the step to help me make the right decisions at the time.

I think it's unfortunate that more parents aren't comfortable to be able to talk openly about sex with their children. It's not disgusting, it's done between two people who should care about each other, and the child needs to be educated about the consequences of sex. I would rather my children have the knowledge to make wise decisions, than be pregnant or worse have a deadly disease at 15.

Sex education should not be left up primarily to school teachers--these are your kids and you need to be involved in all aspects of their life.

12-17-2004, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by chrangharris
A lot of people were stating that girls should be taught about sex and what it means when they get their first period- that can be anywhere from age 9 to 16.

8:20 a.m.!!

I went to homeroom first, 8:00 a.m.-that's where they made all the announcements and gave you all the school forms to fill out....
That ended at 8:15...

Then on to typing class, that was my first period.


12-17-2004, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I also believe children who are taught about sex before they need to know are the ones who want to 'try it out' first. We have enough early pregnancy problems in this country already. Little boys are innocent and don't need to know the details of women and adulthood at that innocent age, when they're going to absorb EVERYTHING they hear, and as children, will have the urge to try it themselves.

I COMPLETELY disagree with this. It has been studied through surveys, etc. that the INFORMED kids don't need to try it because they feel informed.

Debbie I thought you answers were really, really good. And from the sounds of Tonya's son, he would be able to handle an answer like that. It does totally depend on the child, and it totally depends on what kind of information they want to know. When I was little, I was an only child so I never had any need to ask about how babies were made. But when I got older and started to see pragnant ladies on TV I asked my mom and she told me, very much in the same way Debbie described, about sex. It wasn't gross because my mom didn't make it into a gross thing. Kids won't know to be uncomfortable unless they have been shown or told it's something to be uncomfortable about. If it's talked about as a "normal" part of being an adult, which it IS, kids won't care.

By making it a "dirty" subject you are just asking for kids to have a complex about feeling like a pervert every time they feel a sexual urge through puberty, which is really, really sad.

12-17-2004, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
I COMPLETELY disagree with this. It has been studied through surveys, etc. that the INFORMED kids don't need to try it because they feel informed.

I probably didn't word it right, but I'm all for explaining kids about reproduction, sex, the risks involved, etc., however, I feel there's a certain age to tell these things. It IS important to tell them...just not TOO early. Teens should definitely know, and I guess you could tell a 10 year old too...but 7 is just too early in my opinion. When you tell a 7 year old anything, they usually do want to experiment with it. I know I wanted to experiment with any 'new information' at that age. Not that a 7 year old is really going to be able to experiment with sex, but I still think its too early to give them so much information that they would start to wonder how it feels and such. Children are curious. They're going to ask no matter what. :p I remember asking my mom some weird questions as a child, and she always gave me an answer, without giving too much information. I was the type of child that asked a LOT of questions...about God, about babies, about why women got pregnant and men didn't :rolleyes:...all sorts of things. I was CURIOUS. I did not NEED to know everything I asked, but as a child, I wanted to know everything. I honestly think I drove my mom crazy, because I 'know' there were times when she didn't know how to answer my questions appropriately.

Now personally, if I had a 7 year old asking about pregnancy, I would explain to him/her that God gave women the ability to become pregnant to keep making more humans, and to keep the human race on going. I would explain a bit, but I wouldn't get into the issue of 'how' women get pregnant. If the child asked HOW, then I would tell him/her that there are certains things you will know when you're older, not right now. My mom used to tell me that sometimes, when I asked TOO much. She didn't lie to me...just made it clear that I would get to know these things later in life. ;)

I understand that you all have your own opinions and I respect that. 7 is just 'too early' from my perspective, whether the child is asking or not. I 'was' asking at that age, but now when I look back at things, I'm glad my mom didn't tell me at that time. It was too much for my little mind to handle. :p These issues are a very natural and 'normal' part of being a human being. Its the way God made us, and kids SHOULD know about 'themselves' and how the human body works. I just believe, like I stated before, that there is a certain age to tell kids certain things.

