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View Full Version : little kids can be really mean

12-16-2004, 11:57 AM
My sister, Kati, works at a private school and she runs the daycare that is at the school. She is the only one in a room of 12 kids that are all 2 or younger. One of the 2 year olds walked up to her and punched her in the face, she scolded him and put him in a time out. Kati turned her back on him for just a minute and he ran up behind her and bit her. Kati had to call the principal to come get him and take him to the office for a spanking.

Kati said out of the 12 kids he is the only one who ever acts up. She is so sick of him. I think she should have another person in there with her. 12 kids is too much for one person. Not to mention my sister is very small, 5 foot, maybe 100 lbs. She is struggling with her job and doesn't like it anymore because of that one kid. :(

12-16-2004, 12:14 PM
:eek: Yikes. :(
I'm afraid to know what that kid is going to grow up being like...

12-16-2004, 02:09 PM
Wow... I wonder what that kids going to be when he grows up!??! Never mind.... I don't want to think about it!

I hope your sister is okay, and can enjoy the other kids!

12-16-2004, 02:27 PM
Can they not warn the parents about it? It seems like a lot..

12-16-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
Can they not warn the parents about it? It seems like a lot..

Kati told his dad when he was picked up and the dad (who is a big army guy) said something like... "didn't I spank you enough last night"... to the boy. Kati is going to talk to the principal about expelling him. They had to expel another kid earlier in the year and Kati said that this kid is worse.

12-16-2004, 03:27 PM
I wonder what this little crumb snatcher is like around his parents. Probably acts like the perfect angel...NOT!!!

12-16-2004, 03:30 PM
Oh I hate to hear things like that. What did the principal do? They may have to have the kid's parents find another place to put him if he doesn't start behaving.

12-16-2004, 03:35 PM
Well people don't just become idiot grown ups...it has to start somewhere and all you have to do is take a drive to see idiots are alive and well.

12-16-2004, 03:58 PM
What state does your sister live in? There is a ratio in each state that says how many children can be in the room/teacher and 12:1 is far too high. I worked at a battered women's shelter one summer and Christmas and for 10 1 year olds there had to be 2 teachers.

12-16-2004, 04:01 PM
As someone 5 ft. tall and around 100 lbs., please tell your sister I feel her pain! Geesh, that is one out of control child! I've heard of the "terrible twos," but that's unacceptable! I do hope the principal will be having a long discussion with the parents. Hope your sister is ok! 12 toddlers is too much for the most patient person!

12-16-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by KBlaix
Kati told his dad when he was picked up and the dad (who is a big army guy) said something like... "didn't I spank you enough last night"... to the boy. Kati is going to talk to the principal about expelling him. They had to expel another kid earlier in the year and Kati said that this kid is worse.

Doesn't this statement by the father raise any red flags here ?

Sounds like this guy needs parenting classes & your sister
needs help in the classroom. Too many children (babies) and
not enough adults to supervise.

12-16-2004, 06:08 PM
At least that school disciplines! Imagine dealing with that at a public school where you can't touch the kids!? That is a shame.

But I do disagree on expelling him. Maybe I am especially sensitive because of what my son went through. He went to a private school during preschool. He was never following directions, never listening, and was always hurting kids. They wanted to expel him. I was at wits end. They treated me like I was a horrible parent because of the way he was behaving. At one point, they even called Child Protective Service on me. Well, after 3 years of this and 2 schools, we found out that he was partially deaf in both ears and he had ADHD. After his surgury on his ears, his behavior changed drastically. We never saw a sign of aggression in him again.

There are so many factors that can cause a kid to misbehave. It can be really frustrating and difficult. But really, it isn't natural for a kid that age to be that aggressive, there is something physically or psychologically affecting him. We can't give up on children, especially that young. Expelling is giving up in my opinion. It can make the situation for the child even worse.

Oh, BTW...here in California the law is a 8:1 ratio in daycares. Twelve kids would require two teachers.

12-16-2004, 06:43 PM
Unfortunately, he probably has a horrible home life.

Spanking from the principal is NOT the discipline I would have used! He just had the fact that when you are mad at someone you hit them reinforced in his head one more time.

*sighs* I hope things get better for this child! I feel so bad for him, and your sister, too.

