View Full Version : Kelly's Gone.....

12-15-2004, 10:25 AM
Again with the continuting saga of Kelli Cat....

So last time we talked, Kelli had been tricked into coming out of the basement and trapped upstairs by the hubby. Well, hubby had this great idea that he'd show me and he and Kelli would be happily playing when I got home from work Monday. Here's the two stories.....

According to Kelli, the treacherous hubby malicously tricked her out of her basement and held her hostage until she had to fight for her life....

According to hubby, he rescued her from being trapped behind the refridgerator. He took her to the couch to pet and brush her and she wasn't really happy about it, but she didn't try to run. Her collar had gotten behind one of her front legs (its got a little elastic piece that's supposed to keep them from choking) and so he took it off. As he went to put it back on, the cat frieked. She bit a half inch plug out of his wrist and left scratches so deep in his arms that you can peel them back and see meat :eek: :eek: .

He sure was glad when that cat let him go!!!

Now everytime Kelli comes near Stephen she tries to attack him, I mean being aggressive.:( . Needless to say, the cat just can't stay with us if she's going to act like that, we do have a 4 year old's welfare to consider too.

But on the bright side, her original mommy is wants to take her back. She found out that her daughter has some type of respritory disease that's causing all of her problems, and it wasn't a cat allergy after all. Kelli just wasn't adjusting to her new home; she spent two months hiding....running....hiding some more. I know she'll be happier back with her family, but I'm a little dissapointed, I guess, that I couldn't make it work. In the meantime, she's boarding with the White Coats (who think she's the cutest thing that ever existed) until her grandmeowmie can take her back to Atlanta next week.

BooBoo is staying with us, though. Where he was shy and intimidated by his origianal daddy's dog, he's now fat, happy and demaning bushings, scritches and headbumpies from everyone that comes in the door.:D . I'll try to get BooBoo Christmas pictures up this week.

Thanks to all of ya'll for listening and helping me & the cats through the transistion...Wish Kelli Luck - I hope she can just fall right back into her normal life without any trauma.

12-15-2004, 10:40 AM
Good Luck Kelli cat!

12-16-2004, 09:16 AM
The Found Cats,wish you luck Kelli Cat,and we hope,that you,and your Original Meoowmie,are reunited soon.