12-17-2004, 01:38 PM
Sirrahbed, he is definitely asking the questions that require a detailed answer like that. You know, I'm one of those vulgar personalities that can blab the details of my sex life to a crowd of friends, but I can't bring myself to talk to my son about sex? I don't know why, but I am just so uncomfortable about it. I think I was about 6 when my mom explained it to me. She read me a book that had pigs and dogs and chickens mounting eachother. lol. I've searched for a book but I can't find one.

12-17-2004, 03:14 PM
Tonya...you reminded me of something that happened last week. While searching for a dog at the shelter there were 2 dogs mounting each other, my 13 year old was mortified, she said isn't that going to teach us bad stuff? Her friend and my 12 year old I guess is what she was referring to. It was funny!

I said well they are animals and they can act on those urges...

12-17-2004, 03:21 PM
LOL. Roxy always mounts Dusty when he's getting to much attention. (I know, backwards. :rolleyes: ) Jaden said not to long ago "Roxy, stop humping Dusty!" I was mortified. I was like "Where did you learn that word?!"

Anyways, we had a detailed talk about dogs and breeding. So he understands that aspect. But I can't bring myself to tell him that mommy and daddy do that too. lol.

I gave him some B.S. story when I first got pregnant about how God takes an egg from daddy and puts it in mommy. But I think I owe him the truth. It's better he learns it from me then the older kids on the bus.

12-17-2004, 03:33 PM
Sounds like Jaden needs a trip to the farm!

12-17-2004, 03:36 PM
I to agree with debbie , but to answer popcorns question t. If you have been truthfull and honest about every thing else in their life ,the beleive you and will not see the need to experance it.
My mom was a nurse and from the old school but she didn't want me uninformed or misinformed . She started out just as I did explaining that it was a wonderful way we are made but it was to be a private conversation as many people have different ideas about it. as to when ,how and what to tell thier children. (i was very inquizitive and ahead of my class mates) . But if I had questions please as her don't always believe what I heard from other kids. I was 8 at the time. I was raised on a farm so it wasn't like I didn't have some Idea.
I think it all depends on what the child asks , some times its just a vague question but if it is fallowed but others its time . If not then it may not be time.
We have faith in our home so we have a written moral code in our lives , I would like to know how those who don't fallow the bible inforce a moral code.
If another reilgon what does your say and how to you apply it to this subject?
Tonya if you think he doesn't have an idea about dad and Mom I garentee your mistaken. If hes using those terms. Sounds like Dad needs to have the talk with him. Are you allowing him to be around for the birth? If so you really need to talk before.

12-17-2004, 03:45 PM
I don't think they would allow him to be in the room, so I don't think he'll be around for the childbirth. He knows where babies come from. We squared that question away. His response was "Ewwww." It is just the sex part that we left out.

Oh, BTW, we recently got on the subject of breast feeding. He was sort of shocked about it and I told him that I'd breastfed him. He got all embarrassed, then after a few minutes of thinking he goes "No you didn't. I totally remember. I am totally sure you didn't. You must be confused mommy." He was trying so hard to convince me that he wasn't breastfed. lol.

12-17-2004, 03:53 PM
Sounds like hes not quite ready. I thought most all hospitals were allowing family births now. My 2 were so close in age(22 months) we just let daughter stay at grandmas.but her brother was less than an hour old when she saw him for the first time.

12-17-2004, 04:11 PM
This topic has two sides to it.

There is the 'mechanical' and the 'responsible' issues.

You can tell your kids how it works mechanically....

The Man buys the Women flowers, dinner and a ring and 9 months later she has a baby......

Did I mention Chocolates???;)

AND you have to work into the convo the part about marriage, love and the fact that it's a huge responsibility...

One thing that I learned early is that you have to teach a child RESPECT for their body and also the other person's body.

You can seriously screw up a kid by giving them the 'Dirty/God sees you all the time/This is your pee pee' lecture.