12-16-2004, 08:01 PM

Sounds like that kids family needs Nanny 911 :p

I feel bad for your sister, daycare jobs are hard work!

12-16-2004, 09:48 PM
I don't know the parents, but I'm pretty sure from what Kati says that he acts that way because of the way his parents are.

I just looked it up and the child to adult ratio is 11:1 in florida for a class of 2 year olds. Kati's class is 2 and under though, so she should have another person with her.

Also my Sister-in-law works at the same school teaching k-3 and if I remember right she has 17 kids and Florida law says no more than 15.

I'm going to forward it to Kati.

12-17-2004, 12:28 AM
oh no sry this happened

there is no way i would like a princeaple spank my kid but that is just me...

anyways how is everyone

12-17-2004, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by Puppy_Love4
oh no sry this happened

there is no way i would like a princeaple spank my kid but that is just me...

anyways how is everyone

The principle would only have to spank my son once. After that, he'd never misbehave again. I WISH my son's school had that option. There are a few kids in his class that need a good spanking.

12-17-2004, 05:19 PM
Being that the child is 2 spanking is obviously not working, since he is now thinking when someones mad they hit and thats what he is doing. He's learning it from his parents and at school. I'm in an Early childhood education program to become a preschool teacher and I would never dream of raising my hand to another persons child. Its not my place to disapline them that way. If another person hit my child I'd freak. This is my opinion so don't blast me for it. But my mouth dropped open when I saw that it said he was taken to the principles office to be spanked. Now don't get me wrong I do think nowadays some people are to soft on kids, but for him obviously the physical punishment is not working.

edit: Also I'm not against spanking your child either I'm against someone else spanking your child... Its really not working

12-17-2004, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Jods
Being that the child is 2 spanking is obviously not working, since he is now thinking when someones mad they hit and thats what he is doing. He's learning it from his parents and at school. I'm in an Early childhood education program to become a preschool teacher and I would never dream of raising my hand to another persons child. Its not my place to disapline them that way. If another person hit my child I'd freak. This is my opinion so don't blast me for it. But my mouth dropped open when I saw that it said he was taken to the principles office to be spanked. Now don't get me wrong I do think nowadays some people are to soft on kids, but for him obviously the physical punishment is not working.

edit: Also I'm not against spanking your child either I'm against someone else spanking your child... Its really not working

I would think that the parents would have to give permission. I would be livid if I didn't give someone permission and they spanked my child. It'd have to be a pretty serious offense for me to allow them to spank him anyways. Most issues I can deal with when he gets home.

12-17-2004, 05:36 PM
I don't think this is a "mean" kid, I really think its an emotional or psychological issue. :(

There needs to be another adult in that room, especially in this case. That little boy needs more attention, not annoyance (Not that its your sisters fault, she's wonderful for taking care of those kids. I'd hate to get bit and hit too!) - this sounds like a special needs case.

Is there anything that the school offers special needs kids?? A private school should be able to afford anther teacher/caregiver and some help for this child and his parents.

12-17-2004, 05:43 PM
Tonya: I would think that the parents would have to give permission. I would be livid if I didn't give someone permission and they spanked my child. It'd have to be a pretty serious offense for me to allow them to spank him anyways. Most issues I can deal with when he gets home.

Yes you are right. In this case though it doesn't seem to be working.

12-17-2004, 09:25 PM
Yeah, it makes no sense to discipline violence with physical punishment to me.

That is like catching your kid swear and saying "Don't you F%@#& say bad #@^&@ words or you'll be grounded! That is @#$^& trash talk for the #^@#$ gutter!"

12-18-2004, 10:17 AM
:rolleyes: Little kids! Tell your sister not to give up. She just needs to show him who is in charge.

12-19-2004, 08:42 PM
*I can't say that I agree with you!
I don't think it's natural or even healthy for a 2 YEAR OLD to act up like that at such an early age?!
I don't have kids but I know my friends kids never acted like that or I was never told they did.
Whatever happened to sweet, innocent children behaving "nicely" towards one another & ADULTS RESPECTIVELY?!


But really, it isn't natural for a kid that age to be that aggressive, there is something physically or psychologically affecting him. We can't give up on children, especially that young.