View Full Version : I need prayers

12-16-2004, 12:54 PM
I am just not feeling good lately. I'm been really sad, not sure if I'm depressed or not. I just feel so blah. Things with my friends have gotten worse. Everyone pretty much hates me. My boyfriend and I just broke up, which has been pretty hard on me. I don't know what to do with my life. I really don't. Everything is going wrong. I lack the motivation to even get up during the day. I usually stay up all night and don't go to bed until 9 am. I have absolutely zero energy, and really the only thing that makes me happy right now is Dylan. I just miss being with him, holding him, watching him sleep etc. I miss Justin so much, and I have screwed up my relationship with two people that I really cared for, and still do, and seeing them pissed at me and our friendship going downhill really saddens me. My good friend Kelsy is also moving away. She is the only female friend I've EVER trusted, and now she is leaving. :( I just don't know what to do anymore. :(

12-16-2004, 01:05 PM
Cass Sweetheart I don't think anything I can say will change things, but I just want you to know I am always here for you, even though its far away, I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so low and everything seems to be turning to custard, but I think maybe you should visit a doctor to see if you need some help with the depression you are having, some of us just continue on, thinking we will come right, and sometimes it is just best to take the bull by the horns, seek help to make us better.

I would move out if you can and find a new place to live, as it sounds like it is not the place for you, remember you are a good person, with a great heart, full of love and compassion, don't let anyone tell you less, LOVE AND HUGS , and Pm me anytime, Take care, look after yourself, and please seek some help and guidance. HEAPS OF HUGS.:)

12-16-2004, 01:06 PM
I wish I knew what to tell you Cass. :(

I hope things look up and get better. You'll be in my prayers.

edit: Carole gave some good advice, which I'd like to second. Remember that there are so many of us here for you. :)

12-16-2004, 01:09 PM
Oh believe me, I've learnt my lesson this time! But it still doesn't change the fact that things constantly go wrong. NOTHING goes right! I just feel so lonely. All my real friends are so far away. I just hate the world right now. :(

Carol, I honestly don't really want to talk to anyone. I just need a FRIEND right now, that's all, and I don't have one. Just a good friend to listen to me, not judge me, and forgive me when something goes wrong. I can't seem to find a person like that though. :( I don't know, maybe I should talk to someone, but I don't see how that will help with this.

12-16-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Oh believe me, I've learnt my lesson this time! But it still doesn't change the fact that things constantly go wrong. NOTHING goes right! I just feel so lonely. All my real friends are so far away. I just hate the world right now. :(

I edited my first post and took that lesson part out because I realized how our situations are so different so it's not right for me to just assume everything is so simple. Sorry for that. :(

I wish I could make things better for you. :( Be strong.

12-16-2004, 01:15 PM
Despite the friend thing, I am just terrified of life right now. Since I left Dan I just feel so lost. I am really really honestly scared. I have never been so scared in my life. Everything I do freightens me. I can't even start on a simple resume, as I know I am going to fail. It sucks. :( And I hate feeling like this. It makes me so angry that I ever put myself in this situation in the first place.

I care about my friend so much more than he will ever know, and I wish I could just take back all of the things I ever said or did to him and make everything better, but I can't. I can't turn back time. I just want him to know I care about him but I've never been one to express myself in person. Even though there is so much I want to say I just won't be able to say it. I never used to be this way. I've hurt so many people over the past 6 months. It's like I didn't care. Nothing effected me, but now it's hitting me and I realize I've made a big mistake. I don't know what to do. I really am nice, and I care about people, so why all of a sudden am I acting so out of character? I don't understand it.

12-16-2004, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by primabella
I edited my first post and took that lesson part out because I realized how our situations are so different so it's not right for me to just assume everything is so simple. Sorry for that. :(

I wish I could make things better for you. :( Be strong.

That's OK. Don't worry about it. I am glad you responded, because I do need to learn from this. I just hope it sinks into my thick skull!

12-16-2004, 01:57 PM
Cass, I'm so sorry to hear how you've been feeling. I think we all wish we could be close to you right now so we all could give you a big *~ GROUP HUG ~*:D Then we could all just sit around and make you feel better! Life's lessons hurt sometimes, but then we learn from them. I'm sure we've all been there! Please don't forget we all are here for you!

Please Take Care!

12-16-2004, 02:13 PM
Cass I'm not going to suger coat this and if it makes you mad I'm sorry but you don't need a freind you need a doctor and treat ment . You have (my opinion) classic depresstion denial (hubby has is often but I know thew symptoms and can change it up)
Ist you need a good pysical , then a good councialer and the most important thing a good diet . My hubby can be brought out of it just buy me fixing him all his meals and adding lots of green and yellow veggies.
You have been like this too long its becoming a devestation of your life. You need the change and soon.
Please beleive me I love you as much as every one here but I guess I get elected to kick you in the Butt and get you to realise whineing doesn't do it action and change does. Now all that said {{{{HUGS}}}}
I do care but sometimes tought love has to be applied. Sorry if I upset anyone but I have had to do this before with some family members.

12-16-2004, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
Cass I'm not going to suger coat this and if it makes you mad I'm sorry but you don't need a freind you need a doctor and treat ment . You have (my opinion) classic depresstion denial (hubby has is often but I know thew symptoms and can change it up)
Ist you need a good pysical , then a good councialer and the most important thing a good diet . My hubby can be brought out of it just buy me fixing him all his meals and adding lots of green and yellow veggies.
You have been like this too long its becoming a devestation of your life. You need the change and soon.
Please beleive me I love you as much as every one here but I guess I get elected to kick you in the Butt and get you to realise whineing doesn't do it action and change does. Now all that said {{{{HUGS}}}}
I do care but sometimes tought love has to be applied. Sorry if I upset anyone but I have had to do this before with some family members.