You'll see and know how much info your kids can process at the age when they start asking questions. It is the start of their self awareness and they will be able to handle just enough of the facts......too much, you'll freak them out, not enough, they'll experiment to get the rest.


And be prepared to have your child walk up to an adult and say to them something like...

"I have a penis" or "Do you have a penis?'

Or how's about the old favorite....

"I know how my mommy gets a baby!"

We ALL do, kid.....the stork drops them off in the chimeny!!!!


One thing that does bug me, even at my age, is the way that S-X
is portrayed in the movies....It's always that frantic rutting that
none of us could ever pull off....I guess when you act and get paid millions, it is easier to make it look good......But it's a bad example for today's kids......They'll think it's OK to just jump into the sack with someone....

Just think of all the chocolate and flower vendors that are going to go out of business!!!!! ;)

12-17-2004, 06:45 PM
I grew up in the 50's and back then there was no such thing as "ask your Mommy", at least not in my house. I first learned about it in grade 6 when they had that "You're growing up" film. Then I learned about it from friends and friends of friends. Finally, I figured out what all the noice coming from my Mom and Dad's bedroom was. My brother found some playboy magazines under dad's side of the bed one time. We mulled over them for a bit and made sure to put them back in the exact same place. LOL

I was NOT informed and yet I had a couple of "experimental years" that I regret. Whether you are brought up with "down there" or "pee pee" or "penis", if a teen want to experiment, they will do it regardless. I do believe, however, that if parents talk openly to their children about it (when they are ready to talk about it), they will be more likely to make smarter decisions when the time comes.

Now that I'm older, I can talk to my Mom about ANYTHING including sex....but don't get me started on that. The things that woman comes out with would curl your.....oh never mind......:eek: :D

12-17-2004, 07:32 PM
I think you should teach the child early, or else their friends in school will. That's how i found out. I was about, 6 or 7 when i FIRST heard about sex. I found out from the boys and girls in my school....

My mom never gave me the "sex talk".. I suppose she figured i already knew.

I would have LIKED for her to have talked to me about it, when i was around 10 or so, so that way i would know exactly what went on etc, whereas the kids from school told me all sorts of things oh gosh, i can't even remember all of the crazy things they said.

My little brother is CONSTANTLY asking questions to my mom, he's 11, and he learns EVERYTHING from school.. He once asked my mom if the loger you had sex, determined how tall or short the baby was.. My mom seems completely comfortable with telling him this stuff, but i think she should have sat him down, told him whats "To come" etc...

I think it was alot easier with me... My parent's just mentioned here and there "You can't have sex now that your offically a WOMAN" :p

Although we did have sex education in school.. I first had it in 5th, and then had it in 8th, and will be having it again this year.. Every year it gets more detailed... :p

So, to answer your question, I think sex education should be taught at an early age, and i think parents should answer if they're children ask, open and honestly.

But that's just my opinion.

12-18-2004, 08:21 AM
Just wanted to add something I found interesting here. I just got off the phone with my daughter Missy in Japan (she's 20, married and pregnant so obviously knows something) and was telling her about this thread. She said she never remembered having any sex talks at all:D Nothing!! Well, I find this both hysterical AND wonderful because she was so curious and full of technical type questions but I guess I managed to pull it off like we were discussing the weather because she never knew we were having a "sex talk"!! I think she probably knew all the dynamics by age 7 or 8. That is the whole idea. I DO remember some questions where I had to gulp and compose myself first, but guess I managed to answer without blushing:p Whew!!

Now, I will have to check with my sons, and see what THEY remember:rolleyes:

12-18-2004, 08:59 AM
I know my parents never told me anything, and I never asked, I mean when I was little I asked where I came from, my dad said I came from my moms tummy, and that they had to cut her open to take me out. I did not care about anything else. I did not learn about any of it till grade 4, where we learned about it some weird class all the catholic schools had lol and to be honest I have never really cared, and I have always found it to be an uncomfortable subject, probibly because I did not develop till WAYYY after everyone else, its kind of emabarising when the teachers are talking about your period and such assuming everyone already has it, when I did not get it till my second year of high school, when they dont teach about the stuff anymore lol all my friends that are yiounger then me know all this stuff about sex that I have never heard of before, BUT I would rather hear it from my friends then my parents. why? because I am not comfortable around my parents, I honestly dont trust them, I have been given no reason to trust them, and plenty of reasons not to, so why would I want to talk about something like that with them?

12-18-2004, 10:36 AM
A few funny stories to relate...

I remember very little about "the talk" with my mom. We must have had them because we now talk about sex quite a bit. I do remember when I was about 11 or 12 my parents showed me a cartoon video teaching me about sex. I guess I started asking questions so they decided it was time to teach me a bit more. The cartoon was done fairly well and was very appropriate. However, at the beginning there was a bathtub with a man and a woman in it and LOTS of bubbles. There was a little yellow ducky floating around in this bathtub. He would duck under the water and pop back up with this shocked expression on his face. The people stood up and they were covered in bubbles-you couldn't see anything. The narrator is talking and is explaining the different body parts and how they are different. As he mentions each body part, the duck blows the bubbles off of the appropriate area. The video goes and gets into some more details about sex. To this day, whenever I see a rubber ducky, I think of this movie and get freaked out!!! I tease my mom on how she scarred me for life! LOL!!

Another one, when my students found out I was pregnant there were several questions. I worked in the inner city, so the kids are used to a lot of differences in appearances. Both my husband and I are VERY pale. My students were not. One little boy asked me if my baby was going to be brown or white. I told him that the baby wasn't here yet so we would just have to wait and see. It was so sweet because at that age they don't notice color. This same little boy came up to me the next day and informed me that I was going to be dissected. I was quite confused and asked him to explain. He told me that in order for me to get my baby, the Dr's would have to dissect me and take the baby out! He was born by C-section!

Just thought I would share the cute stories!

12-20-2004, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by chrangharris
As he mentions each body part, the duck blows the bubbles off of the appropriate area.



And when you really want to keep your sons as innocent as possible, take them to PARIS!!!!
Paris too lazy for sex

Paris Hilton claims she's "too lazy" to have sex and would rather just kiss.

The 23-year-old hotel heiress tells Rolling Stone magazine, "I'm not a sexual person, really. I don't really care about sex. If I'm in a relationship, we don't even do anything, really. We just watch TV. I'm too lazy. I'd rather kiss."

Hilton's former boyfriends include Rick Salomon, Tommy Hilfiger model Jason Shaw and Backstreet Boys' singer Nick Carter.

The third series of her hit reality show The Simple Life with Nicole Richie is due to begin airing in the US next month.

12-20-2004, 11:40 PM
I kind of agree with popcornbird....

Growing up, I was never given any lectures about it. I mostly learned about it in school. I hate talking about it. Maybe having the talk would have been good for me, but I'm a shy person and talking about it would have made me feel really embarassed and uncomfortable. :o But I remember in junior high, I was like.. 11 or 12, some of my classmates picked on me and made fun of me because I didn't know what certain stuff meant.. :( But I didn't want to know that stuff then anyway. I was more interested in other things... like my future, dogs, etc..

So I guess it depends on the kid. Some people need to learn about it early, while others can learn about it a little later..

12-20-2004, 11:50 PM
chrangharris, I am tempted to search for that video. I gotta see it. lol. It sounds so cheesey!

12-21-2004, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
chrangharris, I am tempted to search for that video. I gotta see it. lol. It sounds so cheesey!

It was very cheesy! It went on and the couple moved to the bedroom. There were cats on the quilt and the eyes moved in rhythm! I think my love of cats was to well developed to give me a complex about that!
The movie was tastefully done and age appropriate though!