How is me talking to a doctor going to fix the things that are happening in my life? That is what I want to do. Yes, they may be able to give me drugs, let me vent to them etc. but what really can they do? Please share your experiences with me because I really want to know, and by god if there is something that can be done I am willing to do anything to help myself, including talking to a doctor. Justin and I were talking about me possibly being bi-polar, as I go through highs and lows, so I do agree I need to talk to someone. I just don't see how the doctor is going to help with my friends etc. Drugs aren't going to change the situation. And I do need a friend, that is true.

I actually eat fairly good. :) And now that I am hungry I think I will go fix myself something to eat. I LOVE vegetables! I could eat them all day! :D

Thanks for responding. I'm not mad at all! I think a kick in tbe butt is what I need.

12-16-2004, 02:40 PM
Seeing a doctor can tell with blood tests if you have any kind of chemical or organic imbalances. Not all meds are bad some of us do NEED them to be our best . With out insulin a lot of us here on Pet talk wouldn't be here. If you are bi polar there are some things that can be done without drugs. Behavior some times is determined by how our bodies are working. If i get to high on my sugar count I'm an obnoxous sob, mouthy (not high now) , on those days I have to go home from work.
I don't want you to think I'm being mean but I lost a freind who was undianosed for Bi polar after the state kept taking her kids as she had them. She did commit suicide ,I don't want you to become that bad I couldn't take another person I know and care about to sink that deep. PLEASE PLEASE have adoctor check you out and tell him about everthing it could be part of a whole package that maybe a supplement could tale care of.

12-16-2004, 02:47 PM
Cass Corrina is right, you need to see a doctor, and yes Cass there is no magical pill in this world that will just fix it all, you have to be prepared to HELP YOURSELF a little here, tea and sympathy is fine and everyone needs it, but take the first step and see the Doctor, you may well find once you are on some medication, you find the energy you are so lacking, will feel better about yourself and life in general, and the rest just flows with it all, everyone has bad times regardless, but right now you feel you are in a dark hole with no way out, having a good friend or the pills is not the answer it itself, but it sure helps to put things into perspective, I do speak from experience, us oldies know a little from time to time lol.:)

12-16-2004, 04:02 PM
Appointment scheduled! Wish me luck!:D

12-16-2004, 04:39 PM
Good Girl, I wish you all the best, I hope the doctor can help you , and then things will start to improve.

Cass to change the subject, I need your advice re- a hedgehog, I have young one on the section, it persists on sitting out in the sun, i have given it cat biscuits and water, and it ate them fine, it looks healthy enough, but i am scared it will get squashed, as it is always in the worst places, today i found it outside our section on the grass verge by the footpath in the hot sun, any ideas?

I hope you don't mind me asking in this thread and under the circumstances.

Take care and let us know how your appointment went?

12-16-2004, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by carole
Good Girl, I wish you all the best, I hope the doctor can help you , and then things will start to improve.

Cass to change the subject, I need your advice re- a hedgehog, I have young one on the section, it persists on sitting out in the sun, i have given it cat biscuits and water, and it ate them fine, it looks healthy enough, but i am scared it will get squashed, as it is always in the worst places, today i found it outside our section on the grass verge by the footpath in the hot sun, any ideas?

I hope you don't mind me asking in this thread and under the circumstances.

Take care and let us know how your appointment went?

Is it a European Hedgehog? If so, I wouldn't touch it and call someone in to have it removed if you are worried. They are endangered. Where do you live again? That would help me. How big is it? Details women! :p

Did you know I got a third hedgie?:D

12-16-2004, 04:48 PM
They are not
an endangered species in NZ, they are the little brown hedgehog, does that help? no I did not know about your new Hedgey, What is its name?

PS the Hedgehog is not a tiny baby, but is not fully grown, inbetween, a youngster though., it lets me pat it's face, and is not perturbed by the cats at all.

12-16-2004, 05:04 PM

ACK, your hedgies there are SOOO cute! :D

12-16-2004, 07:07 PM
How is Freckles?????

12-16-2004, 09:34 PM
Freckles is GREAT!!! She just got done slobbering all over me. I posted some new pics of her in Dog General if you want to check them out. :D

12-16-2004, 10:18 PM
THANKS so much for the links, I always figured a hedgey that is out in daylight is unwell, he seems to want the sun, but he/she looks well enough, cannot see any signs of mange or maggots, I can't find it at the moment, but will be keeping a close eye on it, poor wee thing.

12-16-2004, 11:39 PM
Keep me updated will you? Is it possible to get photos of it? I would LOVE to see him/her. :)

12-17-2004, 12:03 AM
I'm so glad you got an appointment. Please do keep us informed we all love you and care.

12-17-2004, 01:01 AM
Cass if I can find him/her, seems to have vanished for now, I will try and borrow my Dad's camera.

Hey good luck at the Doctor's ok, I am thinking of you.:)

12-17-2004, 01:03 AM
Hey, Cass, I'll be praying that you'll be able to stay strong through these tough times. I know depression is a bear to battle. Get well soon.

12-17-2004, 08:14 AM
Hope things start looking up. :)