12-22-2004, 06:16 PM
When my friend was pregnant with her second baby, her first child - a boy, was 4. When I visited once, and she had a big belly already, I said: so, you're going to buy a babygirl (it's a funny way people say it here in front of very small kids). My godchild, the boy, looked at me and very seriously said: Nana Viorica, you're so big and you don't where the kids come from?
We all laughed, because I remembered that he was very well informed about how and why people have children. I think it is very right to tell kids about their bodies and later about contraception and sex and everything related to it. So many people try it too soon because they don't have any idea of what it is.

12-22-2004, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by chrangharris

Just thought I would share the cute stories!

Could you not talk about S-e-x in front of the baby in your SIGGY?????;)

12-22-2004, 09:32 PM
Aye... I don't think I ever had a "talk"... We watched a movie in 6th grade, learned all the "parts" and watched another video of a birth.

My parents were watching Law and Order or something, and this girl made a hand motion, referring to... ahem... a male masturbating. I immediately turned red, because my mom and dad were laughing and they asked me if I knew what she was doing. I just laughed. It's still awkward to talk about things like that with my parents, but sometimes I think they think I don't know about stuff, but what you hear in highschool... that's all the education I need!

12-23-2004, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Could you not talk about S-e-x in front of the baby in your SIGGY?????;)

Shall I wait until she is ten and pregnant?? ;)

12-23-2004, 08:16 AM
I never really got the "talk" ether. But like Ilovemyabbygirl said, You get all the education you need in highschool, actually I should say, all the education that you really don't want. I get very embarrassed when I hear um...s-e-x talk. lol... let alone be mature about it. I guess its pretty immature of me.
But what can you do???:o :o :)

12-23-2004, 12:56 PM
When my kids ask me I'm just going to put it on the level...
Answer there questions and leve it at that... mostly what I have found to be true is that if you just talk planly with kids then they will understand and make most conections on their own.
So just tell the truth and your kids will respect you for a long time... fib, refuse to tell and they'll dig in one way or another way, often the one way you don't want them to learn by... like getting pregnant, or a V.D... I know that I would reather just give my kids the talk, that way I would not have to hold there hand when thay get sick, pregnant, or like a good frend of mine DIE. My kids will be the future of me and my wife's blood line and will be our harts and souls, I just don't want to risk my kids lives on ignorance.

12-23-2004, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by chrangharris
Shall I wait until she is ten and pregnant?? ;)


Then half of Pet Talk will hunt you down!!!! :eek:

12-23-2004, 01:09 PM
I agree with my husband. I also want to add that usually being dishonest to your kids tends to make them disrespect you later on in life. I know I had and still have a great deal more respect for my mom because she was so honest with me when I had questions to ask...not just about sex but with any subject

12-23-2004, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

Then half of Pet Talk will hunt you down!!!! :eek:

You would probably head up the gang! :D :D :D :D

12-23-2004, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by chrangharris
You would probably head up the gang! :D :D :D :D

To protect a little doll like THAT!!!!

You betcha!:D

12-23-2004, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
To protect a little doll like THAT!!!!

You betcha!:D
darn right!!! i'm with ya!

12-23-2004, 05:12 PM
I'm glad so many people are looking after my little doll! Earlier today I was nursing her and DH came over to give me a kiss. She stopped nursing and looked up at us with a look that totally said, "EWWWW, gross, what are they doing!" We had to laugh and it reminded me of Richard's earlier comment!

12-23-2004, 05:17 PM
Little does she know how she got here.....:eek: :confused: :o ;) :D

12-23-2004, 06:11 PM
LOL!!!:D :D :D

12-23-2004, 06:21 PM
And then you and dad did WHAT?

NO way............

12-24-2004, 04:46 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD
And then you and dad did WHAT?

NO way............

Only once Misha!

12-25-2004, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by chrangharris
Only once Misha!

And we got perfection on the first try......showoffs!!!:D

12-26-2004, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD
And we got perfection on the first try......showoffs!!!:D

We're both firstborns- we have that tendency- overachievers, perfectionists, etc. :D